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Posts posted by mic351

  1. Whole lottas bitching in here about people bitching in here.  My take is this, if you're going to bitch, bitch about something that matters.  Such as the crappy, lighting, crappy cam placement, crappy servers and infernal buffering.  Perhaps if enough people bitch we'll see some over-all site improvement.. 

    Bitching about the tenants seems to only piss them off if they read the forums and piss others in here off if they don't.  I confess, I have been  guilty too at times.  For instance, I hate mole sex!!  Hate it I tell you!!  HATE IT!!:biggrin:  I hate the blinds spot in almost all the apartments where often the tenants will hide for amorous encounters (like that amorous, didn't ya Jabbath? :biggrin:

    Conversely, to bitch simply because someone doesn't have a 11" dick (Yeah before anyone brings it up I did mention someone's little we we once; but I also apologized for it so there! ::)). Or to bitch because a certain apartment doesn't have continuous or does have continuous cam shows seems, to me, to be an exercise in futility.  Although I guess if you have no life and you are afraid of your wife, kids, neighbors, and just about anyone else, this is as good a place as any to vent your frustrations about your miserable life.  I guess...:huh:    

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  2. 9 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

    how do you say "loser" in russian? clara sucking his dick, throwing herself at him, stas is fine with it, & this guy says no? i'm in shock!:huh:

    I know I'd be all over her like white on rice..  Like stink on s**t!  Like flies on garbage.  Like Pooh bear on Honey..  I think you get my drift..:biggrin::biggrin:

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    It would come out of thier pocket though. We complain about the apts a lot, but the truth of it is that any place can be great if the cams are set up right and the lighting is done right. The problem is that VH has no standards when it comes to the set up and the managers always pick the cheapest, least time consuming way to set it up. They need a dedicated team to set up the apts. The first premise should be no black boxes. The second, no cam can see any other cam. The third, lighting is important make it work! I talk about all of this im my school.

    I mentioned this in a post a while back.  VH then asked me to give them some suggestions on setting up cams.  I made a few suggestions relative to an apartment and said suggestions were promptly ignored.  I also suggested they have a "placement tech" who would view the layout of an apartment before it went on line and then place the cams for optimum viewing.  That suggestion was ignored also..  I am beginning to believe it is all about quantity and not quality..

  4. 23 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Yes, the tenants pay the rent. If they don't make enough to pay the rent the manager is on the hook to eat the loss and decide what to do next. This is suppoed to be the way it works and tenants are supposed to drop off by attrition. Thing is that a lot of times these people know each other and they have compassion for their underlings and so it's not the usual case that tenants get axed right away because they miss a rent payment in a month. There's a lot of ebb and flow and understanding. VH cleans their hands of the whole thing by forcing the manager to be the bad guy when the day comes. The real interesing ones to keep an eye on in this regard are the apts where VH is the manager. For example, Maria and Ary/George!

    Be that as it may, I still think Jeff and Violet deserve a better place to live!:heart:

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  5. Just now, Sparkles said:

    There is no business model.. Vh don't choose/care about the houses tenants/managers choose... guess they (houses) are chosen according with the money the tenants have/want to spend 

    As I said, "or it's managers".  I think it might be what the managers want to spend and not so much the tenants..

  6. I don't understand the business model here.  VH or it's managers, takes a premier couple like Jeff and Violet and stuffs them in a little dumpy apartment like the one they are in now.  Yet they'll put Tim and Zoi, a couple no one really pays too much attention to, in a decent place with a large bedroom.  Seems to me one would want to take care of a couple like Jeff and Violet a little bit better than they are now.  I know I'd sure want to keep them happy..  You lose Jeff and Violet and you'll lose a lot more viewers than you would if you lost Zoi and Tim.  Simply boggles my mind..:huh:

  7. I used to tune into this couple all of the time but since they were banished to this cupboard I don't even bother.  I think Ella is one of the most attractive girls on VH and also one of the most secually liberated.  I'm not real fond of Isaac but it's not because of anything he's done, I simply think on a physical level he's punching way above his weight.  I'm not sure who the manager is but I think if anything this couple deserved a nicer place and certainly not this little dump.    Perhaps they should try being their  own managers and get their own place.  Whoever the manager is they have made a bad business decision in putting them in this place.  I think they are ashamed to have visitors.  It's like they were demoted to a lesser position.  Whatever the reasons the cam placement is absolutely terrible and the participants are obviously disappointed to the extent their group participation gone to nil.   Except for an occasional glance, I don't even view the cams anymore and I bet I speak for many subscribers in this post..

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