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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 28 minutes ago, turkey said:

    Dear be always complains , but following this treat is way more interesting than the treats of RLC .There the most replays are : ' girl x is awake ' ' ' girl y comes home ' or more like that . Its mansion if someone moves a little bit . Home at ...hrs , out at ...hrs , sleep at ...hrs , now at her phone ..... and that all day long !!

    I wish I could give you 10 'likes'. That's why I hate those RLC comment threads.
    It's just a bunch of blithering nonsense.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Maybe so, but very few make comments here. I'm sure this epic show will continue for days to come. 

    Why do they have to comment? Why do they have to follow the rules of a
    few? There's no requirement that people talk on this site.  Can't they just
    watch? This is, after all, a voyeuristic type site. I'll bet they never expected
    to say anything...ever. Hell, I'll bet most of them don't even read all the
    comments, let alone have a desire to say anything themselves.

    I think I read somewhere, that people are less afraid of dying, than they
    are of public speaking. And, this is like public speaking on steroids.
    They've seen what can happen if someone says the wrong thing or
    something that others don't agree with or don't like. At best, you make
    it out with a good tongue lashing. At worst, you could get crucified. I've
    seen it happen more times than I can count. It's not right, it's not fair, but
    it happens. And people don't want it to happen to them, so they remain
    silent. And, I'm sure there are other reasons, as well.

    If there were a way to calculate it, the numbers would probably show that
    95%-99% of the users on this site, come here for the media only, not the
    comments or the drama. They probably couldn't care less about the
    comments. And, most of the "drama" is made up by the users who do
    post the comments, because most of us, by far, don't understand the
    languages, so the only drama we can be sure of, is what we actually
    get to see.

    Like when Katie "beat up" on Phil, a few days ago. That was something
    real, that we could actually see. We didn't know the "why" of it, but we
    could certainly see the "what".

    As for the teasing, who gives a shit. You've said you like naked women. I
    know I do. I could sit and watch them all day long. Especially when it's
    live and I don't have to leave the house to see it. They give us something
    pleasurable to watch, to entertain us. And, by watching we give them the
    opportunity to make a buck. Certainly seems like a fair trade to me.

    As for the sex. Where is it written they have to have sex within the first
    few hours of their existence on VH? Again, the rules of the few. I'm
    sure it will come (no pun intended), and from what I've seen, maybe
    sooner than in most other apts. But, I can wait. They don't seem to mind,
    at all, being naked and as long as they don't mind, I sure as hell don't
    mind watching and waiting a bit. I hope I don't have to, but if it happens,
    it happens. And complaining or boycotting is not going to change things
    one iota of one little bit.

    • Like 1
  3. 19 hours ago, scutus said:

    Loaded with malware. The instant it opens.:angry:

    I didn't have any trouble at all. The pics popped up straight away, I right clicked,
    chose 'Save Image', it downloaded the pictures. Easy peasy. No popup windows,
    no malware, just pictures.

    If I left clicked on a pic, I sometimes got an ad, but they weren't malware, just
    ads. I simply closed the window and right clicked, instead. I only did that to
    see what would happen.

    • Like 1
  4. 34 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Nope! A true bisexual has no preference. Lena, Katie, Anna, Mira, Misty, Bree, Nina, Serena, all of them prefer sex with men. Just having sex with the opposite sex doesn't make you a true bisexual, unless that person could conceivably carry in a relationship with a person of the opposite sex, which kind of the ones listed above could. It's a technical difference that only applies when trying to conceptualize the meaning of a true lesbian or a true bisexual. 

    "Nope! A true bisexual has no preference."
    "Just having sex with the opposite sex doesn't make you a true bisexual"

    According to the many definitions I read, that made reference to sexual
    preference, they all said something like this:

    "A bisexual is not necessarily attracted to both genders equally; they may
    very well be more attracted to one gender than the other."

    Or this:

    "You might have a preference over one sex, but bisexual means you can
    be attracted to both genders sexually, physically, and emotionally."

    And, from Wikipedia:

    "A bisexual identity does not necessarily equate to equal sexual attraction
    to both sexes."

    Which would put all the people you mentioned, squarely in the bisexual
    category. In other words, according to everything I read, if a person has
    sex with both genders, even if they prefer one gender over the other, they
    are bisexual.

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