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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 2 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Fine for me in Germany. But I heard people reporting problems in Mira Henry topic. I can't speak for the US servers. So it is possible there is a problem yes. You should contact support. 

    F**k support!  This has been a problem with VH since I've been a member..  Another thing.. How comes RLC's cams open right away and sometimes you have to wait up to a minute for VH cams to open?

  2. VHTV your cams lag and buffer,

    because of this your subscribers suffer..

    It's gone on for so long,

    it is becoming your brand..

    People are beginning to talk

    and say your site is a scam..

    Do you not care or

    are you simply too cheap?  

    Could it possibly be your 

    techs are weak?

    Whatever the reason,

    you'd better find a cure.

    Or you site will fail,

    of that I'm sure..


    Be advised I intend to post this poem on your Twitter account unless you address this problem and respond to your many tickets (complaints)


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    I'm afraid I don't have a vote when it comes to RLC's business practices. I don't think anybody here does. Either way, the woman's not a cam whore, she's artistic, has many practical skills, and if I just want T&A I can always go to several other RLC apartments, or VHTV, or Xhamster. Some long-term RLC tenants you can actually develop empathy for as humans. Maya's one of those for many of us veterans.

    And so are her cats and wise old Qualude, the dog.


    Maybe so Foamy.  Conversely I've seen her in action and that girl could suck start a Harley Road King!😁

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    So, they do role playing cam shows. Maybe the girls can pretend they picked up some nerdy gamer guys and then they can tease them into sex games. One of my favorites is the game where the girls give them blowjobs and whoever cums the farthest wins and the other guy has to lick up both messes while trying to fist his asshole.  

    Just an idea! I'm sure I can think up some others. 😊

    You my dear have way too much time on your hands..😁

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  5. 21 minutes ago, Rhdem said:

    all tenants on VHTV show for viewers  😁

    Rhdem, this post is not meant for you or trying to single you out.  I just quoted you for what was said immediately following your post..

    No shit Sherlock!😃  Some are most likely exhibitionists and get off somewhat on us watching.  Some are doing it for views just to stay in the apartment.  Some really don't give a shit on way or the other.  And some are simply cam whores..  We all know this.  Yet some think that bitching about it is actually going to change what's going on here.  LOL!  Are you really, dumb enough to believe that or are you simply bitching to bitch and call attention to yourselves?  Every day it is generally the same people bitching about the same shit over and over again ad nauseum.  Give it a rest for God's sake! Change the channel!  Cancel your subscription!  Or if you're watching the free cams, get a life!  It is free for you!  I swear to Jesus H. Christ and his mother Leroy.  Ya all sound a bunch of old women, or my ex wife.  Bitch Bitch Bitch..  If I can't bitch and get them to do something about the buffering and lagging, or cam placement, do you really think all the whining and bitching abut who's doing what for what reason is gonna change anything??  Or can you just not think of anything worth a shit to write??  

  6. Just now, Amy3 said:

    Wasn't expecting that. Thought you were being serious. Didn't see the humor and missed the face I guess. Honestly, I thought you were sick of the bitching so that's why I wrote that. I'll leanr to be more careful around you. 

    I am sick of the bitching dear.  That's why I tried to turn the comment into a joke.  I am not only sick of the bitching about the participants (not including mole sex and I'll always bitch about that) but I am sick of the nastiness in this forum.  Perhaps that is why I reacted so harshly to your post.  Sometimes I should practice what I preach.  In any event, I apologize for my harsh response.  Still friends?

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  7. 16 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    Just an FYI, bitching about them doing nothing is how the whole bitchfest started. Maybe we should have some kind of agreement of what constitutes an insult. I'm more then happy to give up calling some of the tenants prostitutes if you all will agree to stop calling people who aren't sex manics, boring. Deal? 

    Either you have absolutely no fucking sense of humour or you didn't see the laughing face.  Perhaps you don't know that the laughing emoji means I was joking..  It seems you think you must live vicariously through the participants in that you take every joke, insult or comment personally.  They are big girls and boys and hopefully unlike you, they can take a joke.  For the record, I don't give a good flying shit what you call the participants .  In any event,  I was not the one that obviously peed in your Cheerios today; but if you want to start a fucking argument.. I'm your huckleberry.  Deal?

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