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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. And therein lies the answer. The viewing audience on CB is MUCH larger and MUCH more diverse than the VHTV audience. VH cultivated a more heterosexual audience because of what was originally offered on their site, namely straight couples and lesbians. I know of no one, here, who is against gay men. I can't recall anyone ever bashing gay men on this site. They just didn't watch the gay apts because most of us, I believe, don't come to VH to watch gay men. Consequently, when VH opened a couple of gay apts, the majority of the viewers didn't watch them and they didn't get enough views to warrant keeping them open. We're not against gay men, we simply prefer to watch straight   and/or lesbian sex. Exactly like you prefer, it would seem, to watch gay and bisexual men.  Just because we'd rather watch straight or lesbian sex doesn't mean we are gay bashers or even dislike or are against gay men. I think to be users of this site, we have to have an open mind to start with. After all, we call ourselves perverts, which derives from the word perverse, which means to deviate from what is understood to be normal. So, no haters of gay men, here, just people with different preferences from what you have.
  2. You reminded me of something. What do you call an everyday potato? A commentator.
  3. If life hands you melons, you have dyslexia. 😊
  4. Is this the girl we call "Doe Eyes"? I can't recall what she looks like. If she has a real name, I've never seen it mentioned anywhere.
  5. Apparently, some don't yet get it, as I see plenty of requests for videos that most likely won't show up, and a lot of complaints about comments, instead of videos and complaints about no videos being posted, even though no videos will probably get posted, since it's a premium only apt. I just wanted to explain why that was the case. Just trying to be helpful, not sarcastic or insincere. I only have what people post to go on and it appeared as though some people didn't understand why there were no videos. It was just an explanation. No offense intended.
  6. Did you throw up during the ride or wait 'til you were back on the ground?
  7. In order to post videos from this apartment, you must have an RLC account so you can record from the paid cameras. If you have an RLC account and you post videos that you recorded from any paid camera, you run the very real risk of losing your RLC account and all the money you paid for it and being permanently banned from RLC. And that's exactly what happened to at least one user who posted a video from a paid camera in this topic. Since this apartment has no free cams, the chances of any videos being posted from this apartment are slim to none. In light of that, I don't think it much matters where the comments are posted. In the unlikely event that a video from this apartment is posted here, it's extremely simple to scroll past the text post to get to the video. I hope this is helpful.
  8. You may be right about some of the other managers. You guys know better than I would, since you're the ones with the subs. However, I believe there's always room for improvement, instead of resting on your laurels. It seems I remember, though, people complaining about the cams every time Jeka opens a new apt. Nobody should ever just take Jeka's word when it comes to cameras. As for the day, right back at you, my friendly German Connection. 😊
  9. I don't either, but that sounds like a good idea. 👍
  10. For anyone to heap accolades on Jeka's work with cameras, be it positioning, lighting, camera quality, etc., etc., just shows how little they know about the importance of views. And not just Jeka, but all the managers and the entire company. You would think if a company wanted to be as successful and profitable as they could be, they wouldn't overlook one of the most important aspects of their business: views, which go directly to their bottom line. And one of the best, and easiest ways, to garner more views is by improving the quality of the cameras, their position, the lighting, etc. It's one of the quickest and simplest things they could do and I believe they'd be rolling in money. Like the old adage says, you've got to spend money to make money. And, hand-in-hand with that is not allowing people to move, block, cover, turn off or in any way hinder the views through the cams. Of course, in order for that to happen, the company would have to take a more active role in the operation of their company, instead of letting other people run it for them. And a lot of that starts with really listening to, believing in and responding to what your customers are saying and not simply thinking you know what is best and right. JMHO.
  11. Once again, you ignored what I actually said and responded to suit your interpretation of it. But, that's OK. You're free to do that.
  12. But a tripod is what they need to eliminate blurry pictures from camera shake caused by a person holding the cam. They also need to work on the color balance of this camera. I don't know how good this camera is, but the pictures I've seen capped from it are awful. It's like there's a soft focus filter on the lens. JMO.
  13. It's been a while since I've seen this type of comment posted on this site, but it's still and always will be a very thoughtless and inconsiderate statement, IMHO. You are obviously one of the lucky ones. One of those who has the kind of disposable income that allows you to spend $30, $40, $50 a month, or whatever the going rate is, for your entertainment pleasure. Have you ever given any thought to the users who live on a fixed income and could never afford that kind of monthly outlay for entertainment. Think about how much food or medication or other necessities that would pay for. And I'm sure there are a few of us here who live on no income stream. How would they also be able to "just pay" and "see it all". I'm sure you're a good person and you didn't intend to make a comment like that and group everyone into the same "fortunate ones" category. All I'm saying is maybe put a little thought behind what you say before you start typing. 😊
  14. You can crop out the member id# in the bottom left corner, but as for the others, no one has come up with a work-around, yet. I hope pea fries (@ErbsenPommes) can figure it out.
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