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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. @turkey - Keep seeing the same mannerisms. Macy sure is quite the spitter too. Looks like she has a cold sore on her bottom lip. Starting to think that she does not have Tourettes or anything similar. I think it is more like a bad habit/ritual that she might have started at a young age and has followed through the years. If she is busy then you don't notice anything but as she moves around slowly doing minor stuff then it would appear her mind tells her to do the motions/movements often. The only thing that comes to mind that she might have is - Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental and behavioral disorder in which a person has intrusive thoughts (called "obsessions") and/or feels the need to perform certain routines repeatedly (called "compulsions") to an extent where it induces distress or impairs one's general functioning. Some compulsions include but are not limited to excessive hand washing or cleaning, arranging things in a particular way, having to perform actions according to specific rules, counting, constantly seeking reassurance, and compulsive checking behavior.[8][11][12] Many adults with this disorder are aware that the behaviors do not make sense.[8] Compulsions are performed to achieve relief from the distress caused by obsessions.[10][11][13] These compulsions may occur to such a degree that the person's daily life is negatively affected.[8] They typically take up at least an hour of each day but can fill a person's day in severe cases.[8][11] The condition is associated with tics, anxiety disorder, and an increased risk of suicide The only reason or clue that makes me believe it might be something similar to OCD is because I work with 3 individuals that have their own distinct behavioral habits. They do functional normally except for those specific things that they do which we notice and for us it stands out to be not normal. They are good people. I suggest you research Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) on the internet and decide if some of this applies to her. Everyone gets it differently and I read that it can create issues related to sex too (not my business so read about that also). Hard to figure out the dynamics of this place but I have observed Macy's mannerisms so hopefully this is of some help. If any reply to this post or comment and want examples of what my co-workers do that are not normal but routine or compulsive to them I will give you some examples.
  2. Surprised that RLC diehards haven't talked about and anxiously waiting for the makeup sex - LMFAO.
  3. Dumb blonde and curly cockhead are compliments of RLC. We all seen it coming and even RLC knew the dynamics but RLC desperately needs them so they condone the fuckhead. Spousal abuse will be tolerated by RLC unless push comes to shove - pun very much intended. Looks good on you RLC - you useless pieces of shit. SHUT YOUR FUCKING SITE DOWN NOW!!!
  4. You got that right. At first I thought it would be a nice new forum to talk about VHTV but it sure has a lot of control freaks. If you say something it is mostly bashed or interpreted wrong. Just in a few weeks it seems like some got tired of it and only the same talkers are left. To me, it seems that VHTV lost the plot and the ship is sailing aimlessly and totally messed up. The forum is just as scattered as the scatterbrains commenting stupid stuff.
  5. I believe he checks it out sometimes but rarely posts here. He mainly posts on xcamfan. Sad to say, but camcaps is 95% about RLC and politics. With some new weird apartments/houses on VHTV I am losing interest in VHTV and it is becoming a laughing stock.
  6. I use all three forums but all three are weak with participants. VHTV Forum is cluttered and a tough read. Good thing is early pics of tenants. Some VHTV participants also are involved in the VHTV forum which I like. I post VHTV pics heavily on xcamfan. Camcaps and xcamfan sure have less participants than 3 months ago and because of this these two sites are less interesting to follow and basically the same few participants yappin' about the same crap every day. Diversity sure would help both these sites but members are too stuck on brutal RLC. VHTV Forum commenters can be just as ignorant, stupid and argumentative but I guess that is the norm for these types of forums. My belief is that if RLC shuts down you would see both camcaps and xcamfan slowly fade away (a site is not viable with 1 to 5 daily participants which could get to that point if RLC shutters).
  7. No matter how shitty RLC is the forum commenters sure ignore VHTV. Some VHTV apartments are not talked about for 1 or 2 months or never. WHY ARE SO MANY CAMCAPS MEMBERS STUCK ON RLC AND WON"T GIVE IT A REST UNTIL IT IMPROVES? All I see is bickering back and forth about the RLC apartments but I guess that gives them the justification that RLC is still alive and a happening site - LMFAO.
  8. Hey Leora, you are the Queen of RLC - why don't you use your clout and tell your RLC bosses to open up the free cams only for your apartment since you are the #1 most watched tenant and most admired. All the other apartments suck shit and you are hurting financially because of those lazy boring asses. This way you will get more subscribers and bonus money since you deserve it. I know you can do it - for all your thousands of fans.
  9. At the top of the page there is an enveope symbol between the bell notification symbol and your username. Click on enveope and should open and type your message and to who you want to send the PM to.
  10. In the same boat as you. Not seeing anything until a free cam opens up makes it more special when "I can see" - lol. From the little I catch and from all the talk - RLC is still boring and brutal as ever. Most of the talk is exaggerated ooohs and aaahs about absolutely nothing.
  11. Saw her about 9 hours ago wearing a robe. Not many camarads tenants are home long enough to see anything between their outside work or other stuff and sleeping. Quite the boring site. Might be more real of all the voyeur cam sites but slim to no chance of catching something good to satisfy a voyeur.
  12. Totally agree. If I get a chance to see Leora I only enjoy looking at her because, to me, she is eye-candy. Don't care for her repetitive masturbation shows and disliked her fake lesbian shows with Malia. Watching her walk around with sexy clothes, skimpy revealing clothes, half naked or totally naked is enough to satisfy my voyeur type teasing. Didn't mind watching her having sex with Paul years ago but today she doesn't suck cock or eat pussy. Sad -
  13. I think RLC got a deal with the twins - Buy One and Get The Second One Free (2 for the price of 1) - since they are so attached - lol.
  14. If RLC goes down it will be very happy that camcaps and xcamfan go down with it. Both sites have lost a significant amount of participants over the last year but even more over the last 5 or 6 months. Camcaps forum commenters mainly chat about RLC while the Chat Room at xcamfan is mainly dedicated to RLC supporters (4 to 5 members) who talk for maybe 2 or 3 hours a day, if that. Sure VHTV Forum grabbed some VHTV supporters from camcaps but it is very few because their frequency of commenting has died down lately (VHTV product is very questionable and most apartments unwatchable). Camcaps and xcamfan have relied too heavily on RLC and it is dying and so has both these sites. Argue all you want but the amount of members participating has dwindled and, if anything, it is always the same few talking. Majority, if not all, new members joining don't participate. If no RLC then what will members talk about? Mostly i see heated discussions about politics and arguments about RLC tenants. For camcaps and xcamfan, why limit what you talk about and why put all your eggs in one basket? No RLC - then what? The Sounds Of Silence
  15. Funny that you mentioned it because I thought that I was the only one to observe it. She is a damn cute girl and a bit skinny but she teased the hell out of me with that revealing dress so I kept watching her - she is to me what I refer to as " a very good voyeur tease". Front cleavage, side boobs showing, nipple pokies and I believe she didn't wear panties so I was trying to catch a pussy reveal. Okay, back to what I thought was her having certain mannerisms/habits but you might be correct that they did seem spontaneous and a repetitive routine as if uncontrolled. She appeared to touch her stomach and then with her hand it seemed like she made the sign of the cross to her head and across her chest. I did see her bend down and shake her hair a few times too. I had limited time so just saying what I kept seeing in maybe 20 minutes. Another thing that I observed was that she seems to be a frequent spitter - saw her spit in the sink and then spit into an empty plastic bag that she then threw in the garbage. I heard about Tourette's Syndrome with the outbursts of swear words but other symptons I don't know. Could be something similar but different types of movements in a manner of 2 or 3 seconds does make you wonder what it is. If I get a chance I will observe her movements and my kind of tease.
  16. Supposedly they will be fixed and the tripods are only temporary (perhaps just like the tenants - lol).
  17. I think someone in the VHTV forum said that Macy is the one in the yellow dress. She has a hairy pussy and hairy armpits to match. She hasn't showed her asshole yet so don't know if it is hairy too but I used my algorithim calculation to answer that and it has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percent at a 95 percent level of confidence that it is also hairy - 🤣 al·go·rithm a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
  18. Most of these owners/managers get arrogant and end up making bad decisions that eventually cause their business to fail. Customer service and feedback from their customers/subscribers will give them ideas as to what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong. RLC disowned the subscribers but owned the subscriber's money, that's it in a nutshell. RLC has done everything wrong and I suspect that they are not just bleeding but rather they are now hemmorhaging big time.
  19. Been saying this on xcamfan. RLC is doing everything wrong in trying to maintain subscribers with useless returnees or tempt new subscribers by locking or minimizing free cams. Dumb fucks. In my opinion, the only way now for RLC to regain it's foothold among the voyeur cam sites is to allow posting of images which would be a huge draw for current, cancelled or not renewed subscribers or potential new subscribers. Even if RLC kept the same tenants but allowed the posting of images it might be enough to pull in the crowd. Locking free cams is the most stupidest thing they ever did and it has turned so many away in such a short time. They did this to themselves
  20. Good. I didn't so now I have to PM Admin to request the username change but I am holding off and in the meantime I am incognito - lol. If you see comments by Tyrel72971 - THAT'S ME - dougiestyle4u. SHHHHHHH!!! - don't tell anyone - LMFAO.
  21. Sorry, I made an edit for a mistake. At the end of a person's message it is a gray reply button. First send message might give you a different username that you can change.
  22. Just click the blue reply button in the conversation for the topic you are in and a message box opens up for you to type your words and then click the blue reply button again. Also, if you want to reply to a specific person's message then click that gray reply button at the end of their message. Very easy to do.
  23. Okay, okay I will try them out - lol. Transexuals don't bother me and some are quite nice looking and tempting - LMFAO. As I keep saying - I looky, no touchy - lol.
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