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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. That's good for people, but there are other aspects of their personality that are scary
  2. I do not know if poppers are legal in the US, but if Donald Trump is, everything is possible President Trump has done a fantastic job . Its like someone lifted the chains choking our businesses and now our economy has taken off like a rocket ship.New jobs are popping up everywhere and they are paying more money Yes, he has made you in to pariahs with the USA and Syria being the only 2 countries being outside of the consensus on climate change. So basically, he's 'kickstarted' your economy at the expense of the rest of the world. Let alone the other consensus that economic change takes a year or two to make any noticeable difference and President Trump has been in power for just a year...... Well done President Trump x2. Trump is the worlds biggest problem Are you not aware of the great economic changes we have already experienced and the ton of new growth happening on an almost daily basis--When new jobs are opening up all over the place and our pay is going up right now--not two years from now--Why would you say it takes two years to make any difference--maybe you dont have a clue what it is to have lived under obamas eight years of strangling our businesses --Despite what you get from our biased and total flaming liberal media most working americans believe man made climate change is a complete and utter hoax--- Yes we are putting our country's well being first now so the rest of the world will have to get off its ass and make their own way and pay for our military protection I fear for you living in europe and the scadinavian countries-- The US is experiencing this from carrying everyone so long. Trump just has exposed to the world how most American feel ! We especially are very very tired of carrying the united nations ! Considering we pay 22% of the regular un budget and 25% of the peacekeeping budget --If Germany would pay more maybe we could pay less --But hopefully Trump will cut our support drastically to the un As I said figures Please speak for yourself! I am American and neither you nor Trump speak for me. I would say that at least 69% of Americans feel as I do.. Totally disagree!! BTW, @sr71gn! Totally agree with you about the UN. They are no friend to the USA. Fuck them! My statement is fact --What do you disagree with If you think that why did Trump win the election? Because of the weird US electoral college voting system. By normal majority elections Hillary got one million more votes. So please stop saying the majority voted for Trump because it is simply not true. The Us electorial college voting system is a well thought out method that insures two states dont rule over all the rest in determining who wins the election-The million more votes she got and probably another three million with those were phony- They use all the illegals as votes--Stand by obama is guilty of many many crimes against our country and they tried to rig our election--He illegally wiretapped Trump tower-In the next two weeks the info will be revealed that makes "Watergate" look like a pimple on an elephants ass in comparison with obamas treason Lol I patiently wait for these "news" in the next two weeks. I bet absolutely nothing will happen. And of course there was no evidence at all til now the votes for Hillary were illegal. Trump and his supporters always scream the loudest but nothing was proven til now. There is alot of evidence of illegal votes being cast haha--One house in my city had 18 people registered to it none of whom actualy existed--If you listen to major networks they dont broadcast what is going on--They have been in on this from the start --OAN is the only station not running "fake news" We will see who is right in the end. I usually don't listen to Trumps fake news It is already out that there was no real investigation of hillary"s emails--The outcome was decided before it began --You really ought to get up to date on the facts trump is a complete moron. everyone that works for him said so. they only stay because they think that somehow it will advance their careers. he only even got the nomination because the republicans are so bad. their policies are anti-people & racist. anything else should go to the politics section. I would prefer that US and international politics and a poster's opinion of such not be imposed on the CC boards. Keep your opinions to yourself and you won't offend anybody. Who said so and how did this complete moron win the election with everyone against him including his own party? and yes i would like to discuss any issues dealing wiuth the us or Trump on a political section sorry, but in this case I don't agree. People have right to express their opinions about useless politicians wherever they want. This is what differ us from Russia for example where you could go to prison for doing that. Or be poisoned check the actual news instead of the fox/trump channel once in a while. and he promised stuff that he can't & won't do. and a lot of people are stupid & listened to him. Sorry but that argument holds no water at all --As I said I would be more than happy to discuss this with you on another board--But I have found that when liberals such as yourself are confronted with facts they always run I do not dispute that people have the right to express their opinions, but I would think that these types of posts should be in the "Worldwide Political Discussions" Forum of CC. There are lots being discussed there, and Ella and Isaac can get back to prominence. here we go again. trump facts are found in fairytale land & until people realize that we will continue to vote for moron liars & continue down the road to ruin for the u.s. but you just go on & keep the faith in your hero. i wouldn't want to wake you from your wonderful dream. totally agree. but you'll have to direct that at the genius that brought up our wonderful leader. but be sure not to wake him from his fantasy. As i said they always run zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Haha --As I said they always run You guys never give up! yeah, but I wouldn't interrupt anyway, because it's much more important issue than vhtv, but yes, you're right to some degree. As you can see i have only made maybe 2 prior posts until now. Golfer dude you must have been hit in the head to many times with golf balls to actually believe what you are trying to tell others. The legal voters of our country elected the only candidate that would, and is in fact improving our country every day, while the other resistance party just cries without any information to dispute the real truth. That's all folks Go Belle go ! are you related to sr71? 48% is not a majority. but even if our fearless leader did get 51% it would just mean that 51% are stupid. now go back to sleep where you can continue to dream whatever you like. that's the gr8 thing about dreams. they don't have to be based in reality at all. nighty night! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ If he is such a moron how come the USA seems to be doing rather well now in jobs, unemployment, economy etc etc or is that just luck lol. Trouble with many people they hate hearing the truth so used to hearing bullshit. sorry that i'm late to answer but wages have not increased for the average worker since the 90's. trump was, is, & will remain a moron. and did i mention that he is a liar? What politician isn't eh. He has only been president for a year how about giving him a chance eh all the others have failed miserably in recent years. i don't know if you are a u.s. citizen but he is the absolute worst pres. of my lifetime. he makes g.w.bush look good. he has had a year to be truthful about anything & he hasn't been truthful about 1 single thing. but go ahead & lets give him more of a chance until we hear his lies enough that some of the other morons believe him. so far it's working. just check out some members of this forum if you need proof. but when you need help from the govt. for social security or anything don't be surprised when the money isn't there . you'll find it in the pockets of trump & his buddies. You can repeat your bullshit over and over but that will not change the fact that less than 30% of americans approve this moron's job. I am not american but all i can say is that with all due respect you lot voted the moron, as you call him, in so what does that say about the average american ? We are only bystanders looking in from the outside so can only comment on what we see like every body else. We need not listen to your bullshit either : Some people just listen to the wrong Media outlets and don't get the truth. Poll Favorable Unfavorable Undecided YouGov/Economist Jun 11 – Jun 13 1,500 Adults 42 51 7 Economist/YouGovEconomist/YouGov 1/21 - 1/23 43 55 CNNCNN 1/14 - 1/18 43 55 Monday, January 29, 2018 The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Fifty-six percent (56%) disapprove. i think bullshit is your lots speciality apparently according to your countrymen. Lets compare what is comparable: This is from Gallup for Barack Obama. No bullshit. Lets TY !!
  3. Because it is a drug that is inhaled, its effects are perceived immediately and these last between one or two minutes. These drugs accelerate the heart rate and cause the muscles of the anus and vagina to relax, which is why they are used very often during sexual encounters
  4. The Popper is a liquid drug that is inhaled and is composed of butyral nitrite, amyllium nitrite and isobutylium nitrite, has no color but has a particularly strong and penetrating smell, the nitrites it contains are usually inhaled to reach a state of euphoria and enhance sexual pleasure
  5. It was really good, I liked it more than with Kate
  6. They are communicating by whatsapp, She cries. So much fucking can not be good
  7. This is filling up with professionals, every day that passes is clearer
  8. It is urgent that you receive a visit, a friend, a girl, neighbors, someone ...
  9. LOL!!! it's not because of the shirt, it's that I like Viki a lot and I want to deceive myself
  10. I do not think that happens, I do not get the feeling of being an open couple in that sense but I have the feeling that Kate is 100% lesbian and Viki is not.
  11. To receive a visit would be good for her and for us
  12. Obviously one thing does not take away the other, also, with a partner like Stella I would also be with skin and bones
  13. They should have gone to visit Vera, who is not knowing how to put herself
  14. Today we have Kate's mom, gigantic woman ... we almost know the whole family !!!
  15. And not to offend, the girl is beautiful but Stephan seems to be bread and water
  16. I would not be surprised if it was another webcam couple
  17. That's the key, to have normal sex, to see normal life I look out the window and see my neighbor walk the dog, my neighbor play with the grandchildren and the other with the purchase of the supermarket and all that for free. Let's not be hypocrites, we are here to see sex and if we do not see it with certain frequency we criticize. To my "normal life" of these girls I'm not interested at all, their sex, yes, € 80 specifically.
  18. Remarkable improvement. Congratulations Kate, congratulations Viki, if daddy comes to dinner tomorrow it will not matter to me, we know you can do it, do it more often and we will love you.
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