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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I think she has reluctance in doing what she does w/ Malia. And indeed it is her choice. But I also think she realized when RLC 'suggested' to them both to get more 'familiar' with one another, Leora knew she'd have to make compromises to enjoy the money and perks that came with free rent the past 8+ years. Without dick in the apartment, something had to change.
  2. ....and that's why it has been long overdue that she leave RLC. But as mentioned, she is stubborn and will do the opposite anyone dare suggest she should do. No matter if it impedes on her mental health or growth as a person.
  3. Some live in reality. Others live in fantasy. A little of the latter is OK as long as the former is primary.
  4. They know EXACTLY what they're doing. Every week or two, they'll add just a small little extra snippet to keep you as a member (and keep you watching). It's part of the RLC master plan to keep you hooked. Very doubtful you will see any passion from them. And I don't think one gal has inserted a toy into the other (or even passionately touch the private area of another).
  5. He's a fuck-buddy. Nothing meaningful can come of them pairing unless she either leaves RLC, or he comes inside and bang her on camera (and accept the wrath he'll receive from viewers). I go back to after Maya split w/ Stephan. Maya was banging the new 'boy-toy' off camera for a couple months or so. She (and he) knew that unless he made himself known on camera (and eventually moved in), they couldn't grow as a couple. Or...she would have to give up the free rent and get off of RLC so they can have a future together. Relatable scenario w/ Leora and whoever she might date (assuming she wants a long term relationship).
  6. Peepee, I made an observational post and you and others attack me for my opinion. I'm not the one with the problem and certainly not one with any obsessions.
  7. STOP CRYING!! Again, your defense of Leora is disturbing and you mask it by attacking me. I'm figuratively apologizing for making you realize that the fantasy on your computer screen is not your reality (and can never be). She is not your human pet. Stop deflecting that the topic is LEORA (and the hypocrisy of most everyone loving on her for their own benefit; along with what *I* see would be best for her growth as a human). Most everyone on CC does not give a crap about her as a person as long as you get self-satisfaction. Resorting to name calling means you've lost the argument/debate. Your attempt to divert attention away from your own insecurities and mental health issues isn't lost on anyone. Your social anxieties contribute to your escape from reality. Leora would be much better off away from the cameras. Anyone who looks at her behavior objectively will agree. That you, and most everyone else who has opined, thinks she's better off now then before, makes her nothing more then a sex object for your pleasure. I suppose in a way that's OK as she is knowingly prostituting herself for you (she only has YOU in mind when she's bating). But to not admit that to yourselves, and mask it for genuine care about her (or mask it by attacking me), that is a mental health issue.
  8. 1. You're a hypocrite because you profess your love for her, giv her pet names as if you know her personally, yet that only masks that you want her to stay around so you can jerk off. Anyone who thinks she's better off today than several years ago is a selfish person. 2. How long has it been since I uploaded a clip (for YOU to wack to)? 3. Again, because you say something doesn't make it true (though I appreciate the humor). 4 & 5: And finally, if I didn't hit a nerve and wasn't speaking the truth, you wouldn't take the time to respond. Check and mate.
  9. Once again, your post stinks You're new handle should be Word Salad because like Mr. Biden, you lack substance. Continue on professing your love and concern for the well-being for your queen as you mask your own insecurities and issues. If you feel like I'm speaking nonsense, why bother replying; unless the truth hits deep.
  10. Go back to my posts (start from 7...8 years ago). I clearly stated I tuned in to RLC to observe behavior - that has always been my primary reason for logging in. Calling me a hypocrite? Back it up. It was Leora and Paul's decision to first come to RLC. It now is Leora's decision what she wants to do w/ her life (not mine - not yours). I'm saying she is so deep in the RLC bubble, her vision (and growth) is both subconsciously muted and clouded. IMO, she would be better off on the outside. OK for you to disagree. But to attack me for my opinion, you need to reflect why its so important to you to disagree (i.e.: selfish motives). I have always stated my OPINION is based on observed behavior. She obviously can choose as she pleases. The audacity of most everyone defending her choice to stay to only mask their selfish desire of wacking off, that's wrong (but porn has no honor). Come out, be truthful, and say you enjoy porn and the benefits that come with it. But to say otherwise (that you care so deeply for her, that she's a queen, a princess) that's b.s. If porn rules your life, you need to admit it and probably do something about it. She's a prostitute (which she's OK with,...or is she?). It is NOT an insult. She engages in sexual activity for payment. Can't get more clear then that. Unethical, immoral - to most society's, it is. Her choice to do so. I have the liberty to judge her doing so (as YOU have the liberty to judge me with your words). Does that make me a hypocrite? I've said for YEARS she needs to get out of the RLC bubble. I also have the liberty to say she would certainly be a much better person - has much more potential within her for all ficids of her life, if she would get off camera instead of prostituting herself. There's no reason to defend a girl NOBODY here knows. You only known her from what you see (and censored from what she wants you to hear). It's pathetic that 98% of CC members think, from what they know of her, she's better off now then she was eight (or two) years ago. Yea...a young woman of 28 (or 29), on camera for 8 years, no longer does knitting/crochet, paint, or similar mind challenging crafts, rarely picks up a book as she did often in the past,...but has advanced her growth pretending to be a lesbian and continues to purposely position her open hoo-haa for the camera and bate for your pleasure. Arguably, her growth the past 8 years consists of understanding lighting and camera angles. Ya'll care so, so deeply for her. Yes, she seems MUCH better off now then ever before.
  11. I don't dislike Leora. If anything, she gets brownie points for not having obnoxious tattoos (she doesn't have any), rainbow-colored hair, or crazy body piercings (all usually signs of a troubled childhood and/or an unhealthy parental rebellion). While ya'll take my opinions on Leora personally vs objectively says much about your own psychological shortcomings. But the point of my posts are that she appears to be a better person than most on RLC, yet she's stuck in a rut of confined comfort. Yes, I'll be opinionated and say 98% of women do not want to expose themselves to the public. Those that do have significant psychological issues. To say she's grown as a person the past eight years tells me you really don't care as much for her as you do for jerking off seeing her. ...and to say"...she has given many people so much pleasure..." masks your selfishness of wanting to keep her on camera for YOUR pleasure. No girl thinks this is what she will be doing (or wants to do) while growing up. She (and Paul) did this as a means for free rent at the beginning of their relationship, with Paul supplementing their income doing some computer/electronics-related work. This was no dream of Leora's to be doing this full time. Ya'll are hypocrites. You say you want the best for her, as long as she stays on camera so you can jerk off; knowing 99% of girls who do what she does and stays with it...it doesn't end up well. Think about it: Am I being rude to her for thinking she has the potential for a better all-around life off cameras. Or are ya'll being selfish for wanting her growth to stop so you can please yourselves when she gets naked? IMO, I care more for her well-being then 99% of CC members. You want her to spread her legs so you can continue jerking off. I want her off the cameras to become a better human...a contributing member of society where she can grow as a person. She has aspirations (I'm assuming marriage, kids, independence) she can't get being on camera. But most of those aspirations will not come to fruition as long as she's playing with her hoo-haa for your enjoyment.
  12. In your own words, "Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and you are one." Continue to deflect. You're only doing yourself harm.
  13. When one has to resort to name calling and/or insults, he has lost the argument (or debate). You find it insulting because as an observer and not a horndog who wacks off to her, I'm telling it as I see it. Has anything I said not truthful? if I was insulting, St Cloud would be deleting by posts. I never did hear you complain when I was uploading and sharing the several hundred RLC videos I've posted the past several years (of course you didn't download any of them). Saying Leora spreads her legs for money - not an insult. That's fact. Whether morally or ethically correct in doing so, is up to each person to decide (and opine). That you have an unhealthy attachment to Leora, feel you have to defend her, and may feel guilt enjoying her shows, is no reason to divert your own insecurities onto someone else. But it is reason you should self-reflect.
  14. Because my opinion differs then yours? Because I don't mask the obvious of so many, thinking that their fantasy of Leora giving them an ounce of attention can actually happen? Ya'll mask your opinions thinking with your peckers. I suppose that's OK because you're here for the naughtiness. But the 1% of you know she has self-esteem & self-respect issues that, if you cared about her, you know the way for her to heal and move forward is getting out of RLC. The original cam-girl (JenniCam, who I spoke about a few months ago), knew it was time to stop exposing herself on cam after several years. Her nudity was natural - she didn't purposely spread her legs in direct view of camera 1, 2 or 3 to tease or get a rise from the viewer. She knew being natural in front of the camera for so long was damaging to her growth as a person. Eight years on camera for Leora (assuming that is her given name). She's 28 with know significant means of financially supporting herself other then pretending to be a lesbian. For those of us who have watched her for nearly all that time, ask yourself: Has Leora matured? Is Leora a better person now then she was eight years ago (or even two years ago)?
  15. Leora left her 'home' because all she knows how to do is spread her legs for the camera. It was the 'move' that started her downhill spiral. Back then and it continues through today, she feels her worth is only in front of the camera. Problem is she's so engulfed in the RLC bubble, she lost whatever courage she may have to 'escape'. As for her having a boyfriend, if so, it's a FWB situation. She can't build an emotional bond while on RLC.
  16. Good observation. But what I think you're missing is, both (especially Leora) are so comfortable in the RLC bubble, it is stifling her growth. Her self-esteem, her confidence, her inner being is deteriorating instead of flourishing. What she needs (figuratively) is a good, long, hard fuck (or similar "V-8" moment) to make her realize there is so much more she can be, if she would step away from the cameras.
  17. Observation: For a long while, Leora (and other RLC participants) have been on a schedule regarding when they need to be sexual. Depending on the channel, it might be 4x/week minimum. But no doubt they have been instructed (it probably is in their agreement) to be sexual often. Malia and Leora getting 'friendly', that doesn't happen naturally (could you start stroking the cock of your best friend?). No doubt RLC incentivized them to touch each other. And...another reason why Leora needs to get the hell out from behind the cameras (which has been discussed previously). On the flip side, over at VW, mostly all the channels are sexual every 3-4 hours (including waking up from sleep). Check any couple channel on VW and you'll see for yourself. The guys don't have to come. They just have to engage in sex (and as you'll see, 80% of the time, the guy never comes and neither does the girl). On a related topic, how FUCKED UP must these people be to do what they do, not to mention the damage they are doing to themselves long term. That's all I have to say about that.
  18. Thank you for pointing this out (I've been saying this for a while). Don't salivate over her - feel bad for her. 7+ years pimping herself out and she is no further along either as a contributing member of society (as we see it) or for her growth as a young woman from the day we first saw her. IMO, she truly jumped the shark with these fake lesbian scenes. It tells me her self esteem and self-confidence for who she is (present day) is non-existent. The best thing for her to do is walk away from the cameras and start a life. Trust me...there are others ya'll can find on-line to wack-off to. Time for her to go out to pasture, regain her self esteem/self confidence, date, and let a 'natural' life consume her.
  19. This reality is, daily there are hundreds of new teen-age horndogs discovering RLC that have no clue what value is missing when compared to the past. As such, the RLC attrition may continue but will be overshadowed by the new horndogs coming on-line who don't know any better. They see a 28 yr old porn actress that looks attainable for a mere $20/month. I haven't been an RLC member for years. I can say my life is better for it as I spend far less time on-line. As I always watched RLC for behavioral observations (vs the naughtiness), Leora has become predictable to where my interest in her has waned. To summarize my observations of her (setting aside she's attractive): Her growth as a person has diminished as she continues to rely on RLC for sustenance. - She reads less, listens more to music. - No longer paints or crochet, but watches more TV. - Less self-esteem and confidence (compared to when w/ Paul) - Will perform unnatural sexual behavior to appease others (either due to lack of confidence or fear of being self-reliant) No, I'm not a psychologist or therapist. Any observant person who has followed her for years, studying her behavior, can see she isn't the same vivacious, confident, well-rounded person we knew her to be (within the RLC dome), she once was. She and Paul went into the RLC dome for the free rent in lieu of being 'natural' in front of the camera. 7...8+ years later, she is putting on sex shows for the camera in return for room and board (some can say she's prostituting herself vs being an 'actress'). Nevertheless, the new horndogs will outnumber the old, and RLC will continue to grow. When it comes to porn, there is no economic downfall. As RLC grows, so should CC.
  20. Leora gave me a facial, then cleaned up afterwards. The girls are cleaning the apartment. Leora made it a point to clean the camera lens. I need a cigarette.
  21. The last time Leora wore high heels, she was in a French maid's outfit for fun time with Paul in the old apartment w/ the orange (pull out) couch.
  22. Some of us OGs could be (partly) to blame. We were posting several vids/links daily of Leora and Paul, Maya and Stephan (then boy-toy), and so on, creating lots of traffic. Vids will stay up for 3 days on 3rd party sites. Should be enough time to grab the link.There was a time CC allowed us to upload directly to their site. Then things got dicey for them. Nevertheless, it's time the new guys take up the slack that the OGs no longer do. A big pet peeve is when someone asks for a video (especially a newbie). Most who are beggers....leeches - they rarely, if ever, post a link...a video or a photo. You have to give some to get some.
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