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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That's Nina?! Amazing what the right make-up job can do.
  2. With the entire world of the Internet at your fingertips, you have to ask me for the definition of a word? Snippet is a programming term for a small region of re-usable source code, machine code, or text. Ordinarily, these are formally defined operative units to incorporate into larger programming modules. Snippet management is a feature of some text editors, program source code editors, IDEs, and related software. Wikipedia ------------ The optimal length of a featured snippet paragraph is roughly 40 to 50 words, or around 300 characters. An earlier study by SEMrush also showed 40 to 50 words to be sweet spot for paragraphs. ------------ A snippet is defined as a small piece of something; it may in more specific contexts refer to: Sampling (music), the use of a short phrase of a recording as an element in a new piece of music. ------------ Featured Snippets are short snippets of text that appear at the top of Google's search results in order to quickly answer a searcher's query. The content that appears inside a Featured Snippet is automatically pulled from web pages in Google's index. ------------ A video rich snippet means that when someone searches for something on Google, you can have a small, tiny video show up next to your result to let the user know that particular result (yours) has a video to help. ------------ a small piece or brief extract I hope that helps you.
  3. I'm a premium member, just like you, so I can post videos, too.
  4. Software grievances may be filled out at the window to your left.
  5. Yes, that's what happened. You put what you said above part of what I said, which made it look like I said it. I understand you're new here and I appreciate your apology, just please be careful. You may also want to sign up for a premium CC membership. It's only $20 per year and lets you make changes to your posts, gives you access to additional content, eliminates ads, etc. Just a thought. BTW, what does ^^ mean? I couldn't find it on emojipedia. Thanks.
  6. I know they were your words, but you posted them in such a way as to make it look as though I had said them. Not cool. It was fixed the day you posted it.
  7. That's not condescending, at all. Good for whom? You, I would imagine. If you're telling me not to worry, then you can also tell me and everyone else how you sorted it. When it concerns me, I will decide when I'm no longer concerned.
  8. Jabba, have you lost your mind? First, CC is not hiding anything. Anyone can access those topics for $20, including VHTV. That's assuming CC hasn't already given them a premium account for free. Second, no one is posting full archive videos to CC, as we can only post 146 MB, compared to the size of most archive videos, which are hundreds of MB's and sometime more than a GB. Third, I can't believe you would even try to compare what little you can see on CC to what's available with a VHTV sub. The total number and size of all the pictures, GIFs and videos posted in the VHTV forum for the entire life of the forum wouldn't even be a drop in the ocean compared to 157,000+ videos in the VHTV archive. And that's not even considering the live feeds.
  9. I didn't expect you to post a link to another site, just a snippet of video for those who don't have a VHTV sub. We are allowed to do that, per VHTV.
  10. You've been complaining about these sites and pirated videos for months. If, as you claim, VHTV doesn't know about them, which I find difficult to believe, why haven't you already told them, if you're that concerned?
  11. If VHTV was concerned, at all, about these sites that aggregate their videos, they could easily use the DMCA to have those sites delete all their VHTV videos. But they don't do that because it obviously is not a problem for them. It seems to be just you who doesn't approve. These sites have been around for a long time and VHTV has done nothing to stop them from aggregating their videos.
  12. There was a time in the US when, at the end of a Presidential election, the guy with the most electoral votes got the president's job and whoever got the second highest number of electoral votes got to be vice-president. That was all changed a couple of hundred years ago by Constitutional Amendment, when they realized it was about as ridiculous as how you're being about Romeo and his guest. 😊
  13. I'm sure they exist. No doubt. The popular stuff seems to take the longest to trickle down.
  14. I'm sure glad you don't manage me, or any of these apts, or VHTV. We'd all be getting fines left and right. You'd probably turn in your own tenants, even though it would mean money out of your pocket.
  15. Hey @Robwinhow's this for life playing jokes on us. I found this in the Funnies topic.
  16. You realize you're splitting hairs. You're saying they can't fuck because she wants to hide from the cams, but they can't because Romeo is not allowed to hide. That's kind of like the king who decided to cut the baby in half because two women each claimed to be his mother.
  17. I still don't think it's against the rules and he's posted several like that. I'd think he would know the rules since he's the Forum Admin.
  18. Yes, based on that, I would say you have a rather esoteric sense of humor. 😊
  19. I don't understand your point, but I have a CC sub, so I can see the videos that are posted here. I can't see them in VHTV's archive. Stone posts a lot of VHTV videos, some of which are archive videos, although I don't think he gets them directly from the VHTV archive because I don't think he has a sub. Here's a screenshot of one he posted recently. It says Voyeur House Moments on it. Doesn't that mean it's an archive video?
  20. I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT SAY THIS!!! Those are not my words and they are NOT true. Why did you edit my post to make it look as if I said that????!!! 😠
  21. “I am not available right now, but thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life... Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes.”
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