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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. OK as there are many you can pass me to the one you want Lol
  2. If they are small and discreet I can still accept the huge ones that cover your arm, back or leg I do not like anything, anyway I prefer them to a piercing, with that if I can not
  3. I do not particularly like them, I would like the girl more without them, but it's a matter of taste and everyone is free to do with their body what they think is most convenient, it does not hurt anyone, so I do not have anything in against
  4. Fuck!! You're right, maybe what we saw yesterday was an advertisement
  5. It does not matter, even if she breaks her face instead of her cell phone, she will still be in love, this type of relationship with this type of person works like this
  6. As it is said in my land "God raises them and they come together"
  7. Any time is good to start doing things right.
  8. Tolerance with any violent behavior, sober or drunk, should be 0. Violent behavior = immediate expulsion, if we stay with 6 apartments instead of 15 nothing happens, trash to the trash.
  9. The saddest thing is that a great girl gets together with such undesirable
  10. If that happens I will stain the computer screen
  11. Absolutely in accordance with your reflection, in particular for me Mira and Henry are the example of what all the apartments should be, they look good people, they do not lose their heads and always try to give the best possible show, they are polite and pleasant, for me they are a 10.
  12. Normal, as I said before the hottest thing you will find in that house is water
  13. Zoi has sucked Tim, he has had to concentrate on his favorite computer game to get cum, in the end it seems that he has succeeded, I insist ... it seems
  14. I already know what the announced hot moments were, the guest is bathing ... with hot water of course
  15. The hottest thing in this apartment is Tim's computer, which is always on
  16. If there is an apartment whose existence I do not understand is this, they must VHT shareholders or something like that, another explanation does not have
  17. There's more to see, the troll playing with his computer and the ladies lying on the bed of the grandmother with the phone in his hand, as always.
  18. The girls were rolling up pretty well, if you do not mess with the fool in the middle it would have gone much better
  19. Apart from that, all these people do not know how to drink, it is not the first time that alcohol spoils the show, in this and in other apartments
  20. Disappear, George's imbecile has spoiled the night
  21. Well, it seems to me that we would have had a better show without George giving for his ass
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