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Everything posted by Howard

  1. She's bating by the fire. She's a romantic.
  2. Finish that beer quickly and send it to her. Maybe she will do something 'constructive' with it.
  3. We can always agree to disagree. And agree when warranted. People forget how to debate fairly.
  4. Nobody has loved that tunnel but herself the past 2 1/2 years. It's more like a weather-beaten canal. 😁
  5. I understand as in past wars, Russian military who died will be transported in the darkness of night to crematoriums, where their ashes will be be sent to sea. Not the forum for this, but just want to remind people this is how Russia manipulates facts. They don't want the visual, either from around the world or within their country, of the casualties of war. And...to hell with how history will portray Putin. Innocents being killed, displaced, all in the name of Putin wanting to forget about Russia and replace it with the U.S.S.R. (as it was). Lastly, IMO, Israel is relatively silent in all this because it will be their armed forces, under the political radar, who will disrupt Putin's plan, with NATO (who hates Israel), the UK & USA taking the bow. It's happened before. It will happen again.
  6. Don't see them 24/7. Let's be honest: We tune in when we're bored (i.e.: during free time). We (that includes me) need to maybe find a new hobby and rely less on the Internet to kill time.
  7. Many get emotionally attached to people you will never meet. Also, fantasy takes over from reality.
  8. THIS...I can appreciate it. A dude with a sense of humor.
  9. If what I am saying is bullshit, back that up. Don't be weak without providing foundation. I don't think you can because you lack the knowledge and/or education to do so (I'm not knocking on you - it's what is perceived based on your weak post). As for being repetitive, doesn't that also apply to you and others who reply to my posts? You wouldn't reply if there wasn't something said that either poorly reflects on you (due to self-reflection) or doesn't have merit. Jerk off from Leora until the well runs dry! Until your dick is shriveled. Until you're in pain because you can't get that sixth hard-on after two hours of jerking and not even a purple pill can help. Makes no matter to me. I don't judge you because you want to see her NEKKID and bate. If I judge, its from not admitting the selfishness in your posts, and/or the bullshit how everyone deeply cares for her and Malia. Of course nobody wants to see anyone provoked or attacked or indirectly affected by such actions (that should go w/o saying). Don't want to see tears coming from anyone (as they did from her yesterday). But to mask your selfishness by showing affection for her because you feel her pain, I'm calling bullshit on each one of you. Ya'll just come out and say I don't want her to go and that you want to continue bating while seeing her NEKKID or doing other things. Admit the selfishness and don't mask it as if you care for her. Meanwhile, there is still the mental health concern of Leora that 98% of you dismiss (because you care so much about her!). That is hypocrisy (a word so many throw around but don't use it in the correct context).
  10. Still surprising how people defend their actions of salivating over a pretty woman and jacking off. I never said that was wrong. I never blasted anyone for wanting to do so. For those who bother to read the words written and not assuming otherwise, Max and I are saying we see her wasting her years away being on cam. You don't like that because you enjoy jerking off to her. Or you've developed an emotional attachment to her (the latter not healthy but that's between your mind and your wiener). That's your problem. Maybe you need to seek mental health. Maybe not. But if what Max and I say offends you, don't take it personally. Take it constructively. Maybe you have an underlying addiction to porn and you're coming to the realization it has consumed more of your life then you want it to. The past couple years, social media has brought mental health to the forefront more so than ever before. There's no shame seeking it. There are millions of 'normal' people who seek therapy weekly for a variety of issues that, when discussed, make their lives more meaningful and productive. P.S. That I purposely spell naked as 'nekkid' and is bothersome to some, all the more reason defending your jerking off to Leora shows underlying concerns. It's OK to jerk your chicken. But to make that a bone of contention,... Also, you're free to unfollow anyone who posts in the forum if it upsets you (or brings to light concerns you would rather not admit). Leora needs to move on for her mental well being. You want her to stay because she gives you a hard-on. Who cares more about her?
  11. First off, if you feel Max and I are superior to everyone else, you said it - not me. As for what she has banked, nobody knows what she has banked. But my guess is not as much as everyone thinks, or not as much as if she was making $40,000/year (in comparison here in the states, a nurse makes $85K/year, a hair stylist about $50K/year, an executive assistant between $70-90K/year). A mid-level property manager makes between $50 - 70K/year. And of course, I doubt she receives the customary employee benefits. But this gets a little off topic. What she (or anyone) banks is far less important than their mental health. I've made her mental health the focus of my posts. Most everyone else has made "don't try and run her life' as a focal point, which of course masks their true horndog selfishness.
  12. Max isn't tooting his own horn. While I am not comfortable with some of his observations (or expressed characteristics of Leora), he's on point: She's been on cam for 1/3 of her life at this "half-way house for lost souls". RLC isn't meant to be a permanent residence. It's an avenue for those who have very little modesty (or have put their modesty on hold), to earn money with provided shelter in lieu of getting nekkid or being sexual on camera, while they discover what their calling is (or have decided on a direction they want their life to go). RLC keeps her around because she makes money for them. They care much less about her then most of you. All Max and I have done is UNSELFISHLY point out the obvious. There's no "I'm better than though" being expressed. It's disappointment that someone who has shown (potential) to grow as a person, remains in a safe place (with no advancement). Socially and emotionally, she has grown much less the past 10 years than any peers she has known during that time. And as she puts her life out for display as SHE IS PAID TO DO, she is open for criticism. If you care for her as much as many of you say or imply, you'd recognize her limited growth and want her to branch out and experience both the good and challenging things in life that we all do. Nobody is trying to plan or run her life. Just as EVERYONE has offered advice to family, friends, or acquaintances, the same is being done here. Possibly in a more stern manner (which in ways projects frustration of how a pretty, intelligent young lady can't see the forest from the trees). What many of you don't like about these opinions being expressed is they subconsciously challenge the enjoyment you get seeing her (and acting accordingly, like the teen-ager you once were). You want what is best for her? You have no compelling argument saying she is better on cam then to go and experience a better life for herself. Just the opposite - you feel she is better on cam to amuse you (but you mask that either by insulting those who say otherwise, or masking your argument so in reality, you want her to stick around so you can wank the willy). All Max and I have done is UNSELFISHLY point out the obvious. For her own self-respect, self-esteem, and continuing growth as a young woman, she needs to move on.
  13. Once again,...facts are to liberals (or those who distort fantasy from reality), as kryptonite is to Superman.
  14. I'm not being callous or cold-hearted. Everyone on the planet should hope everyone lives a happy, peaceful, prosperous and trouble-free life. But that isn't reality. Just as not everyone can have a million dollars in the bank and live in a 3 bedroom home with a white picket fence. I don't casually use the word 'love' like 99% of others do. I love my family, and some childhood friends. I don't love The Doors, people who work for me, Dua Lipa, a fantasy, people I have not spoken to or will speak to, or the Dodgers. Your assumptions how *I* was raised are false. I was fortunate to have two loving and nurturing parents, concentration camp survivors, who raised me and two older sisters in a middle class environment with traditional values. They taught me morals, ethics, and integrity - some or all traits that are missing in much of any society around the world. Of course, just like people who say they are religious, characteristics and beliefs are subject to interpretation. Because my views differ then yours doesn't make me wrong. Because my outlook on what is important in life, what is reality vs fantasy, and what I can control doesn't make me wrong in how I live my life. Because I think Leora has over-stayed her welcome by 8+ years doesn't make me wrong. What it does for most is threaten their enjoyment of her as a fantasy/sex object, and indirectly challenges their sanity. And because I put up with nonsense such as your post, makes me both tolerant and respectful of your opinion.
  15. Please help me understand why her friends are relevant to you. Is it because you feel a connection with Leora?
  16. Agree with much what you say, but Malia isn't relevant. She's no longer w/ RLC. If you have an attachment to her because you have an attachment to Leora, that's different. On a side note (and I'm not addressing this directly to SlipperG), I don't think I will understand peoples' attachment to a fantasy sex object. I understand people who admire an athlete, an accomplished businessman, or a seasoned actor who relishes their work. But a fantasy girl, makes no sense to me.
  17. In American politics, we generally re-visit a president's term in office 20 years after his last day. Doing so provides clarity if his term was successful. As for the media, it is a joke. Indeed finding the truth id very difficult. Everyone has their breaking point. For me, it was the Trump presidency. So many lies regarding the man and his patriotism. Trump ain't a saint. But he never sold out the US (as has been proven in senate hearings) and he is very much a patriot. Lousy husband, brash, obnoxious and pompous. But I don't have to eat with him, speak to him, have a beer with him, or sleep with him. He got shit done. That's what I want in a leader.
  18. Biden is a joke. I'd say he is a disappointment. Those knowledgeable in American politics knew this 47 years ago. But this isn't the place for that discussion.
  19. Not sure about other countries, but in the US (Los Angeles, as an example), we're starting to see shelves on markets empty (like the early stages of Covid). Also, 91 octane gas is at $5.75/gallon (a twenty-six cents increase overnight). Putin is nutso.
  20. The pot calling the kettle black, by Jimbo4. You need to learn from this link - https://youtu.be/ycPaP_aONjE You also need to read Internet For Dummies. You support her apartment every time you tune in. You don't have to be a subscriber.
  21. So...why do you tune in to watch her? Self-gratification? It is behavioral observations I (and Max) make to come to logical conclusions. I don't want to control her life (I'm no liberal). It isn't rocket science to opine and conclude she's wasting her life away (and its hers to waste). It is third-party concern that she leave RLC and make a better life for herself (which she could do, if she had better self-esteem). Hasn't anyone in your life offer you a suggestion to better yourself (or circumstance), and you've taken that advice? Of course you have, you did, and your thankful someone intervened to guide you. You're upset because Max and I are saying she is better off moving on with her life. You would rather see her nekkid and placing various colored dildos inside her so you can shoot your load. I guarantee she can be replaced with another brunette and within a few weeks, everyone would say 'Leora who?'. Case in point: Most everyone admired (but forgotten about) Maya not as much for her beauty, but she demonstrated an admirable can-do attitude. She painted/decorated the main wall, making her apartment more of a home. She was a DIYer who brought a car bumper into her apartment to refurbish. She sewed, making costumes for a local annual event. She showed she not only had ambition, but she had skills and saw a future for herself outside the bubble. You're beef is Leora providing value for the viewer for what her job is. Then why do you tune in? You don't have to be a subscriber by paying a monthly fee to support her. With each visit to her page, your visit is being recorded by a page counter - supporting what she does. Jimbo4: <--- The definition of hypocrisy.
  22. I suppose because you say so, it must be true.
  23. I think (I know) she would be a better person outside the bubble. You want her to remain inside the bubble for your own satisfaction. If that implies I am morally superior then you, so be it. But morals isn't the basis of the conversation. It's the damage she is doing to herself psychologically being on RLC (for 10 years!). People (including you and me) get in a rut, not realizing the time lost, or damage being done, by not moving on. First and foremost, she needs to get out. What happens in her life afterwards can only make it better. RLC is more then a job - it's a lifestyle that I am certain she did not envision for herself (does any girl?). If she would justify it is only to mask in her own disappointment.
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