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Everything posted by Howard

  1. So far I have to say this is poorly scripted. By now, someone's face should be buried in the other's muff. Bad, bad script.
  2. That's not sex. It's pathetic effort from Paul.
  3. On a serious note, she got ready so quickly to jump in the tub with him, it shows how much in need she is of his affection.
  4. She's brushing her hair, he's in the tub. It's gonna be another night of disappointment.
  5. Seriously, she's nice to look, even fantasize about, but I wouldn't bang her (I have my own 'Leora'). She needs Sasha to bang her. She may not walk for a week afterwards, but it should knock some sense into her what she has been missing.
  6. Knucklehead is oblivious. She can hop on the table in front of him with legs wide open and his response would be "not now, I have a headache".
  7. Lots of topless Linda the past week or two. She's realized (or some other reason) she doesn't have to have sex on camera to draw viewers,
  8. No imagination. It's as if they are both sticking to the script. Only one time I can think when Leora seduced Paul (when not expecting it). In the old apartment about six years ago he came home, she greeted him in a nightie, pulled his pants down (I think he was carrying groceries), and blew him. Then they moved into the GR and....it was boring sex. But at least she did SOMETHING different. Tonight, she could have easily crawled underneath the table he's working at and munch on him. But...that's not in the script.
  9. Leora's life isn't wasted. I'd categorize her life as far from being a productive member of society. She might be socially inept (fair to say because rarely does she socialize inside or outside the apartment). Doe she prefer to be in the RLC bubble or is it that she doesn't know any better? Is it Paul holding her back, or is she holding herself back? A combination of all. I'd say that since being involved with Paul since they were teen-agers has largely held her back from being a better person. That is often the result of a teen-age love that doesn't know when to move on. He's at fault for being....Paul. She's at fault for playing life safe instead of taking risk (even minimal risk doesn't brings her fear). Yet, she'll bate and have sex on camera. Welcome to Generation "We're Fucked-Up".
  10. Watched a replay of Leora and Paul from a few hours ago. Paul: You're an idiot. 15 yrs with the same girl and is as clumsy as if he's a virgin. By now you would think he has LEARNED what she likes (and how to do it). But no, Paul. You are an idiot. The movie Dumb and Dumber with Jim Carry....Paul was the inspiration. Paul: You're an idiot.
  11. Linda glams up in front of the mirror, fixes her hair in front of the mirror, makes wardrobe adjustments in front of the mirror...for the cameras. Don't think she cares what Paul thinks OR has the inclination to look nice for ihm (but to look nice on camera).
  12. The action is on the second floor. The first floor...these gals are worse then nerds at a high school dance.
  13. This all seems like "forced fun"? If it was natural, there would be a table of liquor.
  14. Confused...what's in the room/closet off the 2nd floor hallway camera (2-9)?
  15. Stop with these inner thoughts. Nobody is impressed. You (and most everyone else) just want to fuck her. 🤣
  16. You give Martina WAY, WAY too much credit. She's no more an attention whore then 90% of the chicks on RLC. What she will be missing is having Alberto around like a puppy. Unless she finds another guy who will do almost whatever she says, she's in for a rude awakening (the awakening has already begun).
  17. Hmm... I think Leora closed her legs today to Paul. Did they get in a spat? Did she come to her senses and get upset when Paul asked for a dollar to play pinball at the corner arcade?
  18. Why the hoopla with Martina's departure? Wherever she goes has to be better then continuing being on camera. And it appears if you take away the shine of being in a new relationship, Alberto has never been happier and his confidence is on the rise. Let Martina go. *I* think she is in process of having a reality check realizing her future no longer has Alberto at her fingertips.
  19. Kinda scummy of Paul. At first I thought it wasn't him but a Martian who took on his life form as he was being romantic and kissy-kissy with Leora. But it only took 30 seconds for his true colors to show. ...and she doesn't mind one bit. Leora is so wanting love and attention from numbnuts that she will do anything for him - especially when it comes to sex because his libido is so low (she doesn't know when the next time he'll be amorous). There are times I would like to wack him across the head with a frying pan.
  20. After about 4 weeks, I tuned back into this channel and doesn't seem much happens. They sleep in the bedroom. They smoke on the balcony. They sleep in the living room. Rinse and repeat. Based on their behavior, are they no longer a couple? They seem distant from each other. Might be better turning this into a dog channel as they seem to be more interesting to watch.
  21. Only checked in on this gal a couple times. But it seems she tries to hard for acceptance. She also seems to be a 20-something looking more like a 40-something.
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