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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 3 minutes ago, runawaygroom said:


    the gang is here. to extend sub is my decision. respect or not.  ı have no time to show you something  pretty ridiculous and absurd. are you ceo of vhtv?go to nerves, why?

    Quite frankly guy I don't think anyone here, outside of VH, gives a rat's ass whether you extend or not.  I know I don't.  You posted a comment and a couple of people responded.  Lighten up.  Life's too short to pee in your cheerios over comments that may disagree with but  do not attack you!:biggrin:

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  2. On 4/4/2018 at 2:39 PM, Voyeur House TV said:

    Thank you for drawing our attention to the cameras arrangement. We are doing our best to make the content better. That's why your opinion is so important for us. We would be very much obliged to you if you can give us an advice how we could improve the cams placement in the pointed apartments.

    Ok, let's take Ray and Polly's Apartment.  In the lounge realm 19, cam 15, is placed too high.  Inasmuch as this cam is mounted, it would behoove you to lower this cam about 2 feet.  The viewing would be closer and far better while still allowing for the wide angle.  Cam 11, in this realm should be titled about 10 degrees more to the right (As you are looking at the picture.).  Cam 13 could also be lowered about 18".  Cam 12 should be moved out and placed right to the edge of the window sill.  Cam 18 in this realm should also be lowered a bit.  In Henry and Mira's apartment their center bedroom cam is the height that seems to be the best for viewing.

    Most the the gripes I have heard, and that I subscribe to is that many of the cameras are too far from the "action" and the angles are bad for say, the showing of actual penetration..

    Once again, I am not plugging your competition but look at the cams over at RLC.  Most of them are close to the action and the angles are such that they allow for maximum viewing pleasure. 

    Lastly, you'd do yourself and your participants a big favor if you got rid of the tripods and reverted to all mounted cams.  Those tripods carry a big psychological burden and scream out for guests to pay attention to the cams.  I know if I was a guest every time I saw those tripods I would remember I am being filmed.  This could have a chilling effect on the guests and their adverse reaction to same.  

    You asked for it, you got it.  Hope you consider these suggestions.  I think it will help the site grow and I don't think these few alterations would cost very much..

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Lexy&Pete said:

    Yes true but I am applying for a residential visa once we are there and in maximum 3 months I will get it, so we might have to leave again Russia if I don’t get it within a month.

    We came to Hungary to open the first apartment here and we thought if we would like it we will apply for the residentl visa and stay, but we do prefer Russia more and we are planing to settle there anyway.


    What country are you from originally?

  4. Just now, Lexy&Pete said:

    We do prefer Russia for many reasons, but even if we wanted to stay here we can’t because we can stay 3 months max and we are about to reach that limit, and getting resident visa to stay longer is more than difficult.


    Ok, my mistake.  Sorry guys.  I thought you were from Hungary and you went back home.  I guess one would almost always prefer their homeland. I'll  tell you what though.  It doesn't matter which country you are in, if you are on cam I'm going to watch!:heart::blush:

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  5. Nah.  They had sex.  Like most of the time, Ray cared about getting himself off and didn't give a shit about the girls.  Hence it was sex and not making love.  Moreover, I don't think the girls really care for each other that much.  I noticed how they both kept watching the other when they thought the other was not looking.  Was no love lost in those looks.  I know they are not supposed to be a couple but I have seen Polly hurt and jealous on more than one occasion..

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