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Everything posted by mic351

  1. With a hat tip to Little Richard...
  2. I have the utmost respect for that office. I simply have no respect for the man that sits in it now. I don't think the athletes are doing anything to that office. I also believe the main stream media's influence is far over stated. Do you believe all they put out? Yeah. Me neither. I get most of my US News online or from the BBC believe it or not.. I pay absolutely no attention to Faux News; and very little to MSNBC or CNN.
  3. Funny, I think anybody who doesn't believe the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians is a complete and total idiot. Trumps own action brought about the appointment of a special counsel . His asking Comey to halt the investigation of Flynn and his firing of Comey (In which he later admitted was because of "that Russian Thing")
  4. Yep! I did. He outed an Israeli agent embedded in Hamas to the Russians. He refused to place sanctions on Russia until forced to do so by Congress. He rewrote the statement his son made when he met with Russian Agents. He's obstructed Justice re: the Russian investigation a number of times. Do I think he personally colluded with the Russians to get elected? No, I don't think he's smart enough to do that and get away with it for so long. Do I think his campaign did? Absolutely! Do I think it will come out that the Russians have something over him, such as money laundering prior to his becoming President, oh yeah. Do I think he's a lying, racist, hate mongering, misogynistic, narcissistic individual? Yep! I also think given his over-all character, those are his good points . BTW, it might interest you to know I am a registered independent who voted for Reagan once and McCain . But I am also an american who loves his country and hates to see what he's doing to the dignity of that office.
  5. As another Marine who was also wounded in combat I am dismayed by the toxic rhetoric you guys throw to other Americans. While I may disagree with alot of what is said in here I am mindful that once again WE ARE ALL AMERICANS!!! Now I don't know about you guys but I fought with conservatives, liberal, libertarians, blacks, browns, yellows, and the one thing they had in common is they were all my brothers in arms. Not matter what their political leanings I never really gave a shit who was next to me during contact or in the hole, I was just glad he was an American. Seems you guys with your hate for fellow Americans forgot that. Personally, I consider Trump a traitor and a Russian Agent but no one in here has to agree with me. I think there's plenty of evidence but no matter how much evidence some of you are not going to agree with me and that's ok. I am not going to go so far as to call you a conservapuke or traitor because you don't agree with what I say.. I fought and almost gave my life so you could have the right to say it. I'm not going to type in super large type and I am not going to get into attacking the messenger instead of the message. It has been my experience in life that those who engage in personal attacks during the course of a debate know they are beat and the only avenue they have is one of vulgarity or insultsts. Lighten up guys and remember, we all generally want the same thing and we all love our country. How's about showing a bit of that love towards your fellow countrymen? Or at least try to be a bit civil with each other.
  6. God! I am so tied of having to log out and then log back in because of all the buffering. I am thoroughly disgusted think I'm going to give up and call it a night..😠
  7. Nah, Candy and Kyle are only talking..
  8. Misty got an attitude right at the start when Kyle started to watch the playing around. Dean was ready to go and even started on Lexy when Pete stopped and called a halt.
  9. It looks like Pete can't handle Lexy with dean. I think it's been that way ever since that incident at Alex and Anna's place..
  10. And the little white circle goes round and round, round and round, round and round.. And the little white circle goes round and round all through the night.... Dedicated to the Dickheads at VH...
  11. He had to get 200 million from daddy to start and even when daddy bailed him out in Atlantic city, he still went belly up!
  12. New flesh or not, I stand by my post..😝
  13. "And the white little circle goes round and round, round and round, round and round. And the white little circle goes round and round, all through the night"
  14. A rather perfunctory fuck..
  15. Well thought and well said. "Hat Tip"
  16. Dasm! I didn't know Clinton and Obama were still presidents. I thought "Bone Spurs Drumpf" was...
  17. 14-months from June 69 to August 70. Better schools, with Betsy Devos? LOL! Only if you are a rich person and have a private charter school. More secure voting??? ROTFLMAO! You gotta be kidding me!! Better infrastructure? Where's the legislations? More secure borders? only if you are brown skinned or black. If you're Russian? Not so much.. But then since he's Putin's man I did not expect any less.
  18. And you are right, it is a great country.. It was my honor and privilege to serve. It was not my honor to get shot and get hit with shrapnel 😝!
  19. I believe in free speech anytime for anybody.. Whether I like what you say or not this progressive Marxist fought and was wounded twice for your right to say whatever the hell stupid shit you want. Query, did you serve? But I will tell you this. As long as people like you don't realize that no matter what your politics are. That we are all Americans. That we almost all want the same things; i.e, better schools, better infrastructure, more secure borders and more secure voting process That we simply have different ways of achieving those goals. As long as people like you seek to label and divide, then the fat cats win because we will never unite to make a better America. It's people like you who are the problem, not the solution..
  20. Yep! 19 indictments and 4 guilty pleas from a Repuke special counsel and it's all a big joke! Keep on drinking that kool-aid..
  21. I'll start bitching about the welfare system when you fascist conservatives start bitching about all the corporate welfare you are supporting out there. The intent of a capitalist society should be to let businesses succeed or fail on their own merits and business practices. However, the the Federal Government spends almost 50% more in corporate subsidies (corporate welfare) than it does on all the food stamps and housing assistance. Are you aware that many military families receive food stamps? Are you aware that the Walton Family is one of the richest families in history yet a significant number of full time Walmart employees subsidized their groceries via food stamps? Are you aware that almost 10% of the Amazon employees in Ohio need food stamps because of the substandard pay? So get on up to the trough like the rest of the corporate lackeys. When the wage stagnation hits you or when they cut your medicare, social security or va benefits, I'll be there to smile at you...
  22. It does not look like Mira is either in the mood or very interested in this couple...😕
  23. And black screens with revolving circles..😀 Sorry, I couldn't resist that..
  24. I have followed Violet and Jeff as one of my favorite couples since day 1. I have yet to see violet show the slightest inclination of being bi. So I would be very very very pleasantly surprised to see anything more than the present tease. But I would be very ecstatic to be proved wrong.. 😝
  25. Actually Robwin, I think the quote is attributed to Einstein and I believe it goes: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." But I think we all get your point. And it is a good one..
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