Not while laying on the couch. ;)
btw... not really any of my business, but I was looking at the special offer thread... have you seen Admin's reply to you?
Yes, this karma thing is very confusing... If, as SC says, minus karma is good... then SanPer58's rating of +445/-229 is totally misleading. There's no way, in my mind, that more people are unhappy (+ karma) with his posts then are happy (- karma) with them.
Maybe Foamy could chime in here because I read somewhere on here soon after I became a member, an explanation of his about karma, but it didn't answer the + / - (good / bad) question for me.
I believe that a non-member posting a link is subject to being banned. You might want to delete this link... and the other links you've posted... and not post any more either.
I like the picture, though...
(The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
MCrestwood... now that you and Frankster have stopped serenading each other... StnCld posted a gif containing the image back on August 4th. He made no mention of a video. However... StnCld visits many websites... and if you ask him nicely... he might investigate... and might be able to locate the video you seek. But... then again... there may not have been a video posted... and the only thing that was ever posted was the gif.
canito... as far as I know, no one is leaving, but... because of some personal info regarding Kamila being posted earlier today... there are speculations that she will leave because of the disclosures. I believe no one on CC really knows what will happen.
I'll send a request to Admin to get it remove. It was just a reply I had made to the poster of the original comment. After it's removed then it should be fine.
Thanks, SC... I'd have a note to Admin myself except I didn't know if it was just a problem for me.
Thanks, Admin... it's fine now.
Seems to be an problem with this page.
The last post (by StnCld) seems to be continuously loading and I can't move past the post. While scrolling up, I'm always returned to the post.
I don't know whether it is just me (a problem just for my pc or browser) or if this is a problem for CC. Anyone else have a problem?
Slow for me, too... but only since yesterday.
Maybe Admin unintentionally did something while he worked on the site yesterday.
Can you provide me with a link?
Thank You,
- Admin
Appears it's happening again. When the 60 second counter reaches zero, the counter resets to 60... no download happens.
I was able to download that file. I was doing some work on the site earlier that may have temporarily caused an issue.
Okay. Thanks, Admin.
moon walker... or anyone who cannot get a download from DirtyBin...
If I may suggest... that when a DirtyBin file cannot be downloaded, please notify Admin using the thread in the 'Read Me' board. Just mentioning it here may not bring it to Admin's attention.
Can you provide me with a link?
Thank You,
- Admin
Appears it's happening again. When the 60 second counter reaches zero, the counter resets to 60... no download happens.