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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 5 hours ago, Amy3 said:
    6 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

    I heard a saying like that, Candy is dandy, but Liquor is quicker!

    No, it's "Wine is fine, but whiskey's quicker. Suicide is slow as liquor. Take a bottle and drown your sorrows. Then it floods away tomorrows."

    It really is:

    Candy is dandy, but Liquor is quicker.

    It not only rhymes, but it's a play on words. Liquor - Lick her.
    You probably already knew that. :shy:

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, johnny1990 said:

    I didn't mean she is ugly, she is pretty but from all the girls i saw in the party she will be last for me.
    But it's ok to have different opinions on girls look :)

    It was just the words and how you said it. Maybe next time, say what you
    just said to me, what you really mean. Different opinions are probably one
    of the things that make us human, but i guess it's how you put it across, like
    what you said in this post.

  3. 6 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Every Sunday at 1:00am Eastern Standard Time (Times may be Different depending on Your Time Zone) the System seems to go into some mode forcing Cam Caps Offline for 2 Hours before coming Back Online at 3:00am (EST)

    LOL, I just knew you were going to do that. :shy: Sorry, Stone, I knew exactly what you
    meant. I was just being sarcastically funny. Because you said, "...do it again," it made
    it sound like you were talking about the "short nap" Noldus referred to, instead of the
    maintenance mode you meant. Sarcasm - it's so hard to get it across in the written
    language. I had hoped the laughing faces would help.

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/11/2017 at 11:14 AM, xdjrnix said:


    do you know their names?

    Write here



    xdjrnix, if you use the link icon, just to the right of the S with the line through it,
    (the Strikethrough icon) your URL would become a link we could just click on,
    instead of having to copy and paste it. Just put your URL in the top box and it
    will look like this

    https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/10557-new-category/  your choice.

    And, if you also type "Write here." in the bottom box, it will look like this, instead.

    Write here.

    Or, you could leave it as it is. Your choice, of course. Hope this helps.

  5. On 11/10/2017 at 7:51 PM, HarleyFatboy said:

    You all know I am one of the first to complain when the apartments get boring but I can also say to at least give them a week or two before complaining about them being worth a damn or not.  These girls could be local girls and just decided to give the world of being watched 24/7 a try and might not be the hardcore party girls that some are used to seeing on RLC.  I truly believe that in time they will loosen up and be a good addition to RLC's site and if not then so be it!  Everybody on this forum knows me as a hard ass but I'm actually not and I believe when I get all this stuff figured out with RLC you will see a different posting style by HFB!!

    In closing I would just like to plead with everybody to give the girls a chance before being so critical of them.

    Thanks for listening and have a good night!!

    OK, who are you, really, and what did you do with the real HarleyFatboy? :biggrin:

  6. 38 minutes ago, Arkay2 said:

    It took a while but they did manage to wring a great deal of the water out and then left it in the shower room in a bowl to drain a bit more. After a while they emptied the excess water out and moved it (still in the bowl) to over by the radiator in the lounge. You can see it on camera 3 underneath the window.

    Thanks, Arkay. I appreciate you taking the time.

  7. On 11/8/2017 at 1:27 PM, Tiviaccro said:

    Ca j'ai bien compris. Mais je parlais surtout de moyen d'enregistrement. Quel logiciel faut t'il utiliser pour enregistrer les vidéos du direct ?

    Although I've never used it, I've heard that Bandicam is a good one. It's expensive,
    but I've also heard that you can use the trial version indefinitely, for free, with some
    restrictions. But, a lot of people use it.

    You can also Google things like, "screen recording software". A lot of what you'll
    find is free. Happy hunting. Good luck.

  8. 26 minutes ago, nack said:

    No ..here's the thing letsdothis. They absolutely love interacting with us,obeying our commands,taking our requests,fucking as we suggest them to do,we can give them fashion tips,suggest our swinger priorities absolutely FREE as we have not found a way to tip them yet..Believe me..they are dying to read cc !!


    I absolutely agree, to a point. Ask, suggest, request...fine, sure, no problem. I
    just don't think we have the right to command or demand them to do our

    request: the act of asking politely or formally for something.
    demand: an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.

    Not to say you don't know the meaning of these words. Only to say, you can
    catch a lot more flies with honey, than you can with vinegar, as my dear,
    departed Grandmother was fond of saying. :shy:
  9. 2 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    Because they are here and are willing to interact with people and answer their questions. It’s not your cup of tea, but what should we do ignore them and their outreach to us? They genuinely are interested in communicating with other cc members. Should they be forced to be silent just becusse they live on VH? I don’t recall anyone having a problem with Layne when he did it. Should we all put them on our ignore list?  Should VH ban the tenants from being visible on CC? Should they be denied access to VH? If there is a limit, who will set that limit? I’m not saying that I know the answers to these questions. It’s a worthy discussion that VH in particular needs to be having with itself and the tenants. 

    Just for the record though don’t kid yourself into thinking that the tenants aren’t going to read cc. They could always do it away from the cam, like Anna does. Plus, there’s not much even VH could do about tenants pm’ing with cc members. That’ happens more then people think it does. And another thing it could very well be the case that those apts where the tenants are on cc, they are doing significantly better then the others who aren’t. If VH silences them, perhaps they weould earn less. Is that fair to them so that you can have a pristine voyeur environment? 

    Thers a couple of things that haven’t happened yet. One is the tenants are clearly not obliged to look directly into the cams and talk to us. Although there have been some close calls. Lisa’s shower telegraph, Maria has posed for the cams, I’m sure there are other examples. But, largely that isn’t done. The other thing that hasn’t happened is tipping. What’s to stop a tenant from getting tips from cc members on the side via pm? 

    Personally, I think the days where the we are separated are over. Welcome to voyeurism 2.0. 

    Thnink of it like this. Imagine you’re on a train and this super hot girl with fiery red hair and a smoking hot body is sitting in front of you and you notice that you can see right up her skirt. And you, being a voyeur.are going to check it out every chance you can get all the while hoping to avoid eye contact with her so you don’t get caught. Ok, now imagine she catches you, but instead of scolding you with laser eyes, instead she smiles and winks at you. What are you going to do, ignore her? Ok, that’s kind of rough, but you get the idea. 

    1. I don't think it's a discussion, at all. If the tenants wish to interact with CC
         members, I think it should be their right to do so, no matter what country
         they live in.

    2. If a girl on a train smiled and winked at me, I'd probably go sit beside her
        and start a conversation. Might even find a blanket and get busy. But,
        that's just me. I'm a little older and realized there's no future in being shy,
        a long time ago. :angel:  :shy:

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