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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. If so, the best punishment is our indifference. And Mr. Jeka put a banana shop in Vladisvostov
  2. All this props and that tripod that I see next to the sofa .... cam show ????
  3. It gives the impression that they do not know very well what all those gadgets are for
  4. The truth, I do not find the difference between when they are hidden and when they are not
  5. They have put the TV and they go to eat, ... but it is food
  6. It's like in bakeries, before there was only bread, now there are a thousand kinds
  7. In short, they are not that far from the Pokemon
  8. And the girls in the next room? Have they fallen asleep or are they in full orgy?
  9. It occupies the same space as the other two together
  10. Of course they can have interesting lives, surely more than ours that we have to entertain ourselves with theirs ... The difference is if they show us a real and spontaneous relationship or a programmed and feigned one, from there each one decides to what extent admits to being cheated
  11. Nobody disputes that they are not real people, not even that they are not good people, it is about whether what they show us is real or a performance.
  12. The person is real, their acts are feigned, I think it is not so difficult to see the difference
  13. How can you have a piece of naked woman in front of you and be on the lookout for the fucking mobile phone?
  14. But naked Kira can not get me to look away from her
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