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Everything posted by Ozi

  1. Many years ago, when Bridgestone Tyres purchased Uniroyal Tyres, Uniroyal sent a delegate of employees to Japan to check out the operation and see what they could expect from their new employer, including some union shop stewards. On their return, they were asked if they saw anything they liked that would improve their working conditions. The list was endless, including: - the canteen that provided subsidised meals 24/7; - the free crèche for working mums; - subsidised accommodation for some employees; - company operated medical clinic; - etc. When asked if they could improve their Japanese counterparts working conditions, the list was endless, including: - shorter working hours; - increased penalty rates; - more tea breaks; - more sick days; - more annual leave; - leaving the workplace 15 mins before the end of the shift to clean up on company time; - signing on then changing into work clothes; - etc. It's worth noting that the Japanese workers did a shift change at the workplace, to avoid any disruption to production. Also worth noting that the canteen was self service and deposit payment into a cash barrel. There was always more money deposited than the value of the food consumed. Want to know what caused the decline of our society? Not the rich entrepreneurs that created the employment opportunities, but the greedy workers, demanding more and more benefits for less and less production, no longer prepared to do an honest days work for an honest wage. Add the poor bugger me, you owe me a living lazy fucking bludgers to the equation and there's the real answer, we priced ourselves out of the market and are now paying the price.
  2. Today I received this in a PM, obviously I offended someone: Don't you ever get tired of being such a total racist ass?? "And where the hell will that leave the poor black rioters, taking away their rights to loot. " Give it a rest, FFS. I did give it some serious thought. The initial problem of course is I don't get tired, it comes naturally and doesn't require any additional energy. Unfortunately, unless someone has discovered some eutopian society that I haven't been made aware of, where there are no muslims (sorry, members of islam which maintains my racist title) trying to take over the world, where crime rates are so low that I don't need to carry personal protection (remembering there are more blacks in prisons because more blacks commit crimes), etc etc etc, then I guess a racist I am and a racist I will remain.
  3. At government level, there is talk about building a Canadian wall, but it's to keep you yanks out of Canada, not the other way round. But that's dumb politicians talking, not everyday normal people. I work with US Marines and Canadian Rangers, and we treat each other as brothers. Everyone would take a bullet for the other. Sadly you've obviously never experienced that level of camaraderie. Standing joke: If you meet someone with a North American accent and you're not sure where he's from, never ask him if he's American, ask him if he's Canadian, that way if you get it wrong, you won't offend anyone.
  4. You ALMOST got it right. In Leora's case, it's HER puppies I'm interested in.
  5. Apologies for the late response to this statement, didn't see this when it was originally posted. How could I have possibly missed such a highly intelligent comment. Fuck you RLC, what right do you think you have protecting your copyright and then tricking fuckwits with hidden watermarks and banning them for copying (stealing) your property. This kind of capitalist behaviour is just the beginning, before you know it well be illegal to take things from stores and not pay for. And where the hell will that leave the poor black rioters, taking away their rights to loot.
  6. Two nuns were travelling through Transylvania, stopping at the lights, a vampire jumped on the bonnet of their car and was clawing at the windscreen. "Shoo, shoo" yelled the driver. Nothing happened. "Now what do I do?" she asked, and the other nun said "Turn on the wipers to scrape him off". Still nothing happened. "Now what do I do?" she asked again. "I know", said the other nun, "Show him you're cross". "Get the fuck off my car you lousy piece of shit before I come out their and rip your fucking eyes out".
  7. Stupid fucking topic. Indian girls! Sexy or not? Which ones? All of them? Just the good looking ones, or those that are considered unattractive. as well? An ugly women can still be an awesome fuck and therefore very sexy. Billy Connolly (great Scottish comedian) once said when he was talking about muslims and their virgins, "Give me two decent whores over 40 giggling, nubile teenage virgins any day". A short, fat ugly woman is probably going to look sexy to a short, fat ugly man 'cos that's probably all he's ever going to get, unless he pays, and that's no fun. Every culture has sexy, attractive women, as well as non sexy, unattractive women. Also, you are basing your standards on western ideals. I bet most of us would struggle to get a hard on when presented with what an Inuit would classify as attractive, and they would probably turn away from our so called super models, with or without make-up and airbrushing. I went out with a very attractive girl, that would be visually classified as sexy, yet dumb as dog shit and a lousy fuck. I've been out with average looking girl, that wouldn't be classified as sexy, again based on looks, but as far as sex goes, I was begging at her door every weekend. Fortunately I finally met my wife who covers all the bases, and I work hard every day to keep her. And after 30+ years, she's still the sexiest thing I've ever known.
  8. I think it's gone past that. I've logged on three days in a row and he is in exactly the same position. I think maybe he's passed away and Lera hasn't noticed.
  9. What, a racing harness? Like the trainer that married his jockey. When they got to the hotel, the manager apologised because he had let the honeymoon suite go. He did offer him the bridal as a compromise, but the trainer declined saying his riding skills weren't that bad and he would hang on to her ears till he got his balance.
  10. Beauties is this context are things or persons that give intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, arising in this instance from sensory manifestations. Derogatory would, in this context, be calling the tenants fat or ugly (or both). The post stated they are not beauties, not generating intense pleasure, that's not derogatory, that's a fact. Many may still find them attractive, but they don't generate intense pleasure from sensory manifestations. Shit, that's more pleasantries than an Ozi can handle for one day. For fucks sake princess, give it away, put the tissues in the bin and go out to your man cave, pick up a hammer and build something, or destroy something, anything.
  11. Or as an older ozi generation might say, "wouldn't fuck it with someone else's dick"!
  12. To have a "what are they doing today" thread, someone would have to "stalk them". Paint any kind of bullshit you can think of to describe it, but stalking is what it would be. As for getting to know them for a little while, come on. Fake lives in front of a camera 24/7, poor acting in many cases, sometimes almost scripted, what do you possibly think you could know about them, other than what they look like naked, how many tattoos and moles they've got and how well they fuck, or don't.
  13. The Northern Territory is almost a different planet. It's not even a State in it's own right, has some self-government but much is still controlled by the Commonwealth. Yet, with a total population of less than 250,000 people spread over 520,000 square miles, its Chief Minister is paid more than the Australian Prime Minister. Some of the country is so spectacular, if John Wayne were still alive he'd want to make a cowboy movie. If you remade Deliverance, you wouldn't need to employ actors, just use some of the local population. If you were looking for a reason to introduce apartheid, you'd find it in the towns. A mate of mine, ex Army, moved up there recently. Got a job as a Transport Security Officer, spends all day in an air-conditioned 4x4 following buses and sorts out the occasional unruly passenger, nearly always drunk blacks. Shitty, boring job but for $120,000 per annum someone's got to do it. The 276km stretch of road with open speed limits, is a stunt to increase tourism. We do get the occasional Jap that will come over to push himself and his car to its limits and there have been deaths. The car might be capable of high speeds, but the driver probably isn't and the roads aren't good enough. Some car manufacturers do bring their vehicles over, professional well kitted crews, to test their vehicles. I believe this maybe one of only 3 places you can do this. Throw in the added heat, it really pushes cars to their limit.
  14. Now that's a Mustang! Speed limits in Australia range from 10 kilometres per hour in shared zones to 110 kilometres per hour. In the Northern Territory three highways have 130 kilometres per hour zones and a 276km section of the Stuart Highway is unlimited.
  15. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). Both on the lounge together, good time to call it a night before all the fucking idiots that will see this as potentially a lesbian affair come out of the woodwork.
  16. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). I think we've all seen plenty of girl parts, this is far sexier.
  17. At the risk of being ripped apart I will admit to liking this one Chrysler, 1962 Valiant S. I have never owned one but would be willing to buy a good example, as long as the rust had been removed from the floor pan, boot and engine compartment. Just love the shape, real classic lines. But all that would be dropped in a heartbeat for a 1968 GTS 327 cubic inch V8 250bhp.
  18. The death of the locally built Ford is all but final, today the first 500 Mustangs arrived in Australia, a first as they are right hand drive straight off the production line. There is already a 12 month waiting list, ordered sight unseen and untested. Apparently GM are a little behind the eight ball, having killed off the Commodore and Monaro muscle car, but we have to wait for up to five years for the Chevvy Camaro, their answer to the Mustang. I think that Ford and GM are going to try and fuck us over but it will backfire because Toyota are the top selling manufacturer, followed closely by others like Mazda and Hyundai in the top ten this year.
  19. Here's a couple of teenagers girls. They would have grown up to be very attractive young women. Fortunately you can't see them because they were hanged after they were gang raped.
  20. Well, it turns out we do have a thanksgiving day, I never knew about it. It's predominantly a religious theme. Thanks TBG, learn something new every day.
  21. Be thankful if you can walk down the sidewalk, minding your own business, without being mugged and if you are, be thankful if you live in a country that allows you to carry a weapon to protect yourself, for the rest there may not be a tomorrow.
  22. His penis is pretty long but I'm not sure he could get it in his mouth.
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