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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 25 minutes ago, Sexygirl said:

    Ok. I understend now. Well i think for all we need time. 😍 I was very excited,Anni the same but just enjoy what s heppend,what will be next. We don t know what will be ,because it is not something on the paper"today we do this,tommorow this". 


    Playing hard to get huh?  Ok, I can wait this out...:biggrin::blush:

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  2. NO.  Hell no.  I can always see that.  I can't see you and your guest girlfriend anywhere else but here.  I think the both of you are gorgeous and I think you are genuine.  I've been waiting for days for you the guest girl to party down.  You get ol so close and today I was hoping, along with many others I might add, that you guys would go for it;  all the sudden you just stopped..  Broke my heart.:huh::cry::sad::heart:

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  3. Personally I would have no problem with Em staying in the extra bedroom and kicking Sid's ass out the door.  I think with the right couple, Lexy and Pete, Em could turn out to be quite a wild little lady.  Let's face it, she's got a rocking bod and that night in the guest room with the guest shows just how sexual she can be given the right setting.  I'd hate to see her go but if Sid and her are a package and she can't leave Sid, well then I guess that's it..:sad:

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