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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I am NOT getting in this argument. I just wanted to show that upside down pictures can look different when viewed correctly.
  2. @Mittsy1, if you quit, they win. No matter who "they" are. Sometimes you can beat them, sometimes you can't. But either way, it doesn't really matter. The only thing that's certain is, If. You. Quit. They. Win.
  3. Interesting fact. Red hair (or ginger hair) occurs naturally in one to two percent of the human population, appearing with greater frequency (two to six percent) among people of northern or western European ancestry and lesser frequency in other populations. - Wikipedia
  4. Much more appetizing...except, hold the hot peppers for me, thanks. I prefer to keep my taste buds. 😊
  5. I sure wish she would move to this end of the sofa and prop the pillows up behind her. That would be a much better shot. 😊
  6. It would be like Dezi Arnez on the I Love Lucy show, "Lucy, you got some 'splaining to do."
  7. @Sparkles, all along, people have said Gargamel is a sub-manager who has placed tenants in several apts. If that's not true, that's OK with me. You certainly know more about it than I do. I am confused about one thing, though. "(if was to to like that A&L would lose all the houses and we know they have the control)" Why would A/L lose all their apts? We know they are the managers. Why would a tech guy, who comes in just to install cams, be considered a sub-manager? Did you mean they would lose their apts to the tech guy or someone else? I don't recall anyone saying he is a sub-manager.
  8. I didn't mean that they had to be under Jeka, just a place somewhere to list them. Maybe create a section called "Apartments with Unknown Managers" or something like that and put them there until we know where they belong.
  9. Hey @Sparkles. I was just skimming through the managers' list and noticed that #10 under A&L looks like it needs an update, as well as #2 under George. Didn't Melissa & Sergio just become managers for Dom & Dan?
  10. That makes sense, but shouldn't those apts be listed somewhere? Maybe under Jeka until we know Gargamel's title for certain. Has anyone asked Jeka what is capacity is?
  11. Hey Zoifan, this may help some, although Gargamel's apartments are not listed, for some reason. IDK why. List of Managers/Realms
  12. It's almost not even worth having a cam in the bathroom with that ginormous black box covering almost half of the frame.
  13. The word "probably" is the very word that makes it speculation. When you say something probably happened, you're saying it could have happened, but there's a possibility it might not have. Speculation. 😊
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