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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Good point. The word 'ambition' is a word I should have included previously. Ambition is a character trait. I think she has/had it. She just needs to be placed on the road to where she can find/regain it. She's too complacent in her life (ya know...free rent, possibly free see-thru garments). She is a cash cow for RLC. They will do whatever it takes to keep her pleased, until the boobs start to sag and the hips get wider. Being on RLC is to her detriment.
  2. No it's not. She's a smart girl who is capable of much more (she's shown that in the past). I think she's either in a rut or chicken (low self-esteem) to find out what she's capable of doing w/o the safety net of free rent and open hoochie.
  3. You have love-blinders on. I'm not bullying her. Next you'll say I'm both a racist and bigot based on my posts about her. I'm pointing out what she's doing (spreading her legs for money). I'm also saying she's capable of much more but she remains stuck in the same 'rut' since she was a teen-ager. I've also pointed out her mental decay (which is undeniable, based on what we see on cam) You, like many others, have to separate your fantasies of her from reality (as does Leora, but there's a difference). Leora doesn't seem to be looking at her future. Many who defend her (I don't know how you can defend her choice of current profession, other then indeed, it is her choice), need a reality check. While I certainly enjoy seeing her naked, I've said for many years, my primary interest in her (or anyone on RLC) is observing behavior. The many posts I read on CC tell me people are infatuated with her (in an unhealthy way) and some may actually see a future with her in it. I can't save the world (or Leora :-). But she is open for criticism. Maybe, if she reads CC, she'll read my posts and they will figuratively be a slap in the face for her. Maybe she'll realize she's much more capable as a human than just 'sex-for-pay'. ...and many on-line would rather I keep quiet and selfishly have her continue having her hoochie on display for their own 'stress-relief'. BTW, on an aside, I am enjoying this dialogue. Both learning quite a bit and reaffirming what is already known.
  4. Buffalo chips! Show us that quote that I allegedly said 4 years ago. You're really pulling at strings trying to make a point. And if she had an account, there should be a record of it (unless it magically disappeared). It's hearsay. I'm not saying you're lying. But it needs validation. And besides, not just a few weeks ago one of the SYSOPs wrote a lengthy post about what can/can't be posted about participant's outside activities. BUT...let's, for now, assume she has contributed to a shelter for dogs. That doesn't affect my opinion on her one bit. She still a lazy POS, based on that she's capable of so much more. She's content being paid to display the hoochie or forcing herself to act 'lesbian' if it means continued free rent. There's little, respectable intelligence needed for how she currently lives. And again, it's a disappointment when she's capable of much more.
  5. Nice try again. That's OK. I called you out and you don't want to follow through. I'll move on.
  6. That's a nice gesture but can't be accepted as factual. If anything, the SYSOP should delete your post (and maybe suspend you) for divulging this hearsay you call factual.
  7. Jimbo, *I* am not the one putting my life on camera for all to see! I'm not living in the public's eye. By Leora being paid to display her hoochie opens her up to criticism. Just like Trump as president, LeBron James or Tiger Woods as athletes. That is the conventional norm. Nice try diverting the attention to others. Go ahead, you opened the book - tell us how you lead by example?
  8. I though sense of humor is a 'given'. She seems to be well-balanced from what we see (again, I'll defer to my earlier post of her being an enigma). As for her being kind to animals, that's hearsay. We don't know factually what she does outside the brothel...err...apartment. We know she likes dogs. But I also don't see her fostering any dogs/cats for adoption.
  9. I mentioned her painting. But how do you compliment a hobby she hasn't done in years? As for dancing,...come on! She'd wiggling her ass to get a rise out of you. It's not like she's doing modern dance, ballet or Irish stepdance (Riverdance).
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dude is on point! On a related matter, Leora felt more "purposeful" (dare I say useful...productive?) with Paul and Eva around. She'd prepare meals (for both), groom Eva, play with Eva (and play with Paul). I haven't seen in Leora what has replaced that 'purpose'. ...and that's one reason she is fast approaching a crossroad in her life. RLC would love for her to stay on cam. But is that good for Leora? Doubtful, very doubtful. She's capable of so much more (how's that for a back-handed nice thing to say?).
  11. Jimbo, As a contributing member to society, what are Leora's positive points??? I think she's much more capable of being a girl on my computer screen exposing her hoochie. Tell me what positive points YOU see (besides her hoochie)?
  12. Lead by example, Nicholas. Tell me something nice you find about Leora, the person (that doesn't involve her body or sexuality)?
  13. WAKE UP! This is what she does!! She spreads her legs and bates for money. If you're defending her, then you must really like her (maybe in an unhealthy way). What 'nice' thing can I say about her? That she's a good cook? (never tasted her cooking). That she dresses nicely? (on the rare occasion we see her in clothes and not naked or wearing a see thru garment, yea, she wears jeans and a t-shirt well). The girl is a new-age prostitute. She does things you (we) like to see. 75% of those that watch her, would pay to bang her. And of those that would bang her, the majority wouldn't last 10 seconds before needing a tissue (Squirrely is a stud - he might last 20 seconds 🙂. ...and, I think it's a matter of time that she either has sex for money, or gets off camera and into a relationship. She's approached a crossroad in her life that requires change, and she will be forced to make a decision. Clock is ticking (also ticking on how much longer her body will hold up). We've seen her paint - why hasn't she pursued that (as a hobby)? She use to read a lot - not much any more. There was a time she did puzzles - not any more. She no longer does things that would stimulate her mind (at least not that I've seen the past 2...3 years). Now, she's watching either music videos, movies on an iPad, her trying on a new body cream. Yes, she stimulates herself physically so we all get stimulated. But otherwise, from what we see on cam, she has mentally decayed the past few years. What a waste - a pretty 20-something whose no further along in life (as we see it) then nearly 10 years ago. Leora is a bit of an enigma. For someone who sells a fantasy on-line, she doesn't have unconventional piercings, no tattoos. She's not goth, doesn't have rainbow-colored hair, and if we didn't know otherwise, dresses conventionally (wears a bra when going out in public, doesn't wear over-sexualized clothing). Personally, I think she's capable of leading a more 'conventional' life. A life she'd find rewarding long term. But at an early age, she got engulfed in the 'sex-on-camera' business (where rent is free, certain 'garments' are free, plus earn a few rubles). I think she lacks the self-esteem (and maybe education) to lead the conventional life (highly doubt this is what she thought she'd do when she turned into an adult). Her lack of motivation is drowned by her laziness to be a productive member of society. Physically, I like Leora. But very disappointed in her for not being all that she has the potential to be.
  14. Leora's job is to spread her legs for you. RLC is her main source of income. She might volunteer at a shelter, a vet clinic - she might go door-to-door part time, 2x/week selling her panties to 85 year old men. But what pays her bills and gives her free rent is spreading her legs for all to see her play with her hoochie. 10 years in the future: Hey mom, what did you do before meeting daddy? Leora: I did...umm...err....I was an international celebrity. Really mom! What did you do? What was your talent? Leora: I was a hostess. But what did you do as a hostess? Come on, dear. Finish your borscht soup and kasha. You'll be late for choir practice.
  15. Dollar bills. Preferably 100s, but 50s will do.
  16. Jimbo, You really need to get a hobby that takes you out of the house.
  17. That bate Leora recently did using the pillow...99.9% fake. Upon completion when she went on her back, she didn't even bother to perform her after-orgasm routine (touchy-feely-sticky). And you can see there was no reason to - dry as the desert. One reason could be (as I've read here), she's boinking that dude. May not have enough in the ol' girl's gas tank for another round.
  18. That's over $100K/yr for a job that pays $16/hr here in the USA. Oh my!
  19. Sounds like a future. She volunteers at animal shelters. Unless she has schooling to assist a vet, it is not more then administrative work (which is OK, but it's not like she'd be able to save money for the future - as rent, food and insurance comes first). Seriously, everything you listed is either administrative or sales. Again, it's a living but not a future. It's like making a profession as a bagger at the local grocery store. If someone said she's working as a traffic/security officer, again, not much of a future. There are senior citizens in Los Angeles who wear uniforms as a crossing guard for elementary school. Maybe my hopes for a 20-something are higher then they should be.
  20. What are those skills, Pepe? Is she a college graduate w/ a degree? Does she have secretarial skills? Business skills? Share with us what those skills are.
  21. Let's see......wiggle her ass and apply lotion to a childhood friend and continuously tease the knuckleheads who bought membership. Or... sleep on the street and decide whether Ramen noodles or a stale, pre-packaged cheese sandwich is the next meal from the local convenience store. Hmm...tough decision. I choose the warm apartment, warm bed, and hot meals vs cold St Petersburg nights. As it appears, she doesn't have any appreciable skills to self-sustain. With out free rent and some pocket change to wiggle her ass and bate 5x/week, she's a bum on the street (until she meets a sugar daddy to support her). If was doing Chaturbate, she could self-sustain. Not a career choice I'd like for my daughter. Nevertheless it is a reality.
  22. Not her choice. If she wants to live rent-free and earn some pocket change, you do as the boss asks.
  23. Is this dude a friend....or FWB? They sat down eating sushi - Leora braless in a crop-top and shorts. Is this pre-foreplay? Either way, she seems engaged & energized (something I haven't seen from her in some time). Malia...she's a doorstop. Minimal participation in conversation. Uh oh! It's approaching 11:00 PM local time and Leora is getting the sniffer (Hookah) ready. Par-Tay! Woop-Woop!
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