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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 2 hours ago, Howard said:

    Good to know.  But if there is a video link posted by someone with relatively few posts (compared to others who post/upload on a regular basis), *I* am not going to chance that it isn't a virus or malware (even with a computer that's well protected).  Would you open a link within an e-mail from someone you don't know or not familiar with?

    I would think differently if a photo was posted of an image contained within the link. That tells me there was legitimate effort placed in the upload and not a link towards something nefarious.

    No, I absolutely would not and neither would anyone on this entire site, with two
    grains of sense, but that's not what this is...not even close, IMHO. And as someone
    else said, why would a picture change anything? If the link or video are tainted, then
    they're going to be tainted even if there are a dozen photos associated with the link.

    I'm not arguing with you or trying to change your mind. Obviously, the choice is yours.
    I just wanted to offer legitimate reasoning why, in this case at least, I believe you to
    be safe.

  2. 18 minutes ago, jjs said:

    Sorry  Juliana its not working

    I've downloaded 21 of her vids, so far, without a single error, pop-up or malware
    of any kind. Install the Megasync desktop app. Once you get that up and running,
    all you have to do is click on Download. No waiting around for anything. Megasync
    takes over automatically and downloads the file. But, I didn't use the app to download
    all 21 files. Only about half of them. The others I just used the website. And they all
    play beautifully, too.

  3. 23 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    Script error, could not be downloaded. The same with your Julia and Eric video.

    I've downloaded 21 of her vids, so far, without a single error, pop-up or malware
    of any kind. Including the two you refer to here. Install the Megasync desktop
    app. Once you get that up and running, all you have to do is click on Download.
    No waiting around for anything. Megasync takes over automatically and
    downloads it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Howard said:

    As I said elsewhere... Dude - Not going to click the link w/o a photo.  Respectfully, you have less than 100 posts.  Gotta be careful.

    If it makes any difference, I've downloaded 17 of her videos without a single hitch. 
    No pop-ups, no malware, just clean, FAST downloads and they all play beautifully.
    I don't believe you have anything to worry about.

    • Like 3
  5. @Howard and @Juliana I don't know how I missed them, because I check 
    every video thread, every night, loooong after most people have gone to bed.
    At any rate, I missed the last Leora videos you each posted in the public
    thread. If it's possible, could you please repost those videos? @Juliana, yours
    was the one you posted on Tuesday, that said, ' she is soooooo ready'. Thanks
    if you can. Thanks for trying if you can't.

  6. 2 hours ago, rebliz said:

    But you surprised me we are not appeared on your map? I said NOT a Muslim country - The Palestinian Territories is the closest location side by side 

    I don't know all the Muslim vs non-Muslim countries. On the map I have, it's hard
    to tell if you're talking about Syria or Jordan. I also don't know if either country
    speaks English. So, you'll have to tell me. In what country do you live?

  7. 10 minutes ago, rebliz said:

    ::) not at all and I said not Europe but somewhere between Africa and Europe 

    we considered as Europeans 

    Well, now I'm lost. According to the maps I'm looking at, there isn't anything directly
    due North of Africa that isn't Europe. In other words, there's nothing between Africa
    and Europe, that isn't European. Even all the islands are European. East and Northeast
    of Africa, there are:

    1. Turkey
    2. Syria
    3. Iraq
    4. Jordan
    5. Kuwait
    6. Bahrain
    7. Saudi Arabia
    8. Qatar
    9. Yemen
    10. Oman
    11. U.A.E.
    12. The Palestinian Territories

    But, according to this map, they're all part of Asia. So, surprise me.

  8. 1 minute ago, rebliz said:

    I told you w here don't speak English

    you are welcome if you like to guess again (1. not a Muslim country 2. not in Europe)

    Geography was never one of my strong points. Based on the time zone, the fact
    you're not in Europe and it's not a Muslim country, I would guess that leaves part
    of Africa. Am I getting warm?

    Here are my guesses and they are complete guesses. I have no clue if any of these
    countries speak English.

    1. Malawi
    2. Mozambique
    3. Swaziland
    4. Lesotho

    Did I even come close?

  9. 4 minutes ago, rebliz said:

    So, in this case I failed tube is a mistake 

    Yes I am far from you I living in a zone that the time is 23:30

    Yea, you're a good bit from me. It's only 16:30, here. Not a mistake, necessarily,
    and certainly not a failure. Different places have different names for the same
    things, sometimes.

  10. 37 minutes ago, rebliz said:

    Sorry I thought that you are just kidding 

    I don't understand what's all about I have a problem with the E on my keyboard

    and I just wrote that the guest is in the tube (the bowl for taking a bath)

    It's all right now? did I turned the light on for you?

    By The Way, In my country we don't speaking English

    No problem there. You're doing just fine. BTW, what you call a 'tube', we call a
    'tub', here in the States. What country are you from, anyway? Thank you for
    brightening the darkness. :shy:

  11. On 9/30/2017 at 7:44 PM, nazrat said:

    Google Translator is disastrous from English to Spanish, I'm afraid in the opposite direction is going to be equal, I look for a solution

    don't forget that you can right click on the page & the menu will have a translate page spot.


    @golfer06, I missed this before the topic closed. I think that might depend on
    what browser you're using and/or what add-ons you've installed, because Firefox
    doesn't have a translate option in their right-click menu.

  12. 41 minutes ago, rebliz said:

    So put the lights ON

    rebliz, I don't understand why you're being so recalcitrant and refractory. It was
    just a simple, but serious question. I honestly didn't know what that phrase
    meant. I wasn't making fun of anything. If it was a saying from your country,
    I thought I could learn something new. If you just made a typo, I don't give a shit.
    Everybody has plenty of those. I just wanted to learn. Why can't you just answer
    the question?

  13. 4 hours ago, golfer06 said:

    that is strange about the some get them, some don't. about the likes i think that some of it has to do with a lot of people posting the same pics over & over. i have slowed down because of that. also the last few nights serena, nina, & edda have been getting a lot of the views & i'm sure that a lot of these pages are getting skipped over. the best thing for him to do would be to go premium cc & upload pics as an attachment.

    I agree.

  14. 38 minutes ago, Rhdem said:

    it's better i dont say nothing because what i see it's all against misty she start the first... 

    @ Lisa: why you blocked him from behind? he only reply to a slap and don't continue if you don't get him blocked and Misty hit him for the second time 

    sorry guys i stop here because you see only Misty like a victim ..these are my last words in this apt about what happened... they fight like street people 1 block from behind and the second attack... 

    I agree. I think Misty may have jumped the gun before she fully understood the
    situation. But, she could have slapped him a 100 times, HE...SHOULD...NOT...

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