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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Must be small if it's between her cupped hands. Mouse, gerbil, hamster???
  2. You're welcome, but I only replied because one of you asked, "What do you mean?"
  3. If they're going to be serious about camming, they need to get a much better camera. The color and quality of this cam is awful. It doesn't even appear to be HQ and certainly not HD. And, if someone is holding this cam, that causes camera shake, even if you think you're standing stone still, and camera shake causes blurry images, which is not good for business. Attach the camera to something stationary, like the back of a chair or a tripod. Makes for much sharper images. But most of all, they need a better camera. JMO.
  4. Какая задница лучше? Which ass is better? Я бы легко взял Джейкоба I would easily take Jacob! He's gay, so he likes Jacob's ass better.
  5. Henri, what would we do without you. Great shots. Thanks. 👍👍
  6. That's a position I wish a lot of others would adopt.
  7. I translate French, Turkish, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and God only knows how many others. Those are just the ones I recall off the top of my head. And, it literally takes mere seconds to do. Triple-click to highlight up to an entire paragraph, press Alt+C and there's the translation right under the foreign language. And, in color. No copy and paste, no opening another site, don't even have to click an icon or button. Just easy peasy right there in the post. Example. C'est aussi simple que cela, si je me trompe pas, il est comme toi, il n'est pas membre premium de vhtv, les petites images proviennent simplement des vignettes des caméras payantes It's as simple as that, if I'm not mistaken, it's like you, it's not a premium member of vhtv, the small images are simply thumbnails of paid cameras Thanks to Moos for the French.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. He was such a beautiful cat with lots of character. I, too, will miss seeing him around. 😭😭😭 I don't know if anyone ever asked before, but was he a Maine Coon Cat? How long had you owned him?
  9. That's three minutes more than we had 5 hours ago. Thanks. 👍👍
  10. An amazing site for finding the difference between things, such as science, technology, language, objects, business and much more. And, those are just some of the main topics. There are many, many sub-topics. You can also enter a custom search. Great site. The Difference Between…
  11. Oh yeah, I can only count up to three! Don't you believe it. Ash is super at math.
  12. I'm confused about that. They've already said it in public, on cam for the entire world to hear. Why can't you simply repeat in English what they've already said in public in Russian? Why should the non-Russian speaking portion of the viewing audience be deprived of what they said just because we don't speak Russian? Don't misunderstand, I do appreciate that you are kind enough to translate for us. I just don't understand this one aspect.
  13. Near Antonyms of evolution backslide, lapse, relapse decadence, decay, decaying, declension, declination, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, degradation, descent, deterioration, devaluation, downfall, downgrade, ebbing, falling, weakening Antonyms of evolution regress, regression, retrogression, reversion I didn't guess.
  14. I ordered a chicken and an egg on Amazon. I’ll let you know.
  15. I'll just take your word for it on that one. Of the two of us, you will always be the only one with male sexual experience. I can say this, however. As I said before, I am not interested in having sex with men and I don't find it hot to watch two men playing together. IMHO, I believe if a guy is a true heterosexual, he would say the same thing. But don't misunderstand, I am fully supportive of the LBGTIQ community and everyone's right to choose their own sexuality and preferences.
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