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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 1 hour ago, groomy said:

    In fact, this is not good for them. They are not nudists.

    This behavior of hers means that they have very bad views:sad:.

    The fact is, we are all born nudists. Yeah!! This is a very good thing. Then society ☝️
    steps in and teaches us that we have to wear clothes. Boooo! Very bad teaching.
    The good news is, nudism is not just a trait we're born with, it's a learned behavior,
    as well. We can all re-learn to be nudists. Yeah!! Very good teaching. Katie already
    relearned this behavior. Good for her.

    You're right, it is a realization. These people just haven't fully realized or re-learned 👇
    their God-given trait of nudism, yet. But, that's OK. They'll get there. Everyone learns 
    at their own speed. :shy:

    48 minutes ago, groomy said:

    No. This is a question of realization. For example, Linda prefers clothes. And she is all good (well while Linda and Leon - stable). You can remember - Mira. She most of the time walks in a completely anti-sexual robe. And she also has everything ok.


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