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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 10 hours ago, Chicago515 said:

    Henry, Mira is horny and wet right now. What are you waiting for.  


    Sorry dude, rude, IMHO. Number one, how on Earth would you know to even
    guess how Mira is feeling? And two, they're not robots to perform at our beck
    and call. Thoughtful and considerate, might be the watchwords of the day.
    Just MHO.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    There's only 2 possible ways for the Picture not being there. Either a DMCA Takedown was ordered or the Member who placed the Picture has removed it from the Host it was uploaded to which was Google.

    I have seen DMCA Takedowns happen in less than 2 Hours before after Content has been Posted so it's not uncommon for such a thing to happen.

    The other Pictures that are still in the Picture Topic are on different Servers. Once those Servers receive a Takedown Notice they'll either Comply with the Order or Defy it.

    Stone, I forgot to ask one thing. Is it possible that a host will remove content
    because it violates their Terms of Service, i.e. they don't allow adult content
    on their servers?

  3. 1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

    There's only 2 possible ways for the Picture not being there. Either a DMCA Takedown was ordered or the Member who placed the Picture has removed it from the Host it was uploaded to which was Google.

    I have seen DMCA Takedowns happen in less than 2 Hours before after Content has been Posted so it's not uncommon for such a thing to happen.

    The other Pictures that are still in the Picture Topic are on different Servers. Once those Servers receive a Takedown Notice they'll either Comply with the Order or Defy it.

    Thanks, Stone. I appreciate you taking the time to satisfy my curiosity.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, moos54 said:


    petite question, pourquoi tu ne le fait pas toi, car vue tout les détails que tu donnes, tu as l'air d'avoir était présent du début jusqu’à la fin de l'action  :biggrin:

    Sorry, but if I had been fast enough to download it, I would post it for everyone
    to see. Everything I said in my post to Stone, I was able to figure out from the
    various posts in this thread.

    Désolé, mais si j'avais été assez rapide pour le télécharger, je l'afficherais pour
    tout le mondeà voir. Tout ce que j'ai dit dans mon message à Stone, j'ai été en
    mesure de comprendre à partir de ladivers messages dans ce fil.

  5. 3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    Once the DMCA orders the Takedown of the Image it's gone.  Some Images don't survive very long so you have to catch them as they are posted.

    Stone, I'm curious. Why are you sure that a DMCA takedown is the culprit, here?
    Were you able to view the picture when it was first posted? According to rebliz's
    post at the top of this page, it was unavailable in less than two hours of being
    posted. That's gotta be a record, even for a RLC takedown. Why do you think
    they would take down a picture of Yana's boobs and leave almost all the other
    pictures in this thread, alone?

  6. 34 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    As long as I get to see her ass in new lingerie I'm good! But, deep down I'm hoping for a cum swapping extravaganza at the end.

    Amy, dear, may I please make a humble request? If there is ever any cum swapping,
    please record it however you like, enjoy it to your heart's delight, but please, don't
    anyone post any media of it. It was nasty enough when Mira spit in Henry's mouth. :sick:
    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Suicida said:

    If you click on them they will take you to the same place. However the text are different.


    Just copy/paste them in your browser.

  8. 3 minutes ago, ipiratemedia said:

    Lol, you will find the answer above.:shy:

    LOL Ah, you snuck an edit in on me, after it scrolled off my screen. Gotcha, but
    that still doesn't explain why all four files are exactly the same video. Same name,
    same size, exactly the same. Wouldn't one link to that video have been enough?

    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, henriPas said:



    17 hours ago, henriPas said:

    Cadeau de dimanche 29 octobre 2017 !!


    Henri, I'm a little confused. The first picture doesn't go with the video posted
    with it. Did you post the wrong video or the wrong picture to go with this video?

    And, even though these two videos were posted at virtually the same time, the
    second video is already gone. Could you possibly re-post it, please? Thanks if
    you can. Thanks for trying if you can't.

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