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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Some relationships are toxic w/o those involved knowing it. She either truly wants it to work, or maybe he/she are too controlling for the other person,... What I'm sure of is a 'new' relationship isn't/doesn't become meaningful if you see the person 1x/week and treat that visit as a one-night stand. Don't know the other guy, but I'm sure a factor in this 'relationship' is she was w/ Paul for 7+ years. She knew all his nuances. Now here's a new guy... She probably doesn't know how to socialize (i.e. compromise...listen...sympathize - let's call it relationship characteristics) with other men regarding being in a relationship. She needs to date a few times (w/o fucking the dude) to get accustomed to to the dating scene. Don't think she did that. Now, she's hot & cold with this boy-toy. It will not end well.
  2. Here's what concerning: You not only have a video library of Leora videos, YOU HAVE THEM CATEGORIZED!! How else would you know which video has her dolls on display? CC should revoke your membership to protect you from further lapsing in your mental health. In the USA, CC could be sued for abetting towards the demise of your mental health.
  3. As long as women casually sit bottomless on a couch with their legs spread as open as the sun is bright, it ain't real life. Leora ain't real life. Leora doesn't know what 'real life' is as she's been in the RLC bubble for too long. If she was to go back to Paul (or start any relationship) outside the RLC bubble, she'd be in major culture shock. She would have to adjust to adulthood very quickly (while the rest of us, we adjusted gradually as society intended). Leora is like the doll Barbie. Give her different outfits to wear that you can enjoy seeing her in a controlled environment. Then live the fantasy until either you get sick of her, or an arm or leg falls off (figuratively, not literally) from too much use, then discard her.
  4. Nelly screwed up her body with artificial funbags. Bogdon - he's an enigma. What I can't understand about this couple is, she is an accomplished musician and he's a...a....masseuse??? Never understood what they see in each other.
  5. Malia's privates are on fire! She's showing ya'll there's another chick in the apartment lacking just as much dignity as Leora.
  6. The TV contestants wants notoriety. The RLC hamsters want free rent. Both openly express they have no dignity (not so much for the nudity, but for the sex).
  7. Kudos to you! Your first post and it's thought-provoking (and you're not asking for a video clip). This dude gets to sit in the good seats!
  8. Leora has been texting for 5+ hrs while laying in bed (it's 5:39AM local time - she hasn't been to sleep yet). Instead of asking who the Hell she's texting with, I'd like to know the type of phone she's using? That battery seems to have a 'forever' charge.
  9. She had to work for the prize. At the end, her face was the color of a tomato.
  10. What's that phrase...don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I'm just sayin'.
  11. Now I know why Leora was exercising a couple hours prior. Blood needed to circulate in other places to make the magic happen.
  12. Leora did as did Malia. Malia is the winner! She lasted 4 minutes longer.
  13. I'm not current on my Russian politics. But doesn't the Russian government take it as a serious offense when someone bashes the gov't in public? In this case, Leora doing so "on camera".
  14. What is GOV? I never said they aren't popular. But they are lesbian posers. In addition, they will do whatever it takes to get that money out of your wallet and into their purses.
  15. Girls are taking their 15 minutes break from pretending to lavish over each over (munching on some snacks). Must be a Union regulation. They would make Jimmy Hoffa proud.
  16. Hahaha...someone needs to be the guinea pig. But a month's subscription. Record all you can. At the end of the subscription, upload, upload, upload. That person may never get to buy another subscription, but he will have many new friends.
  17. The 'protection' is called mental (or psychological) ownership. Secondary college level psychology courses explain this as due to lack of self-esteem and the desire to dictate control of another's life (as their life may not have direction).
  18. Respectfully agreeing to disagree is part of good conversation. I get it - people who spend $20 -$45/month want to see her naked, bating, and getting dick (2 out of 3 is what ya'll are paying for). But there comes a time when you see beyond the horniness and you become an eyewitness to an ongoing disaster (as in someone w/ brains, deteriorating as you see it, not making the most of her capabilities). Like myself, people only offer constructive criticism because they want the best for the person. There is no other motive. For most who speak about her as if they know more about her life then we see, I'm a skeptic. They are so wrapped up in the fantasy and of wanting to be relevant, I doubt 80% of what people say about her are true. Thus, most of what we know of her must be based on observation. Observation from the past 9+ years tells me she's wasting away what should be a very productive (social) life.
  19. Based on what I think is the reality, I agree w/ most of what you say. Also, keep in mind she is very comfortable in her RLC bubble. She makes enough money to live on just for rubbing her hoochie several times a week (and no dick for 12 months). She has lots of potential as a contributing member of society IF SHE WOULD STEP OUT OF THE BUBBLE. As I mentioned a few weeks back, she no longer paints or knits/needlepoint. She even use to do a puzzle once in a while. Her creative side has been deeply buried and her porn side is flourishing. Most people bate to relieve stress (look it up - research says so). She bates for money. We all see a 29 year old woman w/ a nice body. Inside, what she knew was to be temporary so she and Paul could save a few dollars w/o paying rent (they were willing to compromise their privacy to start a future together), is now normal for her; that's how screwed up she is (psychologically). As I believe we are all meant to be paired with someone, she's digressed (as we see it) the past 9 years. THose fake lesbian scenes w/ Malia further supports my argument that she's afraid to live outside the RLC bubble. She needs to get off cam and life the life meant for her.
  20. The only constant about you is you're an ass. There's plenty of legitimacy in my post, and you (literally and figuratively) stink it up. STFU if you have nothing constructive to say.
  21. There is so much misinformation in this forum (or any forum where Leora is the topic). - I've heard her parents have passed away (then I've heard where she has spoken to her mother). - Someone said she was an owner of a pet rescue (then someone said she volunteered has an animal shelter). - I read where she was a spokesperson for a women's fragrance line (then read she had an argument at a department store centered around Eva not being allowed inside). Lots of (mis)information. Specifically, how is it known that Paul has a girlfriend? Did someone hear him say that? Did someone hear Leora say it? And why would they continue to speak (as usually once a romantic bond has severed, you go separate ways). And what business do they profit from together (or is that also hearsay)? So many of you gossip like 13 year old girls. This forum has become the Howard Stern Show of Prague (or that's how many of you make it seem). Don't know who Stern is? Wiki him. Excuse me for being a skeptic, but I am serious in asking these questions. Who is the Russian interpreter of this forum???
  22. I'm sympathetic towards Paul Can you go a year without nookie??? Assuming he's been with no one else (and do we really know that Leora had dick outside the apartment?). As I was saying,... I don't think I've gone more then 4 months w/o nookie since college. Not that Paul used his equipment much, but a year w/o pie.... My oh my!
  23. I don't know the 'politics' involved. But why hasn't she gone home to visit Paul (or him to her) is puzzling. I still hold that, after nearly 1/3 of her life on camera, she needs to get off camera to live a better all-around life.
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