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Everything posted by Zwavelaar

  1. Yep, team Kristy all the way. It seems very sellfish of Kammi that she is going out to meet someone and leave her friend, who is clearly upset about something, alone at home. Let's hope that Nora has a heart and speak with Kristy.
  2. Kammi got a phonecall and is going out. I think alone, because Kristy lies in bed and is quite upset. Is Kammi seeing another guy? Why is she not staying with her? And what happened to Kristy? Sorry guys, but after all these earlier translations (legit or not) I have a strange feeling about all of this.
  3. That's a good one. I also saw her taking three pills. But I'm no expert, so I can't say what kind of pills she took. Can be anything, actually...
  4. Yeah, this is serious. Let's hope that she will talk with Kammi and that someone can give us a translation. But I also think that it will be about some stupid guy. It's always the same
  5. No, it's in the attachment centre. There you can find all the pictures and videos that have been posted. But you have to be a paying member to have access to that part of the forum.
  6. That was to be expected with the odd couple being downstairs in the living room :D
  7. Thanks again for all those wonderful pictures! These girls are just too much :D The only problem is that we will compare all the other girls from now on with these two cuties and the genuine chemistry they have together...
  8. WTF! You're right Euromike. This is sick. Can the mods do something about this? >:(
  9. Wow, this thread is unbelievable. First we have to believe that dear Kammi is cheating on her boyfriend with a Spanish dude and a (Russian) photographer. And now we have to assume that this is all a lie and that she doesn't even has a boyfriend? :o Well, from now on I will just ignore this thread and only believe (and enjoy) what I'm actually seeing :D
  10. Absolutely right. Why can't people just enjoy these small and genuine moments of affection between these girls? It's a typical 'male thing' I guess. Women can be close and intimate with eachother without the intension of having actual sex. And honestly I rather watch this than just another sexscene in the Carla and Mario apartment ;D But to each their own... It's rather unbelievable how quickly these girls were so close and comfortable with eachother. From week 1 they are almost inseperable. They talk, have fun and cuddle together. By now they must know everything about one another. Even their secret birthmarks ;D If it didn't sounded so delusional I would dare to say that these girls are meant for eachother ;)
  11. Well, that was (again) some of those memorable moments in this apartment. Thanks girls, for being so generous to us :D And thank you guys, for all the beautiful and sexy pictures :)
  12. I wasn't talking about you, my friend. I was referring to the negative nancies coming over here to complain. Hey, I'm on your side :D
  13. Was that part of the script? After the girls, Nora and Kiko gonna try to increase the amount of new members even more?
  14. Yeah, if it was up to Kristy things would have been different. But I'm still convinced that Kammi just isn't into girls. She likes these massages and the cuddle sessions, but that's it. So, nothing is gonna happen between these two.
  15. Nothing happened? Two beautiful women (one completely naked), a full body massage and a lot of touching and caressing. I won't call that nothing. If you expect more than that, man, you're in the wrong place ;D
  16. Yeah, you're right. If you really believe that RLC, and especially this apartment, is about Real Life you need a reality check. Don't try to rationalize everything...just enjoy these moments ;D
  17. Well, even if it was just for the viewers I think the girls enjoyed it too...
  18. Don't get overheated, guys. This is all we're gonna get. But it's nice to watch two sexy women so intimate with eachother. Even if it's for the views...
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