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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. Maybe they would relax more with some physical contact, they do not touch, they do not kiss, they just need to wear a white coat and gloves
  2. Clara with the friend of always doing the same as always ... they should be able to go one step further
  3. Please, tell Veronica how beautiful and elegant she is today
  4. After the afternoon that we took, we would only need an incest
  5. Obviously there will be everything and everyone is very free to get into the body what they want, but people with addiction problems are no longer normal because their addiction makes them have unusual behaviors. And I'm sorry about your friend, sure as you said was a good guy with a problem, big problem. As for VH do not worry, I canceled my subscription, I have 7 days left.
  6. According to almost everything except that we expect heroes, there is a middle term that is called normal people who do not do drugs, who are not violent, who do not need to drink a bottle of vodka to get up in the end .. good people with independence that they like sex and practice it according to their tastes and also do not mind being observed.
  7. What it is about is that each one expresses his opinion, we can be more or less in agreement, but we should not bother about other points of view, besides ... without Amy's opinion there is no debate, happy dreams
  8. Ok in the end what we all want is to have a good time. A hug Waldi
  9. Sorry, but you're the one who talked about real life
  10. Very well, we will wait then to see some rape, some murder, some beating ... things that happen in real life and that we can see every day on television or in the newspapers. All very real
  11. It is not about criminalizing VH, just remind them not to lose their heads trying to give more and more and more ... I just ask for a better selection of personnel, they do not need to be perfect but not a bunch of undesirables
  12. I live in this world but I choose what kind of people I treat and live with and with whom I do not
  13. Obviously we can not have absolute certainty, but if I had to bet ... it would be clear
  14. I assure you that I would not be surprised but at least some "know how to be" others besides other things are stupid
  15. Good, we have seen several comments in more than one apartment in the last days in which they commented on some movements of suspicious money and even spoke of alleged clients.
  16. I think the excessive proliferation of apartments is causing a lot of undesirable entry, I guess we all want more or less normal people who like to fuck. Drunk, violent, drug addicts, sex workers and other riff-raff should leave now, if these behaviors are not cut in a radical way any day we will see something worse than what we have seen so far
  17. At the moment we can differentiate between those that take off their pants and those that do not. At the moment the second 2-1 win
  18. What you are doing now should be the closest thing to being fucked by a monkey
  19. If Trump sees it, he thinks that all the Russian military is like that and invades them
  20. He is treating him like a slave, he gives him orders and he obeys
  21. Yes and the girl sitting on the edge of the bed is learning the trade
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