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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Jabba said Daenerys left and was replaced by Amelie. Or, did I misunderstand?
  2. That has to be the biggest joke you've ever told. Your psychopath in chief is not taking care of this country. He's ripping it apart. He's not capable of taking care of this country because he's broken and he's broken this country. He has not, is not and will never be able to take care of this country.
  3. You always have an answer excuse for everything and it's always to point a finger at and blame everyone and everything else. You act as though a Republican never told a lie or cheated or caused a scandal or ever in their lives did anything wrong. They're all politicians and human, so all of that and much more goes without saying. There's no such thing as a perfect or blameless Republican. Democrats are not responsible for everything that's wrong in this country. You don't have to look any further than your psychopath in chief to see what an undeniable disaster he has made of this country. He's made a laughingstock of both himself and this country. Other countries have no respect for us anymore. We are a joke to them, all because of him. He cares about exactly two things: himself and money. And you make these blanket, completely unsubstantiated statements such as, BLM protesters cause more COVID-19 cases than MAGA protesters. You have absolutely nothing to back that up with. Just more blame and finger-pointing. Oh, and there's no one dumber than your psychopath in chief supporters, but it's good that you realize they are dumb.
  4. Kylie and Rus amazing sex in all positions (Video Content No Longer Available)
  5. I absolutely agree with you. There's no charge to anyone if they choose the slow download method. And I wholeheartedly agree companies should make money. Even if you're a non-profit you need to meet operating costs, salaries, etc. I was only saying they appear to be a pay-per-click site, which I also don't have a problem with, although it's against CC's rules to use that type of site. My only problem with them is how S L O W their download speed is. It could take hours to download just a few hundred MB. To me, because of the way they hold people hostage with such a slow speed, it's a wonder anybody buys a faster account. I know I never would.
  6. Hey Mark. Some sites pay the person who uploaded the file every time someone downloads their files. I believe rapidgator is one such site. I think that's what Calle may have been referring to. Rapidgator is also one of the slooooweeeeest hosts ever.
  7. IMO, when a guy does something like that to a woman, what he's saying is, "I'm in control, here, not you. I call the shots. You do what I say, what I want and you don't ask why, you just do it." And, it doesn't matter if someone else or a million others did the same thing. If Bradly did what this guy did, then he's no better.
  8. I don't usually express an opinion about the people we see in these apts because I don't have a sub and I don't get to watch them. But, that video was pretty telling. I didn't see him show her any tenderness. In fact, it looked like she even had to ask his permission to go wash out her mouth. IMHO, this was tantamount to domestic violence.
  9. It wasn't meant to prove you wrong, it was just information. 😊
  10. The fact that you have to ask, means you're no better than he is.
  11. That's what's known as a ring light in photography. It casts an even light on the subject, which reduces shadows and minimizes blemishes. They are commonly used for portraits, glamour shots, product photography, even videography, if there's one subject. The camera, of course, is set up just behind the light to shoot through the center of the ring. A selfie ring light is typically much smaller, just big enough to fit around your phone or tablet camera lens. Something like this.
  12. I broke it into two pieces so it would download faster. MAB automatically cancels full speed downloads on any transfer over 2 GB. Gina, Ginger and Curly Threesome 18.06.2020 - Part 1 Gina, Ginger and Curly Threesome 18.06.2020 - Part 2 (Video Content No Longer Available)
  13. Prelude to a Threesome - Gina, Ginger & Curly 18.06.2020 (Video Content No Longer Available)
  14. Cute little dogs will attract them every time.
  15. What a class A, fucking asshole!! If I were her and he did that to me, he'd be sucking his own fucking dick, right after I sliced it off. I hate fucking pricks like this dickwad. And I don't give a shit if it is their fucking Russian culture, they need to be taught some respect for women...the hard way.
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