noraandkikorpz... if I'm not mistaken... links are banned on CamCaps. You might want to delete the 3 posts above... and the ones from the other threads to comply. Otherwise, you might incur the wrath of the mods.
Edit: I guess he incurred the wrath of the mods... he/she's gone... as are all the posts.
Thank you.
How did she suddenly get long hair? Hasn't she always had short hair (often changing colors)? I thought maybe this was her sister or something. I didn't see yesterday's love-making so I didn't know if it was the same girl.
Hair extensions... it was noticed a few days ago in the picture thread.
Désolé je ne comprends pas... :(
Sorry I do not understand... :(
Helping canito out... if canito doesn't mind. I fixed canito's questions, Rivotril.
All I can go by is you all's pictures! I can't see her when she is on the couch :(
Camera 2 is a free cam, dfCcap... and the couch is in the center of the cam.
I 'm with you on this, but if I might make a suggestion. When you reply/quote... delete the spam link. That way the link doesn't continue to exist when the mods take action.
And, if you feel inclined... you could modify your post and delete the link. But leave the picture... Suzan has such wonderful boobs.
Mr. Squirrel, Sheriff and Woof...
Maybe you should check out the posts of very new CC member ar8894 and the links he's posted.
It would be appreciated by many CC members if the posts were no longer there.
Thank you.