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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. At least we know that she is not a vampire
  2. I'm really amazed, I do not remember seeing another apartment like that. It is not supercook, it is paraplegic directly. Nothing happens or gives the feeling that something can happen, it's incredible.
  3. We must conclude that Jeka is better fucking than doing business
  4. Or maybe Jeka fucked with them previously. In that case, I would not blame him
  5. One thing happened, in a given moment of the party that was organized the two, the blonde girl received a video call and went to the kitchen to attend it, it could be seen that it was the image of a boy and the detail that she kissed the screen, therefore I deduce that it must be her boyfriend. In short, we have one more fact, one of them has a boyfriend!
  6. That in addition to plucking can dance and sing
  7. They just received a visit from a girl, I do not know if she comes to shave or if she comes shaved from home
  8. It happened, he even showered and we could admire his body, I can not imagine that his daughter will become something similar.
  9. They have been four days and among them there has not been the slightest approach, they have had female visitors and nothing has happened either, a kiss, a caress, a hug, absolutely nothing and lesbianism would rule it out.
  10. Jabbath is right but you and I are entertained with the enigma of the nuns
  11. I think it's clear that lesbians are not.
  12. It seems they are over, you can lower the excitement guys
  13. Right and now they also have Vicky's sister.
  14. They could brush their teeth, it would seem just as exciting
  15. The blonde gives the feeling that she writes a diary. I imagine that he writes about his experiences (obviously not sexual).
  16. At the moment the business is going so bad that they do not have a mop to clean the floor.
  17. Effectively it is the most effective solution
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