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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I'm not so sure how appetizing that would be. Basically, just a potato sandwich. Of course, I've never had one, so I can't really judge.
  2. And the funny thing is, it's not Daniel. 🀣
  3. SSD stands for Solid State Drive. It's basically a LOT of thumb drives, aka memory sticks or flash drives, all "wired" together inside a small metal case. SSDs and thumb drives both use what's called flash memory. The main differences between SSDs and normal hard drives is, SSDs have no moving parts. Normal hard drives have spinning platters and moving heads that read and write data. The other main difference is speed. I have one in my laptop and I can restart/reboot it in 30 seconds flat. I also have a regular hard drive, but the Windows OS and all my software are installed on my SSD, so everything runs much faster. If you ever decide to buy a Windows PC, laptop or desktop, I highly recommend getting it with an SSD or installing one yourself, if it doesn't come with one. Makes a world of difference.
  4. Did you make that up or did you get it from someplace else? Just out of curiosity. 😊
  5. Huh?? I have no qualms with this test. That's the way they designed it. That's the way it was supposed to be. I've never posted cam show pics in a VH topic, that I can recall. Do you have me confused with someone else? 😊
  6. Hey, Rob. I have a question for you. How can you identify a smartass? By his wisecrack.
  7. Nothing. I didn't say they were all bad. 😊 Wasn't this the only spot with any (enough) light shining on it to get a decent picture? Deep shadows and high contrast don't make for good pictures in a situation like this. IMO.
  8. No, it's not. She just has to take it off.
  9. What is the difference between women and computers? Women don't accept 3.5 inch floppies.
  10. One day a man and his wife needed to type in a password so they could login. So the husband, trying to be funny, types in β€œpenis”. His wife literally falls to the ground laughing when the computer replies β€œPASSWORD REJECTED. NOT LONG ENOUGH”
  11. How can you identify a smartass? By his wisecrack.
  12. A blonde and a brunet are getting in an elevator, when along comes this really hot guy. The girls notice he has a really bad dandruff problem. The brunet whispers to the blonde, "Someone should give him Head and Shoulders", and the blonde says, "How do you give shoulders?"
  13. I'm just messing with you. I know you guys in the UK call them crisps. In the States, we call them potato chips or just chips, for short. I guess that would be tattie chips to you. BTW, what does chip buttie mean? Is buttie Scots for sandwich?
  14. @Hope85, I have certainly had my problems posting this one little GIF. First, I posted it using Attachments (force of habit from posting on VHTV) and they deleted it almost before I got it posted. Then, I tried using the Hungarian site you use, but it wouldn't upload once I translated it to English. It just got stuck at 0% during the upload. So, I uploaded it from the original language page, but every time it got to 100%, it would give me a non-specific error. I tried multiple time, but got nowhere. Then, I tried zupimages, but they don't allow more than 5MB. Finally, I remembered I have an account at postimg, where I was able to upload it without any trouble, but then had trouble with the post codes. What an ordeal this turned out to be. But thank you for giving me something to start with. Much appreciated. πŸ‘
  15. That's a slick little knife maneuver she's got there. Thanks, Hope, for the original to play with. πŸ‘
  16. I don't care about dicks. I just want to see that delicious, gorgeous, scrumptious, beautiful pussy!!
  17. Just as I thought, potato chips. 🀣🀣🀣
  18. Bad angles, bad lighting and both. Fix the cameras and the lighting.
  19. Jabba, thank you very much. πŸ‘πŸ‘ I wish she would do this more often.
  20. Thank you, Sparkles. Very much appreciated. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  21. You go, girl. Very cute, RK. β€οΈπŸ‘πŸ‘
  22. @jabbath1987, @Sparkles, might anybody have larger versions of this scene, please? Thank you.
  23. By crisps, do you mean potato chips? What kind of cheese?
  24. I don't believe he's just being nice. Some of us really appreciate @Mrs.Kitty. ❀️
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