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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. GREAT PICS, groomy!!! And I LOVE the size (dimensions, 1920 x 1080). I wish everyone would post pictures at least this size. EXCELLENT!!
  2. Ha,Ha. That's a perfect imprint. Two ass cheeks and her ass crack. She might have squirted on that one. That's pretty wet. Unless she was on top, then it's an imprint of his ass.
  3. Judging from how much she's on the phone, I'd say: That's the way, Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh, She likes it, Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh That's the way, Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh, She likes it, Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh And for those of you too young to understand, that's a slight play on words from the following song.
  4. Especially, any kind of panties that big. They are worse than Granny panties. Sorry, Sweetie. Love you a lot, just not the panties, at all. Sorry, wrong panties. I was talking about the yellowish ones.
  5. Is it just me or is that a sultry little look the blonde is giving Layla? Like a , I-want- to-get-into-your-panties, kind of look? Or, maybe she's just drunk and can't focus very well. What do I know. (Enlarge it and see what you think.)
  6. Sure wish that camera were just a bit more to the left.
  7. You do great work and you know I love it, but I sure do wish you posted videos, too.
  8. There's no competition...Lena wins it hands down.
  9. Who needs a facial recognition system, with you around. Thanks.
  10. That's the one!! That was really great, considering what little description I gave. And in just over 10 minutes. How'd you do that?
  11. This guy reminds me a lot of that American actor - and, of course, I can't recall his name, right now. He does movies and he normally plays all these strange, weird characters. Psychologically and mentally off kind of characters, if I recall correctly. I wish I had some facial recognition software. If anyone knows who I'm talking about, from that meager description, please let me know. Thanks. And if you know where I can get some facial recognition software, that would be handy, too.
  12. I should have put the laughing face on it. It was meant to be funny. You know, a play on words, the "good side of things".
  13. Yeah, but moos, the "good side of things" in this case, was from cam 6, which was blocked, causing a blurred image of what was on the bed.
  14. Some of us lesser minions don't have access to the archive or the timestamp or whatever it/they is/are. Maybe some of you who do, could post some videos, please.
  15. Things like furniture don't usually do a thing for me, but that is one awesome looking sofa! I wonder if it's as functional (a pull-out bed) as it is good looking?
  16. I'm fairly certain only Father Time can answer that one.
  17. Did you know thrupney bits used to be the name of a threepence coin, but it's no longer in circulation. Then Cockney slang took over and somehow it came to mean, tits. Interesting. I'm not sure, but is it the Cockney dialect that pronounces th like an f, so they would say frupney, instead of thrupney? I'm asking, I don't know.
  18. Sometimes I wish I was British. You have so many cool slang words. By "thrupneys", do you mean, tits?
  19. I sent this to Groomy, who translates a lot in the VH forum, so all thanks go to him. This is exactly what he sent back. ____________________ The problem is that these files are wrong. In this fragment: - the girl tells whether about what she read in the book, or about what she saw in the film. "Who goes to the second floor of an abandoned house, there are many birds, they fly on him." Gesturing is about birds. Then the man went to the second floor is looking for something. - In the end, they discuss something on the screen (brief phrases - does not work, it is necessary to go so, it works). ____________________ In all the time I've watched these two, I don't think I've ever seen Maya be so expressive.
  20. You are unbelievable. It wasn't a case of the last word. I was hoping to avoid another chapter, the third, on this same subject. Talk about the last word, what you said was completely unnecessary.
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