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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Thank you very much, Ulysse. That is very kind of you. I'm happy to help.
  2. Thanks for the support. Much appreciated. 👍👍
  3. None of that has anything to do with what he said and to be clear, I'm only talking about the quote you posted. He was only talking about kids being immune from the virus, not what might or might not happen once they were infected. In truth, kids are not immune from this virus, basically or any other way. He's the one who put the spin on what he said in the first place, with the word, basically. He gave himself an out, plausible deniability, in case anyone said he claimed kids were immune. But, his intent was to have everyone believe that kids are immune to this virus. That's how he operates. He manipulates, spins, denies, lies, anything but tell the truth. It's like Stone said, if he ever told the truth, his tongue would shrivel up and fall right out of his mouth. Chances are, if you stopped 100 random people on the street and asked them what he said, the vast majority, if not every one of them would say, he said kids are immune to the virus, which is exactly what he wants people to think.
  4. I really hope you don't think I was criticizing you. Not at all. It was just an observation. I love what you post and it doesn't matter to me where it comes from. J'espère vraiment que vous ne pensez pas que je vous critiquais. Pas du tout. C'était juste une remarque. J'aime ce que tu publies et peu m'importe où ça vient de.
  5. I just don't understand why you have such a problem with people posting videos that may have already been posted. What about new members who have never seen this video before? How about current members who may not have been able to download it the first time because it was deleted before they could get to it. And what on Earth is it do you think Dundee needs to report? People can post what they want on this public forum and they don't deserve this kind of criticism for trying to do something positive for this community or your snide little, left-handed "thank you's". No one on this forum answers to you. You are not the forum police. I don't have an RLC sub and I will never be able to have one. I'm damn lucky I'm able to buy a premium CC sub. The only way I can give back to this community is by posting videos I find elsewhere. Then people like you come along and mock and ridicule and scoff with contempt at the effort. Who cares if it was previously posted or who may have posted it before. None of us own the stuff we post. Not even a little bit. It's not as if we're violating anyone's copyright (except RLC's). If you don't like what's being posted, get an RLC sub and post away. But, don't get your knickers in a bunch if someone posts it again somewhere down the line. People complain when no videos are posted, then when videos do get posted, they complain some more. There's just no satisfying some people.
  6. What do think immune means, if not, "...children cannot get Covid-19"? immune [ih-myoon] protected from a disease or the like, as by inoculation. of or relating to the production of antibodies or lymphocytes that can react with a specific antigen: immune reaction. exempt or protected not responsive or susceptible to
  7. I agree, except, I don't believe these came from the forum. They were very recent and from the paid cams. 😊
  8. Hey Starider, I don't know if this was in response to my post, but I wasn't talking about the death rate, just the recovery rate. There's simply no way to justify that. if you add the total tests performed by just the next 3 countries after the US, Brazil, India and Russia, it comes to more than 65,000,000. That's well more than the 63+ million performed by the US and that's just three countries.
  9. Misleading and misinformation. The recovery rate in the US is 51%. It doesn't make a bit of difference what it is in one state. In addition, at least 29 new coronavirus deaths and 1,876 new cases were reported in Illinois on Aug. 5. Over the past week, there have been an average of 1,644 cases per day, an increase of 32 percent from the average two weeks earlier. As of Thursday afternoon, there have been at least 190,101 cases and 7,795 deaths in Illinois since the beginning of the pandemic. That's 1500 cases per 100,000 people.
  10. America stands alone Nearly every country has struggled to contain the coronavirus. But only one affluent nation has suffered a severe, sustained outbreak for more than four months: the United States. Our colleague David Leonhardt — the usual writer of this newsletter — and a team of other Times journalists around the world interviewed scientists and public health experts to reconstruct America’s unique failure. Their reporting points to two central themes. First, the United States has a tradition of prioritizing individualism over government restrictions. That aversion to collective action helped lead to inadequate state lockdowns and inconsistent adherence to mask wearing based on partisanship instead of public health. Second, many experts agree, America’s poor results stem in substantial measure from the performance of the Trump administration. “If you had to summarize our approach, it’s really poor federal leadership — disorganization and denial,” said Andy Slavitt, who ran Medicare and Medicaid from 2015 to 2017. The administration’s travel restrictions were insufficient. Health officials initially gave confusing advice around wearing masks in public. And the president’s public statements — including claiming that the virus wasn’t serious and would disappear — regularly spread misinformation. In no other high-income country have political leaders so frequently departed from expert advice. Together, skepticism toward collective action and the administration’s scattered approach have undermined the national response to the pandemic. True, the United States has made some improvements, including on mask wearing and testing. But unlike in South Korea, Germany and other countries, the virus continues to overwhelm daily life for Americans. The frustration for many experts is that this outcome was avoidable. As one said: “This isn’t actually rocket science. We know what to do, and we’re not doing it.”
  11. They didn't waste any time on these. Less than an hour and they're gone like a fart in a hurricane.
  12. du Faulenzer you loafers This is what I got when I translated, "you bum," from English to German using Google. Yandex translated it to, "you bum." Translator translated it to, "you lounger." Take your pick. 😊
  13. Kjeld, I know this is very basic and obvious and I know you've been using computers a long time, so no disrespect intended. Have you tried refreshing the tab or restarting your browser? Also, did you try to add the video to the post box, even though it's blank?
  14. "Donald Trump isn't the best reader. He's also not very good at typing, spelling, and often writes in ALL CAPS using a Sharpie marker." However, he managed to surprise people on Tuesday while signing The Great American Outdoors Act. https://mashable.com/video/donald-trump-yosemite-pronunciation/
  15. Can't Touch This. LOL Alabama principal made a perfect 'Can't Touch This' coronavirus parody for students MASHABLE.COM "STOP. Sanitize!"
  16. Now, you're just plain delusional. I've never tried to have you or anyone else banned from CC.
  17. You complained that they were lazy because they hadn't done any work with the bed for a week, but, as Arkay explained, there was a very good reason for that. They weren't being lazy, they were waiting for the mattress cover to dry. That was the reason for my joke. 😊
  18. Of all the people on the planet that I've run across in my life, you have absolutely no leg to stand on to label ANYONE else a bigot. You are, in every respect, without a single doubt, wholly, unconditionally, entirely, categorically, vociferously intolerant of absolutely ANYONE whose opinion differs from yours. According to you, no one can be right unless they agree with you. You have proven that in almost every comment you've posted in this topic. You are certainly the biggest bigot of anyone on this entire site and in my lifetime, you are second only to your psychopath. Definition of bigot (Merriam-Webster): a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices (dictionary.com): a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.
  19. Hey, Rob, now don't you just feel like a right tit?
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