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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a US copyright law. Does it have any clout, legal or otherwise, in other countries, or certain other countries? If not, would its bark (a takedown order) be much bigger than its bite (legal issues)? Just asking. On a different note, is it possible that some 3rd party hosts, such as PostImage or HostPic, don't allow adult content on their servers and that's why some pictures are removed so quickly, because the host is removing them and not RLC or the DMCA? RLC doesn't usually remove pictures. I've noticed that pictures only seem to get removed if they're uploaded to PostImage or HostPic.
  2. I know what you're referring to, but I'm not familiar with PNE. What does that stand for?
  3. Is it possible they were on the PC, because of the business they run together? Do they still have that business together?
  4. Maybe that's why they're in the bathtub. Much easier cleanup, in case something drips.
  5. Love the size of your pics (dimensions). Please, keep posting that size.
  6. Hey Ash. Have you ever seen any Sybian videos or tried one yourself? These things are like Holy Nirvana on Earth for women. It's hard for some women to get off of it, once they start riding one. That would be your ratings coup, for sure, at the compound. I would love to see that happen. Makes me wish I was a woman, so I could try one out.
  7. Jabbath, I love and truly appreciate the size (dimensions) of your pictures. Especially this one. It ended up being 2475 x 1389 , without being grainy, fuzzy, out of focus, etc. Of course, she is laying perfectly still, which worked to your advantage, but I figure if one person can do it, everyone can do it. (How do you do it, anyway?) I mean, everyone records from the same cams. I wish more people would post pics, etc., this size, or even 3/4 this size. Then you could actually see some detail. I really love detail. For example, a thumbnail-sized picture is good for one thing and one thing only. As a place holder for a link to a (much) larger picture. If there's no link behind a thumbnail, IMHO, it is completely useless. I would really love to see more pictures posted around this, Jabbath's, size.
  8. I've never seen the full field of view on this cam, but if it's wider than this picture shows, it's possible the blurriness is caused by too much zoom. Just something to think about.
  9. I've tried so many VPNs, I've lost count. None worked for me.
  10. If it works, will you tell me how you did it, please. Thanks.
  11. Hey Amy, thanks. You're right, these sites can be addictive, but I like naked women. Preferably, solo, naked women or more than one woman together. I also like to think, even if it's an illusion, that I'm peeking in someone's window without their knowledge. What can I say, I'm a guy.
  12. Damn, Girlio. I think you're a pretty smart cookie. And that took a LOT of guts, IMHO. And a lot of times you hit the nail: Right. On. The. Head! Have a safe flight. I'll see you in the Funnies (VH style).
  13. An observation is : Her pants are blue, her hair is blonde, her tits are big. An opinion is: I think it might rain today. A judgement is: She knows how to play and fuck. ... If she continues like that, i will no more have respect for her. Or: Seeing a woman fucking a new guy everyday in these circomtances, it's really sad. In order to reach those decisions, I don't respect her or it's really sad, a judgement was made. Whatever the reason, it could be for any of a 1000 different reasons. But, it takes a judgement to make the decisions, I don't respect you or your life is really sad. Even though it was later said, I would rather say what I think about a situation (nope, that would make it an opinion), rather than say, it is what it is, when, in fact, that is exactly what was said: It is really sad. We all have the right to live our lives the way that's best for us, without being judged by anyone saying, for example, it's bad, because it's not how I would live my life. Or, I wouldn't want my daughter to live that way. Or, it's not the way my culture says is right. I think Groomy hit the nail on the head when he said, it's a process and there will be mistakes. And, if we're reasonably smart, we learn from those mistakes, just like I think Misty is doing. She'll find some guys who say yes and she'll get better at making better choices. Groomy also said that the results of some of these meetings, is probably much more upsetting to Misty, than it is to us. And reading judgements, like those above, about her and her chosen lifestyle, probably doesn't make it any easier for her.
  14. Howard, you can be so off-the-wall funny, sometimes. I do wish, however, you had waited half a second, or whatever, for her right foot to move out of the way.
  15. Not looking to restart this debate. Sweet Jesus, God forbid that should ever happen. I'm just a bit late to the party. So many threads, so very little time. I just thought this might be of interest to a couple people - or not - whatever. I've been a CC Premium Member for a year and a half. I've never been a member of RLC, at any time. I've also never posted any RLC content on CC or anywhere else, ever. Yet, RLC, in their heart of hearts, decided that I should be banned, for simply watching. My hand to God. They banned me for no more than just watching their free cams. They refuse to tell me why. They won't even acknowledge they banned me. And, of course, they flatly refuse to un-ban me. That was more than six months ago. So, yes they may have some nice apts. and they may have some nice cams. And they have some nice tenants, whom I respect. But, as far as RLC "management" (now there's a joke) is concerned, they are a bunch of greedy, money grubbing, little cunts, who still think they are the only game in town. They treat their members like shit. They treat CC like shit. They even treat their potential members like shit. About a year ago, when they started being such all-around assholes, I predicted, just to myself, they'd be out of business in a year. With all the shit they've pulled over the last year, I'm surprised they aren't already on the skids. As a business, they just don't get it.
  16. Yes, the notification will now say Leora and Paul. This is good, but I'm sure there are other topics out there with the same problem. I only found two and I found those completely by accident. Actually, they found me, I wasn't looking for anything. Me and the "Follow" system are quite intimate. I set it up to follow every Picture and Video thread for every apt. in the RLC project, by choice. Of course, that's not going to do me a bit of good, anymore. In this case, I'm following Howard, because he posts some good content. So, I see where he goes. I'm not following this thread. It wasn't about forgetting where I am. I know exactly how to find out where I am. It was about knowing where I was going before I went there and when the notification just says "General Chat Comments", that's not very helpful. No, you didn't miss a thing. My post served its purpose. I just wanted some identification added to this topic's title (how's that for an alliteration?) and you, or someone, was nice enough to do that. My thanks to whomever did it. See you in the Funnies (VH style).
  17. Watcher212, this topic's title need's to have "Maya and Stepan" in it, so when you receive a notification, either online or email, you know which apt. it's for. As it is now, this is what you see in any notification for this topic: " Howard commented on General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos Aug1,2017 " Without the names, you have no idea which apt. they're commenting on.
  18. Watcher212, this topic's title needs to have "Leora and Paul" in it, so when you receive a notification, either online or email, you know which apt. it's for. As it is now, this is what you see in any notification for this topic: "Howard, jimbo4, Foamy T. Squirrel and 1 other commented on General Chat Comments" You have no idea which apt. they're commenting on.
  19. Probably only because it's easier and quicker to type than masturbate. Like sth instead of something.
  20. That's funny as hell!! Made me laugh out loud.
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