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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. It is rumored that they have their boyfriends working on a petroleum platform in the Baltic and will not be back for another two months. LOL
  2. I would send them to spend an afternoon in Kira's apartment and her gang. Surely there they were ready
  3. Good morning, ... a new day begins for the nun Stacey and the nun Kris
  4. In fact, we still do not know who is who or what they do there.
  5. The brunette is the beautiful and the blonde the nice, is how much we know.
  6. Good comment, let's call this apartment "The Abbey."
  7. This goes from a supposed DJ who, since he has no work, sets up the festival in the kitchen with his friends. It's like a frustrated singer who sings in the shower.
  8. Everything will come, but hair removal is not a practice that I find especially exciting.
  9. I like his drawings much more than the horrible music of his partner.
  10. In addition ..., it has been noticed that they were indicated by the waptsapp to modify their location on the floor of the room, the "spontaneity" does not seem to be the main characteristic of this apartment. For the moment, the only reason to see it is to contemplate the beauty of Miss Stacey.
  11. It's true, maybe Jeka should open an aesthetic center, her girls seem to have a special obsession for hair removal
  12. The solution, maybe tomorrow ... Good evening everyone
  13. The problem is with the apartment, which only has one room
  14. Certainly, unless they sleep in the same bed has not appreciated any physical approach or gesture to understand that it is a couple.
  15. Complicated relationship = complications. The economic and emotional dependence with another person, which is also not free, will hardly lead to happiness, will look for it in a bottle and it will be even worse. Or cut that situation or it's over ... and I know it's not easy
  16. Henry has already succeeded, you only need to see his wifeInserta otros medios
  17. I am very sensitive, I am not clear if it is virtue or defect
  18. It's that in my opinion he should have left and she stayed, at least tonight
  19. I envy that facility to escape, it happens to me the same with a couple invited at home and the last thing I would like would be to fuck with my partner. I suppose that in diversity lies the beauty of life
  20. Indeed we do not know the substance of the problem, but it is clear that the one that was wrong and the one that needs help is her, another thing is that the problem is he, herself or both.
  21. I hope your partner, friend, husband, or whatever, knows and wants to give you the love you need tonight. I want to think that it will be like that
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