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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 57 minutes ago, Howard said:

    Will someone please post (or send me) video of these two shagging in the bedroom? 

    I've never seen them shag there. Plenty of shagging in the LR and an occasional kitchen quickie, but never the BR.  I think when they walk out of the LR or kitchen, they walk into a black hole - they disappear. I just don't see them do the wild thing in the BR.

    I've never seen that either. Do they even have a bedroom? :biggrin: Please PM me or
    post. Either would be great. And a very Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!!

  2. 6 hours ago, broxman said:

    We will soon have another Princess next year. Prince Harry is getting married to Meghan Markle.

    Absolutely ADORE Meghan Markle!! Not just for her gorgeous looks, but I hope
    she keeps up her acting career, as well. Prince Harry has quite the catch in her!!
    And she seems pretty flexible, to boot. :biggrin:



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  3. 6 hours ago, Mira&Henry said:

    I'll tell my grandmother !!! Thank you. She will turn 68 years old. Her name is Anna (as Anna and Alex)))) she worked as a cook at the school for 45 years. Thanks to her I love to cook))) She has 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters. She loves Henry madly and she is infinitely happy that we got married

    Mira & Henry, Congratulations to you both on what I'm sure was a lovely wedding.
    It was certainly a great party!!

    And, Mira, please extend a hearty Happy Birthday to your dear Grandmother from
    all of us here on the forum. (Guys, I hope it's OK to speak for the bunch of us on

    • Like 2
  4. On 12/20/2017 at 11:28 PM, mic351 said:

    Jesus H. Christ and his Mother Leroy!!  My answer to you was a fucking joke!  The first post was a compliment to Mira and obviously She and Henry took that way from the "like" they reacted.  A number of other people knew I was joking relevant to the second post because they "liked" it also.  I cannot help it if you are a dense dude who: 1. Can't read a post for what it is and;  2. even after it is explained to his dense ass he is not man enough to say:  "Ok sorry dude, I took it wrong".  Almost everyone on these boards, apparently with the exception of you, knows that the laughing face at the end of a post means it is said with humor. 

    I read your inane verbose diatribe and it appears instead of simply acknowledging you may have taken post wrong (you did) you simply could not admit you were fallible.  I guess I could say I didn't to take your following post as a humorous kind gentle retort but I did.  It started out as a fun response (post) but you, the Drama King ruined that.

    Btw, I am not your "Brother", or your "mate" I know who my dad was even if you apparently don't and  I know the children he had and you are not one of them:  I know who my friends or "mates" are and you ain't one of them either.

    Lastly, I cannot believe the drama you started over a simple post to a beautiful girl that wasn't directed to your uncomprehending ass anyways.  What's with you?  You got goat glands and just had to butt in?  You need attention this bad you gotta start all this drama?

    Dude (if you are a dude), you have way, way too much time on your hands..

    This is me being light and it is also me being at the end of conversation on this topic..

    "My answer to you was a fucking joke!"

    That statement and the one about Mira wearing pants, are probably the only
    two jokes you've said to me.

    "The first post was a compliment to Mira..."

    And that's probably the only true statement you've said to me.

    Then you insult me multiple times throughout your post and claim it's being light.

    "...the laughing face at the end of a post means it is said with humor."

    Yes, it does, except when it doesn't. Let me explain.

    "Moreover, that she has a gorgeous pussy goes without saying.  Everybody on these boards already knows she has a gorgeous pussy.  I did not want to sound redundant. :biggrin:"

    First, that's where all the 'drama" started, with that post, right there. Second,
    that was a very thinly veiled, defensive insult/put-down/sneer, that you stuck a
    smiley face after, so that you could later claim, "Oh hey, dude, I was just kidding.
    It was only a joke. You're too dense to read a post correctly. And, you owe me an
    apology." That's when a smiley face only conceals the assertion of humor.

    Diatribe - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.

    That's not the definition of what I said. It is the definition of what you said.

    "Btw, I am not your "Brother", or your "mate" I know who my dad was even if you apparently don't and  I know the children he had and you are not one of them:  I know who my friends or "mates" are and you ain't one of them either."

    Oh, thank God for small favors.

    "...post to a beautiful girl that wasn't directed to your uncomprehending ass anyways"

    It was about a compliment to a beautiful girl, originally. And, I merely agreed
    with you and added one more compliment to yours. But, any post on these
    boards is, by default, directed to everyone on these boards and anyone can
    respond to any post, for whatever reason.

    "... you have way, way too much time on your hands."

    I have the same amount of time all the other 7.6 billion people do: 1440
    minutes in every 24 hours. Unfortunately, I only get to use a very small
    number of those minutes, that we all have.

    You know, you sound a whole lot like another user who was on these boards
    a while back. I haven't seen him around for a long time. I think his userid was
    TBK 150, or something like that. Of course, I suppose he could always have
    two userids.

    • Like 2
  5. 12 hours ago, Arkay2 said:

      0   459.91 kB

    I have noticed in some posts across the CC topics, comments that there does not seem to be much being visible associated with Christmas in the houses and apartments. For those that are not aware, the religious festival 'Christmas' has historically been celebrated in Russia on 7 January. The date is different because the Russian Orthodox Church uses the older 'Julian' calendar for religious celebration days, therefore their Christmas celebration is 13 days behind 25 December in the 'Gregorian' calendar. 

    'New Year' is a much more significant and important celebration in Russia. That said, 7 January is a non-working national holiday as is New Year and dependent upon the days of the week that the celebrations fall on may result in the two holidays being joined into one long break.

    It should be remembered that in 1929 during the days of the Soviet Union, Christmas was banned as a religious holiday from thereon. Those wishing to celebrate had to do so in secret, so it was incorporated into New Year celebrations i.e. putting up a 'New Year' tree. It was not until after the events of 1991 that those wishing to recognise Christmas could do so, but it is more of a religious festival now than the big time of spending, eating and drinking carried out at New Year. 

    The 25 December celebration is also now recognised and followed (in growing numbers) by people in Russia.

    (Note:just to confuse matters there are those that also celebrate 'Old New Year', better described as Orthodox New Year which, by the Julian calendar, falls on our 14 January) 

    Footnote: I have published this post as information/clarification for those that may not have known. I recognise and acknowledge that amongst the woldwide readership of these posts there will be those that neither accept nor celebrate the period I know as 'Christmas' (also known by many other names). It is not my intent to cause offence to anyone with this post and I sincerely apologise if I have done so.

    RK, not only are you one of the most informative posters on these boards,
    you are one of the kindest, most thoughtful and considerate people, as well.
    A most Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to you and yours. And, thank you
    for the information about Russia, which I didn't know.

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  6. 38 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    When I wrote the post she was wearing pants.  Moreover, that she has a gorgeous pussy goes without saying.  Everybody on these boards already knows she has a gorgeous pussy.  I did not want to sound redundant. :biggrin: 


    21 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    Obviously you did not see the laughing face at the end of my post.  You made a joke,  I responded with a joke.  You took my post entirely the wrong way.  Lighten up dude.  Not everybody here is out to jump in someone else's shit!:cool::biggrin:

    Come on, mic, regardless of the laughing face, everything after 'pants', didn't sound
    much like a joke. It sounded more like a defensive, put-down for me being funny and
    adding something you didn't say. I try to say what I feel, albeit in a nice way.

    Like I said, everything you said in your original post, everyone already knew, as well.
    So, wouldn't that also be kind of redundant? But, I didn't say anything about that. I
    just thought you were giving Mira a very nice compliment and I saw a way to add a
    little bit to that, in a cute, funny way.

    Sure, like you said, it was redundant, but nonetheless true, just like what you said.
    But, I didn't recall anyone actually saying it in this thread and I thought it should be
    said. And even if it had been said before, repeating it is not a crime. It's not even a
    little faux pas. It's just a simple repetition.

    That's me being 'light', mate. Peace, Brother. :heart:

    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, mic351 said:

    When I wrote the post she was wearing pants.  Moreover, that she has a gorgeous pussy goes without saying.  Everybody on these boards already knows she has a gorgeous pussy.  I did not want to sound redundant. :biggrin: 

    Jesus, mic, it wasn't a criticism! It was a funny. See the smiling face? Defensive
    much? :heart:::) BTW, everybody already knows everything else you said about her,
    also. ::)

    • Like 1
  8. On 12/17/2017 at 12:52 PM, StnCld316 said:

    The only time there is extra activity within those Hours is if there's a Party happening where something of interest is noticed or some girl is making herself look attractive with her knees close to her ears.

    Kitty comes immediately to mind. She is expert at that maneuver. :biggrin:

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/17/2017 at 10:43 AM, Amy3 said:
    On 12/17/2017 at 12:53 AM, Mira&Henry said:

    Betty and Rick near with 20 years together and they love each other. B is 45y.o. R is 55 and its normally for them to be in such relationships. When i will be 55 y/o/ Mira will be 49 =)

    Figures! Ok, I'm ready! 😞

    crying-with-laughter.gif  Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark!!!

    • Like 1
  10. 19 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    So, why else would she be with him Jabbath? Get real!

    For whatever reason Betty's with him, and there could be many, it seems as
    though it was her choice to be with him. It seems as if she can go and come
    and do as she pleases. It doesn't look as if Rick forced her into a life of
    servitude or slavery. And even if he somehow did force her into a relationship,
    she let him, so that was her choice, too. Not laying this all on her shoulders,
    just saying there are other possibilities.

    From the way she sent him packing from their bed with just a look (just going
    by what people said, I didn't see it), it would seem as if she has some control
    in the relationship.

    And, assuming he is loaded, maybe she's a gold digger, which is also her choice.
    Just my two pennies' worth. JMO.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Mira&Henry said:

    I want to ask you not to quarrel, expressing your opinion. Do not insult people. it spoils both you and us karma.
    Yes, the forum for that and was created to discuss and share opinions. and this does not mean that you should write only good reviews - this is also not correct. just do not insult each other. we are all human beings and we have the right to make mistakes.

    I do not know if this is Mira or Henry speaking, but I would say you are a very
    old soul. My favorite lines from that wonderful poem.

    "But you, yourself, must not distinguish
    Defeats and victories amassed."

    Thank you for that.

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