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Everything posted by Howard

  1. From almost 4 years ago. A rare event of Leora getting her cookie before Paul washes it down with milk. You can thank me now. (Content No Longer Available)
  2. Leora playing the flute (ya'll didn't think she was a musician, did you?). You can thank me now. (Content No Longer Available)
  3. From June, 2018. Title of the video is Leora Face Fuck. You can thank me now. (Content No Longer Available)
  4. Ya'll blasting on ddhm. It's like he's a conservative and all the emotional liberals gang up on him because of a different opinion. You don't like what he writes, block him. Let me say that again: You don't like what he writes, block him.
  5. Not hating on Malia, but I agree. But....fact is Leora has become the Queen Elizabeth of RLC. 9+ years on cam, seven too many IMO. She came on cam to save money on rent until she and Paul could start a life as a conventional couple. Nine years later, ol' lady Leora continues to bate for you, me, and free rent. She needs to move on with her life, get out of the RLC bubble (have said this numerous times), and grow as a young lady (before the wrinkles and cellulite set in). The smart, seasoned athletes retire before its too late. They leave on their own terms, not because of injury or diminishing skills. They also leave to be more family oriented, or grow as a person. Of course I'd like to freeze her in time (I would have liked staying 29 yrs old) and watch her be naked and bate. But more so, we have been watching her waste away and not going out on her own to experience life OUTSIDE of scrutiny and criticism. It's like watching the movie The Truman Show (w/ Jim Carry). I eagerly wait for the time she walks out the door for the last time and see what life is like outside the bubble (I'll miss her, but it is for the greater good). Those who agree need to get on Twitter and use the hashtag #FreeLeora.
  6. Leora worshippers are the Democrats of CC and RLC: They drink the Kool-Aid at every opportunity; believing each bate has meaning and its done exclusively for the worshipper.
  7. An honest answer to this question (please). They bate each other. They slather their boobs on one another. They are not romantic to each other, as a lesbian couple would be. They don't love each other as a lesbian couple would. They don't kiss each other as a lesbian couple would kiss. They don't sleep in the same bed (as a lesbian couple would). You must choose one: Would you rather see Leora solo bate? Or...do you prefer they pretend to be lesbians and have them pleasure each other?
  8. Anyone remember Maya and Stephan? Alberto is approaching the same worthless-as-a-human-being level as Stephan when it comes towards his responsibilities in a relationship. If you think about it, they are very similar: Both don't work and both play (played) games excessively.
  9. ...and as we see it, neither has a future. Not sure where Martina would be if off-cam. As for Alberto, he'll be on his bike heading west until he reaches water.
  10. Its a new business venture for her. I wouldn't put too much thought into it. She loves him. He lovers her. Neither have wondering eyes or hearts. She is a more imaginative romancer then he is. But most dudes don't think romance - they think dick. IMO, one of the most stable couples on RLC.
  11. That's what she'll be doing. Or become a hostess at the local Cheesecake Factory; to which at 35, she'll start getting Botox to keep that hostess job (good locks to last forever w/o some artificial help). You have to wonder: How could a smart, creative girl like Leora be such a dumbshit with her life. About 29 years old and her life/living arrangements hasn't changed much in 9+ years. It appears she has little advancement in being a contributing member of society.
  12. Hmm...I'll speculate like everyone else. Paul needs to be in a relationship not for the intimacy, but to be taken care of. Sex, romance - Paul needs very little of that. He needs someone to clean house, cook dinner, etc. Whatever relationship Leora has with Paul, if sex is involved, its because it was convenient. Leora doesn't see Paul as the person to be for a lifetime,(not any more). Leora's mind is polluted being within the RLC bubble - I think she can't see what her life is beyond the bubble. I also don't think she wants the responsibilities of life outside the RLC bubble (not at the moment). The best thing for her would be if RLC tells her thanks, but no thanks. We don't need you on site - here's your 30 day eviction notice. IMO, that is what it will take for Leora to (be forced to) experience life outside the bubble and learn how to function and be self-reliant (i.e. pay for rent, all clothing, etc.). Think about it...since she was 19, she's been in the bubble. She's living the quasi-version life of the movie The Truman Show.
  13. Question: Would you (theoretically and if you were a fake lesbian) touch the vagina of another person, or place a dildo on another person's vagina, to help bring her to orgasm, if you had disdain for her?
  14. Everyone's situation is different. At the time, my girlfriend wanted us to marry at 20 and 21 (while in college). I said not until I get my college diploma and have 6 months of income coming in (from my profession). Chronologically, it was about that time she started cheating on me. I was (and am still) more focused on the conventional relationship. Man and woman date for a few months/one year, they marry, man is the bread winner (but OK for woman to work), and so on. There is some minor tweaking to that philosophy depending on age/life experiences, etc. But the foundation is there. The rest, as they say, is history.
  15. RECAP: So...He is about 30, she's about 25, and they've been together for about 10 years. I don't blame her for wanting to explore her sexuality (and I speak from experience). I dated the same girl from 15 - 25 (she was a year younger). We dated three years too long as we both discovered we wanted other things (whether sexually speaking or different long term goals). We stayed together those extra three years because we were comfortable with each other (yet in hindsight, we both later acknowledged that stifled our growth). She cheated on me (with a married man) the last two years. After we broke up (which wasn't pleasant), she married the guy (after his divorce), had a daughter, then they divorced three years later. She remarried twice more, had another daughter, and is now divorced from hubby #3. I decided not to date until I was 30 to concentrate on my career (wise decision!). I found the right girl at 32, and have been happy ever since. People change. I disapprove of the affair between M & N. But if Alberto knows of it (which he does), and accepts it, I understand why its happening. If he doesn't accept it (and possibly doesn't look from within why Martina might have looked for affection from outside the relationship), then house-husband needs to walk and not look back. It gets complicated as part of why M & N hooked up could be she was stifled in a relationship that began when she was 15ish. Bottom line: You can't expect to be in a relationship (that started during adolescence) and think things will be copacetic. People's needs/wants/desires change as they grow into the person they become. I don't think Alberto expected to be a house-husband a few years ago. And Martina didn't think she would eat pussy a few years ago (seek the affection of another person - man or woman).
  16. Leora was talking to Malia earlier saying she's going to finally get a tattoo. It will be placed below her navel, with an arrow pointed downward saying 'Room for Rent'.
  17. There's a difference: They hit 40 and most likely in a respected profession they trained for the past 10...20+ years. What they do sexually is a foundation to a story they would be telling that is NOT their personal life. On the flip side, I could take the approach that you're implying Leora is an actress. 😂
  18. You are FUCKING kidding me! Would any dude under 30 tune in to watch a 40..50..60 year old strut her stuff - no matter how many Botox injections and vaginal rejuvenations received?!?!? It's the under30 demographic that makes up 80% of RLC membership. Don't think they want to watch a 40+ yr old bate. And if Leora sticks around for another year, I will think much less of her then I already do (I will also be more empathetic towards her then I am now). How sad...a 29 or 30 year old displaying her hoo-haa going on her 10th year because she's so entrenched in the RLC bubble and fears the outside world will eat her alive. OK...I'm embellishing a bit. But its truly sad that after all these years, she feels her worth is spreading her legs, bating for the camera, and playing fake lesbian.
  19. Malia stepped into a world she didn't completely understand. We know little of her past, although I do recall she visited Leora (in the old apartment) wearing clothes that conveyed she came for a professional environment (i.e. office). I think she's as lost as Leora, but isn't nearly as independent as Leora could be (outside the RLC bubble). Malia is WORSE OFF today then she was a few months ago. Leora,...we've seen her for 9+ years. What was to be a stepping stone to get a few dollars into her/Paul's pockets for a specific period of time, has turned into a career of porn (yes folks - this is porn). One reason why I said a while back, I don't understand why she doesn't do Chaturbate and truly cash in on her sexuality (although I prefer she leave RLC and "the porn life" completely and become a respected member of society). She can be 'somebody' if she wasn't too comfortable "in da life".
  20. Maybe I'm old school, but a person can't take an educational course on a cell phone OR iPad. Think about it. The only thing I've seen her use an iPad for was watching music videos, a typical theatrical movie, or newsworthy events. Others say she's watched porn on her iPad. I haven't seen that. As for her phone, she either listens to music or texts 99% of the time. There is NO FUCKING WAY she's using either device to further her education that would lead to a diploma/certificate that would help advance her to a professional, respected career (unless uporn.com has an accredited course in masturbation and fake lesbianism).
  21. Unless...she marries a sugar daddy and her worth comes down to spreading her legs or opening her mouth. Wait,,,,isn't that what basically what she does now - except RLC is her sugar daddy.
  22. That depends. Do want to be knocked out with a right punch, or use my left for an upper and loose some teeth? 😎 I take it as a compliment to wear the label as a moralist. We all have discretions. I would like to think my positive, moral values far exceed what the devil on my left shoulder persuades me to do.
  23. I disagree. You will be an RLC member whether or not you are/were a fly on the wall during their vacay. No reason to spend the extra money to satisfy your curiosity. If anything, you might renew your RLC membership (if you were on the fence doing so) BECAUSE you're curious what will be upon their return. On a side note, M & N's fun is not part of a script. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you fondle another guys balls or suck another guy's cock because you might be getting extra $$$? Dudes aren't that way unless you/they have homosexual tendencies. Women naturally view their bodies differently along w/ their sexuality. The fake lesbianism that Leora and Malia play is an example. Dudes wont do that - chicks will within boundaries. Can't explain why (if I could, I'd rule the world).
  24. EVERYBODY on RLC is immoral. Just as most everyone in the world is a hypocrite. People will say they have 'faith' in their religion, but will not necessary abide by the laws of their religion. We have already established (and accepted) their immorality (as well as ours). It's how far they will push that envelope is what we're judging.
  25. Bahaha... Many don't see that as being immoral as it might be a reflection on themselves. Also, wy point out that immorality if it serves a selfish purpose (salivating over a naked chick on camera).
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