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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. "You had me at hello," but I don't know the other one. And no, I didn't cheat. That one was from Renee Zelwegger.
  2. Or, maybe #SHOWMETHEMONEY!!! as Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) might say. 😊
  3. That's a possibility, but it may have made the bezel look grey, instead of black. Although, duct tape does come in many different colors, these days, including black and even in prints. 😊
  4. The shiny stuff around the bezel looks like it could be that clear, peel-off film that manufacturers put on new products to keep them from getting scratched during packaging, delivery, setup, etc. Whoever setup the TV might have left it on for added protection, but it may be starting to peel from everyday use. Just a guess.
  5. Unfortunately, this may be something we all have to get used to or find another voyeur website, because I don't think VHTV is going to change their business model anytime soon.
  6. I wouldn't want to see what you might say about him if you didn't admire him. 😊 However, this had nothing to do with what Stas said or did or thought or felt or might be afraid of. I was only referring to what you said, which I believe was humiliating, insulting and inappropriate to say about a tenant (or a CC user, for that matter). Yes, it was your opinion, but just because you can say something, doesn't mean you should. And, some opinions are insulting. "I'll tell you something nice: they're real Lovers. and they're the best of vhtv . They respect each other" That, I agree with. "It's not humiliating to be passive in a situation." This, I partially agree with. I think it depends on the situation as to whether or not it might be humiliating.
  7. Karol has an absolutely gorgeous pussy!! I think that's the first time I've ever seen it. Please feel free to share any more of her you might have. Thank you! 😊
  8. Hey, Slider, you can also click on any of these four links, but you can only get there if you're a Premium Member. Hope this is helpful.
  9. I have nothing against you personally, Alt0na, but I felt someone needed to say something here. IMHO, not only is that an insulting thing to say, it's an extremely insulting and inappropriate statement, no matter what the reason, but especially because he loves a woman. In a lot of situations, if you said that to a guy face to face, you'd likely get your clock cleaned in very short order. You could have worded that so that you weren't insulting someone for being in love with someone else. And if you couldn't, maybe it would be best left unsaid entirely. As my dear, departed Grandmother was fond of saying, "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything, at all." Some opinions are insulting. IMO, that was one of them.
  10. What do you guys seriously think about this look? I think a trim around the edges and she loOKs like a really sexy woman, instead of the bald 12 year old look most woman have on here. I got nothing against women shaving a baldie, I'm somewhere in between that and this. Hey, @ashleyxyz, I found this in Staged...Part 1, so I'm a bit late to this party, but unlike Spying, I have an aversion to hairballs. 😁 I just knew you'd want to know that. 😂
  11. It may be, but the point is, it's immaterial because the outcome is not decided by the person making the report.
  12. MAB will usually last longer than nofile or zippyshare and sometimes longer than nofile and zippyshare combined.
  13. You can't insult tenants that some people adore is what it boils down to In the end, it doesn't really matter who reports what or for what reason because the final decision on what happens with any post, whether it's reported or not, is up to the mods and admins, not the person who reports it. The person reporting the post has no influence on that decision. The mods and admins have a set of rules on which they base their decisions and they have the final word as to what happens with each one, regardless of who makes the report.
  14. It's an easy confusion because the words are almost identical, but "on Amanda's face" has a different meaning than "in Amanda's face". When you say "on her face", it means something is touching her face, but if you say "in her face" it just means something is very close to her face. There's a difference of only one character, so it's very easy to confuse the two phrases. I hope this is helpful.
  15. This is a cap of one of Jabba's full-sized (2457 x 1325) caps (thank you, Jabba). In it, you can see the white string of Ana's tampon already in place. I'm no expert in these matters (I'm a guy), but I understand a woman's period starts on or about the same day every month. Maybe Ana was already using a tampon in anticipation of her period starting and when she saw a little blood on her fingers, she realized she needed to change it.
  16. Would that be sort of like incest? You know, bating while watching your identical twin sister bate?
  17. I'm a little late, but you're right. That glass ruins the whole effect. Kinda like Lexy doing the splits when the water level is too high.
  18. Thank you, Hope! It's a great answer and it all makes perfect sense. Well, I still have questions about codecs. Mainly, what's a good codec to use for good quality in an MP4 container? When I looked up bitrate, I found this description, which was very helpful, especially the last sentence: "Bitrate can also describe the quality of an audio or video file. For example, an MP3 audio file that is compressed at 192 Kbps will have a greater dynamic range and may sound slightly more clear than the same audio file compressed at 128 Kbps. This is because more bits are used to represent the audio data for each second of playback. Similarly, a video file that is compressed at 3000 Kbps will look better than the same file compressed at 1000 Kbps. Just like the quality of an image is measured in resolution, the quality of an audio or video file is measured by the bitrate." Whenever I think about FPS, I'm always reminded of the high-speed videographers who shoot at 1000s of frames per second (those files must be gigantic). When they play it back at regular speed, we can see a bullet shot from a gun or a hummingbird's wings beating, in slow motion. I love high-speed photography. Thanks again, Hope. That was very helpful.
  19. @StnCld316, I'll pose this question to you, since I know you have a lot of experience with videos, but I invite anyone who would like to offer an answer, to please do so. I have two video files. Both are MP4 files. Both have exactly the same name (not that it matters for this question), even though they were posted by two different users. And, both are exactly the same length, to the second. However, one file is 123 MB and the other is 535 MB. I know that the same video in different formats, such as AVI and MP4, will have different file sizes, but why would two MP4 files with exactly the same length, have such vastly different file sizes? Thank you to everyone for your help.
  20. You are a very funny guy. That was a great line! 🤣🤣
  21. I was hoping you'd go with Zero2 & Zero3, but yours are good, too. 😁
  22. HaHaHa! If that's cheating, she can cheat all day long as long as she shows us that gorgeous pussy. I love a pussy with a bit of character, like Mira's or Clara's or Gracie's or Polly's or Valerie's, among others, in no particular order of preference. A Homer Simpson pussy doesn't really show me much. 😁
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