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Everything posted by Ozi

  1. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  2. So if it's real hair she looks good but if its an extension, she doesn't? That's intelligent.
  3. So Leora is not a porn actress, yet you find clips of her on dozens of porn sites. Interesting. So a women masturbating and screwing on camera is not considered porn in Russia. What is? People performing live 24/7 is a common reality show in Russia, broadcast on television. So are there more sites like RLC out there?
  4. The truth is, that's all we fight for, most of us just don't realise it.
  5. Anywhere is the right place to post it mate. Sadly, our countries are the way they are despite the sacrifices made and still being made. We are still spending millions in support and sending troops overseas fighting for countries that don't want or don't appreciate our help, while our governments continue to sell out our own countries from under our feet. I would still go overseas if my government asked me to, that's what I signed up for, to serve. But the only reason I'd fight now is to protect my mates, nothing else is worth it.
  6. I've seen Leora pour herself into those black tights and just as tight skirt, that's no stripper costume. though the black tights did throw me a bit, not normal. As for risking her reputation, bit late for that. I typed in the wrong address and somehow ended up in a voyeur video clips site and there was Leora, in all her glory, masturbating, walking around naked, giving Paul the odd blow job. There will be clips of her in uniform out there as well. Leora's fame as a porn star is well established now, nothing you or this site did could have made things any worse. Everybody raves about Leora and what they would do if they were Paul, who obviously doesn't have a strong sex drive. Some people don't think that's normal, but it's certainly not abnormal, probably more common than many think. Don't forget, most of the demographic that logs into RLC and CC probably have a higher than average sex drive which places them at the opposite end of the scale to Paul. I certainly wouldn't live in an RLC house, even when I was much younger and definitely would not be interested in a girlfriend that flaunted all her wares on line. Most blokes, if they were being honest, wouldn't either. How many of us could live with a stripper? Like it or not, Leora is part of the porn industry, which does restrict her career options, something she will have to live with and manage the best she can.
  7. Or at least hit him over the head with a book.
  8. If you believe that, then I feel sorry for you, you have obviously never been in a meaningful relationship. I have been married to my wife for many, many, many, many years and we haven't and never will, lose interest in each other.
  9. Why doesn't it surprise me to find that a stupid foul mouth that thinks they are really clever doesn't actually have the brains to realise that the pillows only block the free cam.
  10. I see you've stopped taking your medication again.
  11. Or maybe she realised how many weirdos are out there.
  12. You are right you can put anything you like on your signature block, I change mine all the time to push a point of view, sometimes pretty weird. But I am curious, what makes you think that statement is the truth?
  13. That's right I didn't because while I was watching she didn't. Unlike many on this site, I don't make up crap.
  14. Edited version. Saint Teresa’s lament: “More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered prayers.” By Steve Faber Donald Trump, to many, is alluring. He’s been cleaning up in the polls. He represents our confusion: Is he “real” or “authentic”? To the fictional city of Washingwood, he’s an orgasm, the perfect collision of foreplay leading to climax, a false entertainment meeting a political reality. When Trump says what’s on his mind, he’s telling you he has enough fuck-you money to say what’s on his mind with little to no regard for the consequences of doing so. But in our desperate search for authenticity, Trump is (at press time) either leading or in second place in every national poll, apparently because “he says it as it is.” No, he doesn’t. He just says it. So does my neighbor when he’s drunk. Do you want him in the Oval Office? Every human being with a thought process has an opinion. People of power who simply express their opinion without examining the consequences care very little for those to whom they express it. They care that it is televised, publicized, argued over, agreed with (or not). Mostly, however, they care that they have the power of a platform from which to express it. Many Americans live vicariously through reality shows. (Otherwise, why televise them?) However, substituting reality for authenticity in a man who has nuclear-launch codes, the ability to order other men and women into peril and death, the ability to send our political economy into the gutter, and a bully pulpit to denigrate other nations and nationalities? That is goddamn dangerous. America, why do we ache for what we know is false? Why do we delude ourselves? Why are we unable to simply search for true authenticity and, if it is nonexistent, simply say so, instead of biting the apple we know is toxic? When did we give up on policy and substitute it with the obnoxious sound bite? Back to Saint Teresa’s lament. Our prayers for authenticity may result in tears if those prayers are answered. Donald Trump is a prayer, trust me, that you do not want answered.
  15. I doubt if you and your guests are under surveillance 24/7 either.
  16. The day I found this thread.
  17. Great, so let them pay. In the meantime, even the odd occasion I can be bothered logging on to RLC, I nearly always catch Leora walking around nude or masturbating, or Carla and Mario fucking each others brains out, or Masha and Sasha exercising, her giving him a blow job or sex on the lounge, on the floor, in the kitchen. From what I've read recently, nothing much happens in the other 10 apartments. So the theory posted was that RLC provide all this on free cams to rope me in to pay? Pay for what? Great strategy.
  18. Don't have an issue with your post and have no reason to doubt you. I was however, commenting purely on what was happening at the time I was watching and responding to the hair brain comments being posted. The two having sex, whatever their relationship, were both enjoying themselves, her probably more than him and she certainly didn't look, act or sound intoxicated. When they were finished he got up and brought her a drink then she curled up next to him on the lounge. The other guy, who knows, I don't think he knew what they were doing, certainly no reaction other than the conversation. I just found the comments of being used as a fuck doll, debasing herself, somewhat strange for a voyeur site, with who knows how many people jerking off in the background. Who's debasing themselves?. I've read some of the older posts and it seems to be there is a competition to see who can come up with the most outlandish, ridiculous scenarios, based on not so vivid or intelligent imaginations. Reminds me of a comedy show called "Thank god you are here". They used to throw a comedian into a scenario with other actors, but he was the only one that didn't know what the topic was about or even what his character was, he had to ad lib and make it up as he went along. This thread is MUCH funnier.
  19. Debasing herself? How? By screwing while one guy is sitting on a beanbag watching her, or by screwing in front of a camera for the dozens of wankers sitting at home in front of their computers jerking off. For fucks sake, wake up.
  20. Don't watch this site but thought I'd take a look. A few obvious points, THEY are not using her like a fuck doll, only one is screwing her. She is obviously enjoying it, laughing and giggling the whole time. He, whoever he is, got up to get her a drink. She's having just as much fun, maybe she is using him. Why does it always have to be the male fucking the shit out of the female? Why can't it be the other way round. Are you all that chauvinistic or just impotent and can't handle the thought of a dominant female.
  21. That makes so much sense, after all, RLC makes so much money from the freeloaders who watch the free cams, they probably don't know what to do with it all.
  22. Yes it will.
  23. Actually, this is a quote from you as well: "Well rlc has many apartments so i got an easy solution for u, dont Watch her if u dont like her, thats why there is many apartments there is something for everyone. I like her, finally we got a really curvy girl." I'm guessing you are a paid RLC member, not just a free loader because I notice, like me, you are not a paid CC member.
  24. The muslim community got together this weekend to create a united front against terrorism. Among them was Ismail al-Wahwah, the Sydney-based leader of HuT, who was filmed in two sermons last year describing Jews as the "hidden evil" and calling for a "jihad against the Jews". This is what they called the rally: And two of the key messages that came out of all the talk: muslim children should not be forced to sing the Australian anthem and "de-radicalisation" is an agenda of forced assimilation. Now you know why I'd be happy to shoot the fucking lot of them.
  25. They are probably aware you are a highly regarded and often sought after mendor and didn't want to ignore your opinion.
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