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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Malia should change her hair style (it will soften her look and make her more attractive). She looks like the female version of Moe Howard.
  2. I knew I'd piss off someone. There's always exceptions. To a professional profiler, tatts are a sign of rebellion. Those who get tatts may say it's an expression of independence or expression. From what I have read, to a profiler, it's a subconscious act of rebellion (and those I know who are heavily tatted, I can see that perspective).
  3. Leora would have to be the greatest actress of the modern era if her life outside the apartment greatly differs from inside. It's not a bad theory (punching in and out like an office job). But having seen her the past several years, her behavior hasn't changed much.
  4. Not if it compromises values you hold close to the heart. I continue to be surprised of the continuing moral and ethical decay society has become - especially among 13-25 yrs old. Going back 40 years, first it was MTV that gave that age group permission to be selfish and free-wheeling w/o consequence or responsibility. Since then, Twitter, YT, TikTok, SnapChat, Vine, Instagram ...the Kardashians - 99% of social media platforms (and many influencers) will say or do anything for attention, publicity, and the dollar. To Hell with the consequences. Not that Taylor Swift is a bad influence. But look at how many kids worship her. Place her face on a box of Frosted Flakes, the ceraal would sell out across the USA within 48 hours (and of course, she'll get a percentage of each box sold). So...no. Stay true to yourself and don't change with the times. If you want to change with the times, understand the consequences and responsibilities (and that your momma won't be around to bail you out of jail or give you a hot meal). All civilized nations were created with similar sets of moral and ethical values. I know in the USA, those values have declined significantly since Trump became president - all because the media wants him out of office and they have significant control of what is read in the paper, seen on TV, heard on the radio, or seen on the internet (much of it either sensationalized or deceiving). Anyway, this isn't the political forum and I'm standing on a soapbox. Ya'll stay true to your core values and don't confuse fantasy from reality.
  5. In the beginning era of live cams, there were couples who actually had affection for each other. There was romance. No casual, meaningless sex. Even Leora...while she has the 'skill' to bate and have an orgasm, her foreplay is not only staged, but its 10 minutes of watching something not sexual/romantic on her tablet. Contrary to what many have said, I have not seen her watch porn or an adult internet channel while she gets juiced up. She has the ability to "multi-task" and rub herself towards ecitement wall watching Breaking Bad reruns or Two and a Half Men. Again, these gals get paid for being your fantasy. VHTV....like clockwork, some apartments will have sex every three hours, purposely never ending in an orgasm. They are fulfilling a contractual requirement - sex or getting nekkid has little to do with intimacy. Times have changed.
  6. Someone mentioned not knowing what past these RLCers have lived (and what brings them to get nekkid/have sex on cam). I'm going to profile Leora and Masha. Speculation, of course. But as someone who continues to study the behavioral sciences (took a few courses in college),... Leora I know 'best', having seen her on cam for several years. She appears to have had a decent, moral upbringing. While I have read on CC that her parents died while she was young and raised by an Aunt until she left at 16 (should that be truth, I don't know), it comes down to the behavior I have seen from her the past few years. She has no outlandish body piercings or tattoos (neither did Paul) She has table manners (that is a vital profiling observation - how she organizes her food on her plate, how she uses utensils, keeps house). Of the few friends we've seen her interact with, they don't have tatts or piercings. Most likely she was raised with average moral and ethical values and, for the most part, carries most of them over to this day. Having been paired with Paul since high school did further nurture some moral foundation for her. What answers I don't have is why she displays herself to the public on cam, as I don't think that was the road meant for her. Somewhere along the way she made a wrong turn (IMO). One theory I have is when she and Paul started living together (I read she was 16 and Paul 17), the opportunity of free rent in exchange for being nekkid on cam couldn't be ignored for a couple that had no money. I think she's lost some ambition she may have had growing up and some self-esteem along the way. She seems studious. Why she hasn't applied that skill towards an honorable profession is puzzling. I do thing her break-up w/ Paul was a positive sign that she wants to learn independence. But her growth remains stunted until she gets off cam and experiences true independence. Masha is easier to profile. She grew up being rebellious. Her friends are like her (from what I see): Tatted, pierced, poor choice in cosmetic surgeons, etc. I don't think she had a healthy family structure when she was a teen-ager. Tell her to do something, and she will do the opposite. I think where she is now in life is what would be expected. Or...both could be heirs to a king's ransom and the joke is on all of us.
  7. I watched these two the past week more then I have the previous three months. They got married, correct? For whatever reason (and maybe it's the marriage certificate), I've sensed a disconnect. They would always be together in the living room or kitchen. Now, I see her alone watching TV while he's in the guest room. Or he's watching TV in the living room while she went to sleep in the bedroom.
  8. Indeed. When I post an opposing view, it's truly not to change one's mind. It's to open the mind.
  9. Let me discount almost everything you said in your post because speculation is not based on facts (evidence). As defined in the dictionary: Speculation: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence (facts). Speculation can be entertained by theory. But there are no facts. Speculation can often be 'fun' if fantasy would be a sub-brand of a speculation. If these two every get intimate (i.e. penetration in one of two orifices that are below the waist), it will be because of getting monetary compensation - that is the only reason. If you're gay and living with someone, you don't do what they have been doing (petting only), and you don't do it only once or twice a week. Dudes - can you see yourself laying naked with your best male friend and do what these girls (who are childhood friends) do? You might do it for money and/or in desperation because you don't have a penny/ruble in your pocket. Or you have no future goals other than being on a paid membership site. Otherwise,...I rest my case. Side note: Leora has been on cam for 7...8+ years. Do you think she has placed any thought on her future endeavors? Think about it - 8+ years on cam can be equal to dog years for this 'industry'. And that body will not hold up forever. I feel bad for her - I don't think she has looked beyond 1 month for her life. I speculate that unless she meets her future husband, she'll either join a secretarial pool, assemble widgets in a factory, or crush grapes with her feet at a winery (ref: I Love Lucy).
  10. Slightly disagree. I think there is validity in calling any RLC participants a prostitute. They get paid by RLC (via subscribers) to have sex. Maybe there's ambiguity for those on RLC who are single and only bate on cam. Nevertheless, the intent is there to be paid money for "sex". If the main purpose of the RLC participant is to chronologically lead his/her life on cam, which includes having sex (but it is far from the purpose of being on cam), I don't consider that a form of prostitution. IMO, that's more of an ongoing experiment in social behavior (of which people do get paid for doing by various universities or research institutes). I'll go back to the example I gave a couple weeks ago about JenniCam - she lead her life inside the apartment on cam. 95% of what you saw was her playing games, studying, socializing with friends. Maybe 1-2x/month she'd have sex - and not for the cameras but because it was part of her social interaction with others.
  11. I didn't see the interaction. Unless lube was introduced, one or both had to be aroused to some level (enough to make rubbing and/or penetration bearable). It might have been a forced arousal (as this doesn't come naturally for either). If lube was introduced, then they went according to script. So many of you like their interaction. I'd like to know who is in charge of concessions, and how many hot dogs/corn dogs, sodas, popsicles, and popcorn were sold.
  12. Are you implying Leora is a racist - preferring black dildos over other dildo ethnicities?
  13. Unless you heard her specifically say (or someone else say), within the walls of the apartment she is without child, how do you know it's fact? I'll speculate that she is w/o child, assuming she would be a loving mother, based on her occupancy in the apartment.
  14. That's different Pepe. You're making a speculation that, without your knowledge, turned to be fact. You intent was not to reveal an outside activity that you had no knowledge of.
  15. The Moderator Lords has spoken. Speculation is OK to discuss. Facts/knowledge of outside activities, no bueno. That's what I've been sayin'. Thank you Squirrely. 😄
  16. You wont let it go Pepe. I gave you the out that we will have to agree to disagree. I stand by my previous three posts, which includes that CC and RLC are two separate entities, negating your interpretation that SPECULATING what they do outside the apartment is the same as if it is factual.
  17. The purpose of the wording is the assumption one would know, factually, what they do outside the apartment. WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DO OUTSIDE THE APARTMENT. Anyone who knows, factually, what they do outside the apartment, indeed it shouldn't be discussed. That is the intent of the words in red. What would be factually known. To speculate does not fall under this policy. To speculate Leora goes to a gym, or a bar, or to a salon, or blows men for $20 behind the neighborhood bodego - that's speculation. Nothing factual about what I just said unless I have knowledge she does any of those things. For those who don't have a legal background, this discussion falls under the purpose of "intent". Intent is a subjective state of mind that usually accompanies knowledge. As we don't have knowledge what goes on outside the apartment, speculation would be permissible.
  18. Again, READ the rules you posted. CC doesn't host the apartments. Nothing factual is being posted in any forum regarding outside activities. Much of the content in any post is speculation (inside or outside the apartments). Where does it say speculation (not factual content) isn't allowed? I interpret nothing in the rules stating otherwise. We'll have to respectfully agree to disagree.
  19. CC doesn't host the apartments. CC provides a forum to discuss their lives. CC and RLC are two separate entities that have no legal binds (as far as I know). If CC was a subsidiary of RLC, this rule might be applicable. Think of CC like a news outlet reporting (discussing) the political administration in your favorite democratic country. Another position is we don't know what they do outside the apartment. Therefore, since what would be said is not factual but speculative, this rule does not apply.
  20. Everyone's perception of these two feeling each other out is different. Is it forced? Well, not really. But I'm confident they received a 'memo' from RLC how to spice up the channel. I do think Malia is more willing then Leora to take it to the next level. But for it to go there, it's Leora's decision to make. *IF* I was Malia and I wanted to go to the next level, a few minutes after a rubdown, when Leora is a bit more relaxed, is the time to bring out a dildo and use it gently on her to... That will get Leora's transmission into overdrive.
  21. Since nobody has first hand knowledge of their lives OUTSIDE the apartment, there's no harm in speculating. Speculating, in part, is no different then those oogling either girl and fantasizing of being with them. Or trying to understand why Leora cried (or is upset) after a phone call she had with someone we do not know of. There has always been lots of Monday morning quarterbacking regarding what goes on INSIDE the apartment. No reason the game can't be played speculating what happens OUTSIDE the apartment. Personally, I think Leora's trips outside are for typical household items, and maybe something similar to a gym membership. I doubt she has a job outside the apartment. I'd hope she socializes (maybe goes to a church gathering, a bar, see an outdoor concert). *I* don't think she's developed a skill that would enable her to survive on her own (i.e. secretarial skills, cooking, etc). After all these years, I haven't seen her apply any skills inside the apartment that she might use professionally to earn an honest rubel (other then housekeeping). Come to think of it, if she wears a French maid uniform and becomes a professional housekeeper,....
  22. I don't frequent this apartment. But I concur she did seem sick last week. Also, there was a day that both slept on the couch.
  23. There's nothing 'lesbian' gong on. It's a performance. Soft porn without the porn (the porn comes later when they are alone in their bedrooms). As I write this, no insertion of any kind has occurred in another's orifice. Think bad acting or a scripted reality show for TV.
  24. When these cams first came on (before RLC's existence), they were pure voyeur. Participants were rarely playing for the camera. They never acknowledged their existence. They went about their day and we would be the fortunate ones to peek in. It wasn't only about sex. Much of the voyeur experience had to do with watching the participant's behavior, their social interactions, etc. I brought up JenniCam a week ago. Jenni rarely had sex on camera. What made her the pioneer was she showed the public either how similar (or different) her college life was to the voyeur. With that said, I recall about 3 years ago, when many thought we were watching Leora being 'natural,... She was in the guest room, door closed, We thought Paul was sleeping in the living room while she was having a good bate on the sofa. Her back was towards the camera, her ass in clear view. She just started to orgasm when Paul, w/o knocking on the guest room door, walks in. Leora is 3 seconds into her orgasm and Paul, by opening the door (and then shutting it quickly with Leora's help), gave up the ghost. That was a 'jump the shark' moment. Most thought she was being naughty, always bating behind Paul's back (or when he was away), when he was in on it!! Most every guy's voyeur fantasy came to a screeching halt when he acknowledged he knew.....Leora was his money-maker. (it has always been staged) While my priority watching any cam is for the behavioral/social interaction, and sex being secondary, since that day, the fantasy has been ruined. I see Leora as a porn actress - everything is staged (and if you're still in doubt, don't think for one second the Malia/Leora massages occur because they discovered they are naturally attracted to each other). If you can stay in that fantasy, knowing her actions (just about everything but cooking and laundry), is choreographed, power to you. That fantasy/escapism is OK as long as you know the difference from reality.
  25. Grrr.. tried linking a pic w/o success. Oh well...
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