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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. ... But we would not mind seeing her back in action
  2. The terrible thing is that even when they're fucking they can forget about the fucking mobile phone
  3. It is clear that Herman does not triumph over his physical attractiveness but he does seem to be extraordinarily persuasive. Most of the girls give the impression of not being very convinced, of not having it very clear ... but he speaks, speaks and speaks and in the end he achieves his objective. With yesterday's girl, the day before yesterday he spent hours talking to her, seemed to have failed, but yesterday returns and direct to the room .... Anyway I must say that I would like to know where it gets those creatures, most of them very, very young ...
  4. These girls warm up but they do not burn, it seems a lie that you still have not heard
  5. With this we are already served until next week
  6. God gives bread to those who do not have teeth
  7. I would be proposing to install it in an apartment. He will have explained to him that it is not necessary to have sexual relations because here we are four fools that we spent the afternoon watching them as they play cards, ... in short, he will have proposed a good business
  8. Take care, so much excitement is upsetting you
  9. Exactly like that, and what is worse, since a month ago
  10. Returning to reality, the truth is that it's like having my nieces at home, playing, snack, watching TV .....
  11. 99% that nothing happens, but what about that 1%?
  12. There are many days of contained passion, at some point it will explode. We have the right to dream
  13. The truth is that my only hope is that the two girls are a couple, stay to sleep and do something, but I have no illusions
  14. The beautiful girl from yesterday has also come. Today will be the great day !!! In addition, the brunette guest has a face of power with the other four without blinking
  15. Pure love, sensitive, not that gang of pigs that you like so much
  16. Nice guest. Too bad we can not expect anything exciting
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