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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Thanks for the info. It's possibly available from the developer's website. I'll check it out. If you've never tried ImTranslator, you are really missing something. I don't know if you read my entire post, but there's no right-clicking or choosing from a menu or even clicking an icon in the upper right. You simply highlight the text, press Alt+C and almost before you can blink, it's right there. And, if you don't like where the translation prints, you can change it.
  2. Hi Jimbo. Unless you know he's using Chrome, that won't work. It's only a built-in, right-click option for Chrome.
  3. He means he wants us to chat in the General Discussion Topic (GDT). While we are allowed to discuss posted pictures and videos in the picture and video topics, technically he's correct. However, if I had made the original post in the GDT, would either of you have seen it? Would most people have seen it? I'd be willing to wager that fully 95% of the users who visit the picture and video topics, have never set foot in a GDT.
  4. I've used many different translators of all different types, including s3.translator. No matter what type they were, web page, addon, etc., I can honestly say they all pale in comparison to ImTranslator, except for Microsoft Translator, but it has different uses. I've found it to be the easiest and quickest to use and the fastest to translate, bar none. Funny thing, as I said, I've used a lot of translators, but I was going to use s3 again just to remember how to use it. So, I did a search through Firefox' extensions and came up empty. I went through: 246 results for "s3.translator" and could not find s3.translator anywhere in their addon database. Go figure.
  5. Hey, Ralph, could you please be a bit more specific? Thanks.
  6. Well, yes and no. While I could see in Chrome the ones I can't see in Firefox, that doesn't explain why ONLY his last five posts don't show up in Firefox or why it's ONLY his posts. No one else's posts are affected. In this case, I don't believe it's the browser. Also, when I replied to the one post in Chrome, I was unable to add the ROFL emoji to my reply because this is all I got when I clicked on the emoji icon in Chrome.
  7. I laughed until I cried!! OMG, that was a riot. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  8. Hey, Noldus, this is the last post of yours that I can see. The five posts after this one are just blank. They look like this. Posted 1 hour ago Quote Donate Points I've refreshed the page, restarted my browser, even rebooted, but nothing works. They just stay blank. Any idea what might be causing this? Thanks.
  9. Sorry, Zoifan, I'm afraid I have no answer for that question. Murphy seems to do as he pleases. 😊
  10. Alt0na, you seem to be saying that you really believe Clara is doing something to actually cause these people to leave VH, like a witch's spell or a Vodou doll or something. (Not that there's anything wrong with Wicca or Vodou.) Or, that simply knowing Clara will somehow cause a tenant to have to leave VH. Surely you don't truly think that Clara is doing or even would do something to harm another's chances at having a long life on VHTV? Besides, even if that were true, if one "competitor" leaves, there will always be three more who pop up to take her place. Better to deal with the one you know than run the risk of having even more that you can't control (if that were even the case). Of course, at the rate VH is going, there will be three more to come along even if no one leaves, but you get my meaning. I don't think Clara would ever treat another person like that. And, she seems to genuinely like other women. If memory serves, Alice left VH because she was pregnant.
  11. That's hysterical. Love the closeup shot. It must have gotten tired of not getting it's 15 minutes of fame.
  12. Unfortunately the video seems to be broken 😞 It worked OK for me. Click on the link above, then click on the mp4 link above the picture. It will ask if you want to open or save the vid. Choose one, then click OK. Hope this helps.
  13. Sure you can. I've been talking to people in Russian a lot lately and I've never had a single lesson in how to read, write or speak Russian. It's all about translators. There are all kinds of translators. There are web pages, like Google Translate, standalone software, like Microsoft's Translator, which btw, is so absolutely AMAZING it's almost magical. Seriously. And, there are browser addons, like Google Translator. But, the addon I use is called ImTranslator. I use it in Firefox, but I don't know if it's available for other browsers. I find it to be the easiest and quickest to use, the fastest to translate and, I beieve, the most accurate because it uses multiple translators, not just Google, like a lot of others. You can highlight some foreign text, press Alt+C and in literally a second or two have it translated into your native language right there on the page. It's also what I used to translate this: non so scriverlo in russo ...lo farei... into this: Я не могу написать это по-русски ... Я бы сделал это ... in just a few seconds more. And, you can talk to people in 90 different languages. Check it out. I hope this was helpful. _________________ Come ha fatto? Potete leggere questo? Certo che puoi. Ultimamente ho parlato molto alla gente in russo e l'ho fatto non ho mai avuto una sola lezione su come leggere, scrivere o parlare russo. È tutto sui traduttori. Ci sono tutti i tipi di traduttori. Ci sono pagine web, come Google Traduci, software standalone, come Microsoft Translator, che btw, è assolutamente INCREDIBILE è quasi magico. Sul serio. E lì sono addons del browser, come Google Translator. Ma l'addon che uso si chiama ImTranslator. Lo uso in Firefox, ma non lo faccio so se è disponibile per altri browser. Trovo che sia il più facile e Il più veloce da usare, il più veloce da tradurre e, I beieve, il più preciso perché utilizza più traduttori, non solo Google, come molti altri Puoi evidenziare del testo straniero, premere Alt + C e letteralmente un secondo o due hanno tradotto nella tua lingua nativa proprio lì sulla pagina. E 'anche quello che ho usato per tradurre questo: non so scriverlo in russo ...lo farei... in questo: Я не могу написать это по-русски ... Я бы сделал это ... in pochi secondi ancora. E puoi parlare con persone in 90 diverse le lingue. Controlla. Spero che questo sia stato utile.
  14. I wonder, could you please post the original pic without the smartphone insert? Thanks.
  15. Actually, it goes a bit deeper than just videos. They forbid anyone from posting any of their content, anywhere.
  16. Lisa can be a little firecracker when she needs to be. She once jumped on the back of some guy who had just tried to slap Misty through the bedroom wall (luckily, he didn't connect). I believe she put a choke hold on him and then the two of them proceeded to kick him out. I think it was when she and Misty were living together, so it goes back a ways, but if you go back far enough in the topics, you can probably still find the GIFs or videos that were posted at the time. Some people may be able to put their hands on it and post a link or the content here.
  17. Those rules don't apply in this topic. Anyone can comment on anything they want to comment on, in this topic.
  18. I have used the same translator to translate every post made by Paisley and Cletus. As you can see below, this last post from them, the one made six hours ago, translated into absolutely perfect English. However, nothing else that Paisley and Cletus has ever posted has ever translated that cleanly into perfect English. Мы покинули проект, потому что вовремя не оплачивали коммунальные услуги, аренду квартиры и интернет. We left the project because we did not pay utility bills, apartment rent and the Internet on time. Мы большую часть времени спали, наши просмотры снизились и в отношениях у нас стало напряжённо. We slept most of the time, our views decreased and our relationship became tense. То, что я писал выше, было сделано для того, чтобы навредить Алексу, Лине, Стасу и Кларе. What I wrote above was done in order to harm Alex, Lina, Stas and Clara. Они не хотели оплачивать квартиру за нас и наши гости разбили телевизор, поэтому нас попросили уйти» They did not want to pay for the apartment for us and our guests broke the TV set, so we were asked to leave. Not only do I not believe that this is something that Paisley or Cletus would say, I also don't believe this is something that Paisley or Cletus would write, or possibly even could write that perfectly.
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