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Everything posted by Howard

  1. The guest purposely moved the curtain over the cam. She stood up on the couch to reach one end and...
  2. *I* don't think VH should have put these two couples together. Obviously its too early to tell what comes of it. But I don't see these two couples meshing. Josh & Silvia are like baby chicks compared to Layla & Eric. One could argue S & J need E & L to help them mature sexually. But.... Time will tell. I could be wrong (I have been wrong only once before in my life). :)
  3. BTW, just saw this tweet from James Woods, the actor (https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods). This is what he posted (and what I commented on yesterday):
  4. On a related issue, Lisa Bloom, her attorney (who happens to be the daughter of famed attorney Gloria Allred), basically wrote the text of the news conference. While she did her job, *I* think she did herself a dis-service trying to spin the story as if Griffin is the victim. As I live in Southern California, I can tell you people here are not buying it. They also FINALLY recognize that attorneys such as Bloom (and her mother) are basically paid celebrity prostitutes: While attorneys are suppose to protect/represent the client's best interest, Bloom and Allread want as much as the spotlight at the expense of their clients. Side note: I work in a related field - I know EXACTLY the (damage control) process from the time Bloom & Griffin first spoke until the minute before the news conference began. But I digress. Speaking from a local perspective, the general public (in my case, people at my gym this morning - who are mostly liberal) are not buying Griffin's position. Although 95% don't agree with Trump on anything, they acknowledge that not only did Griffin cross the line with the 'beheading', but that she's making herself out to be the victim further addresses that she's lost sight the difference between what's right and garnering attention for herself. *I* still think she'll come out of all this OK because she's the best friend the LGBT community ever had. And if you want to be accepted in "Hollywood" and in politics, you need to be receptive (i.e. suck up) to the LGBT community.
  5. And it is not often conservatives speak up. On a related issue, even liberals are distancing themselves from Griffin. Other then a couple comedians, the LGBT community has been relatively quiet. Several (I think 8) venues have cancelled her shows (two cancelled after her news conference w/ the attorney). Also, while she states the Trumps are bullying her, it wasn't any of them holding a severed head of the president and tweeting about it (oh wait, that's not bullying - that's "parody" because she's a comedian...hiding behind the 1st amendment). And....so little is being written in main stream media how she said in Vulture (http://www.vulture.com/) last November that she's going after Barron Trump (a child), as if he too is free to be made parody of. She really dug herself a hole. If she comes out of it (which I think she will, unfortunately), it will be the liberals to thank. And that being the case, it further solidifies the moral and ethical decay of society; which is the root of my original post. It's a shame that responsible, morally (and/or faith-based) parents today have to shield their children from TV or social media if they want their kids to be independent thinkers and not reactionaries or emotional lemmings. The Paris Accord is a prime example. Trump pulled out NOT because he thinks the environment is less an issue than other world leaders (indeed he isn't a die-hard environmentalist). He pulled out because as it was originally agreed on by Obama (who never took the agreement to the Senate because he knew it wouldn't pass), it was costing the US as much as $2.7 billion over the next (approx) 12 years ($500 million between 2018-2020) while most other countries were paying next to nothing in comparison. Other countries are bitching because they were relying on YOUR TAX DOLLARS (Hello, McFly ...YOUR TAX DOLLARS!!!) to fund much of their environmental programs. Liberals still think the Paris Accord was a contract. It is an understanding between those involved (China and India, two of the largest polluters on the planet, never agreed on any of the proposals). They are anti-Trump because their reasoning is mostly based on emotions. Same goes for abolishing (changing) ObamaCare; a conversation for another time. Trump did the right thing AND he fulfilled one of his campaign promises. No reason for the US to bear the financial responsibility.
  6. Today in the USA, it's National Doughnut Day. It seems in Brazil they celebrate it daily.
  7. Two geniuses reading the Paris Treaty (I bet 90% of those protesting the US withdraw haven't a clue what is in the treaty. At least these two are doing research (yea...right). :)
  8. Let me preface saying I am a conservative and I voted along Republican lines. OK.... There is much to say about Kathy Griffin's "parody" on Trump that the more I think about it, the more upset I get. Not because I'm a conservative (I would have been equally offended if it was Obama's head on display) but because comedians have the AUDACITY to hide behind their 1st amendment rights in the USA (the right of free speech) to express how they truly feel. Don't think for one second that Griffin's actions were just a parody. She (and countless others) dislikes Trump to the extent of wishing him harm (or death). But by hiding behind the 1st amendment, they feel they can shade their true feelings. ...and that's what makes me proud to be a conservative. Conservatives cherish the 1st amendment for its true intention. To morally, ethically, honestly and with integrity be allowed an opinion WITHOUT being insulting, self-serving or implying (or promoting) harm to another. Unfortunately with Griffin's actions, conservatives have better things to do then react publicly and give her more attention. No doubt...no doubt at all if it was Tim Allen, Mike Rowe, Bruce Willis or James Woods holding Obama's head, liberals would be protesting in the streets and, I fear (and has been historically proven), might riot or cause bodily harm to those who oppose their beliefs. But that's what liberals do: They play the victim, government gives them more free stuff to appease them (and get their vote in the polls) and in turn, its hard working people who get taxed for it. So much more to say but I'll leave it at this for now. Bottom line is (IMO), there is a continuing moral and ethical decay in society and its the liberals to blame for it.
  9. Good points! What I can't figure out (and I'm being forward and making assumptions) is why they live together. I base this on the generality that most of these VHTV (or RLC) guests come from a broken home. Either they had no appreciable family life, they didn't get along with their mom/dad, or they were just rebellious. IMO one doesn't come from a home with structure or a hint of family values when they strip and fuck for all to see. I look at Desiree and you can tell she comes from a fucked-up home life. For a girl in her 20s, she has odd body piercings (and body art) and her mannerisms have much to improve. But look at Silvia (and Josh) and they are as clean cut as can be. They seem sweet but are also both immature (you tell tell with their behavior). But no tatts, body piercings - makes me wonder further how difficult a life did they have growing up where they are willing to shag with various cameras recording every thrust. Like every one else, I tune in for the shagging. But I'm nearly just as interested in the type of people they are (and again, what gets them to the point to fuck in front of cameras). I suppose there are similarities with porn actors.
  10. Yep - I called it. Going at it in the bedroom...again. These two are cute together but it's a relationship not for the long haul. I get the feeling they both are relatively new to sex and that is what much of the relationship is based on.
  11. Second time within 3 hours. I think they will go for the trifecta before taking a snooze.
  12. They're geniuses!! It took me a while to figure out what they are doing but indeed, they are all mad scientists - each with an IQ over 160! How else can you explain what's going on?! https://mab.to/gf2IcSgw3
  13. This 'orgy' is going nowhere fast. Maybe if the kiddies would show porn on TV instead of watching cartoons something may happen.
  14. Well...they must have read my post from earlier. Silvia is kinda vocal in this clip. Footnote: Must be something in the air today on planet Earth as it seems most RLC & VHTV guests are shagging like bunnies today. SilviaJosh_20170528.mp4
  15. Someone tell them its more fun if they play with each other.
  16. Deep throat (and I ain't talking Watergate). Guests of Masha & Sasha. You can thank me now. Guests of Masha & Sasha's [Media Removed]
  17. She likes to dance and.... her bra and panties match the drawers/cabinets. [Media Removed]
  18. One link - video in two parts: https://mab.to/PWyP5a7r1
  19. Stepan didn't come home last night. I doubt there is hostility between the two. Anyone know why he's absent?
  20. Definitely a relative of the Kardashians: Big booty and a black dildo. Kardashian_20170527.mp4
  21. Just a tease for more things to cum. LaylaBlow.mp4
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