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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Many decades ago, I learned something from an old accountant that I've tried to live by ever since. He said, "If you don't ask, you don't get." He wasn't talking about women, at the time, but it obviously applies to everything. As for women, tell them a joke, a funny story, get them laughing. Most of them love to laugh and they like people who can get them laughing. Here, I'll get you started. What do you call people who pour the MILK before they pour the CEREAL...cereal killers.
  2. Damn, she doesn't look that big in the T-shirt.
  3. Jason Alexander is the current Col. Sanders and the real Col. Sanders, who died more than 40 years ago, hated KFC's food and sold the franchise in 1964. Now there are more than 6000 restaurants in 48 countries.
  4. Also from Norway, the word for "crazy" is "texas". And, in Sweden, "fred" means "peace".
  5. I disagree. IMO, Dwarf is 100% correct about this fuckwad. If you had seen the absolutely violent face-fuck he subjected Jennifer to some months ago, you might change your tune. About your comment concerning women taking the initiative, are you implying that women who don't, deserve what they get?
  6. That's twice, now, you've tried to blame Margo for his violence. That's about as low as fuck as you can go. If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say you were trying to find someone on this forum to agree with you, in order to justify violence against women in your own life, IMNSHO. Since you focused on his first comment about the incident, you may wish to go back and read what he said after he found out what actually occurred. He changed his opinion completely and did a 180 on your "cheerful" boy. You're using a new member account, but you've been around this forum for a while. You should know that most of us don't take kindly to men beating up women and even less so to those who try to make it "OK" by blaming the woman.
  7. Also fingered Monica and licked Irma Thanks for the info. I didn't know he had been so busy.
  8. My first thought was why the hell is Henry wearing a mask?
  9. Amalia, Ariela and Daniela hot kisses and rubs her pussies with dildos (Content No Longer Available)
  10. Those are the only three I know of. Other people might know more.
  11. Here's the link. @daniel_8218 Ulyana and Cesar (Content No Longer Available)
  12. The moment I read that I thought, "I'll bet he means pussyCAT action." She seems to have bruised his ego, so he turned his back on her, turned up his nose and sulked.
  13. Somebody asked for Amalia. Amalia and Ginger lick their pussy and rub their finger in their pussy (Content No Longer Available)
  14. Here's the original. @tFighterPilot Pam, Erika, Amalia and Damira pussy rub in living room (Content No Longer Available)
  15. You're most welcome. The original video was so blurry you could hardly see it. I cleaned it up a bit. I can post the original if you want it.
  16. Driving to a new restaurant, a woman took several wrong turns. When she finally found the right road, she asked her husband, "Why didn't you tell me I was lost?" "I thought you knew where you were going," he replied. "You always know where you're going when I'm driving."
  17. Here's the link @tFighterPilot Pam, Erika, Amalia and Damira pussy rub in living room (Content No Longer Available)
  18. I guess I don't know enough Emoji-speak to understand this. Could you type it out, please? Thanks.
  19. They should pull up a video of a cat and see what he does. Or, a dog.
  20. Damn, if looks could kill. I hope she's not looking at Lola.
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