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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Indeed. I think it's high time that the media stopped referring to these people with the divisive and unhelpful term of Muslim extremists and instead used the more correct term of Saudi state sponsored Whabbist extremists. SSSWH doesn't have a good ring to it though.
  2. Yes but by, funded from the Gulf, you mean essentially Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabist regime. Who supported the Wahhabists and continue to do so today? It's easy to blame the fundamentalists (who are only minorities in the countries in which they are stirring up shit) but they are the symptom not the cause. People want an enemy to blame but they don't understand what is happening in the day to day turmoil in the Middle-East (I don't understand the shifting alliances and who are the good or bad guys myself, so don't think that I'm trying to sound like an authority on it), so we take who the media tells us are the bad guys and cling to that - be they refugees, all Muslims, whatever. But the true bad guys are never named, even by the ill-informed all-Muslim haters, because politicians and the media have agreed that there is so much money in Saudi oil that the Wahhabists can do whatever they want and never be named and shamed as the source of the strife. 15 of the 19 9/11 assholes were Saudi Arabian, yet the media made sure that the majority of the public supported the subsequent killing of 1.5 million Iraqis in retaliation leading to the destablisation of the country and the emergence of Wahhabist backed ISIL. We wage war with one yet bow our heads and shake hands with the other? That is properly fucked up!
  3. Well, we don't need TTIP or the nascent hyper-capitalism that brought about the 2008 crash or the fact that there is even less regulation on the banks today that caused it. Nor do we need our weasly prime ministers to lie to the nation about wmds in order to join the big boys in a phony war that placed oil and arms profits over the lives of soldiers and civilians. There is a version of America that seems to have gone to sleep and I wish its people would wake up and realise that their country hasn't been taken from them by immigrants, Muslims or non white people. It's been taken from them by lying politicians in pacts with a broken media, financed by banking cabals and Marshall ed by war mongers in order to keep its people poor and uninformed so that they will be in power indefinitely.
  4. Europe would be no worse off without American bases here, I agree. A European army to take the place of the Euro contingent of the US armed forces might not beat Russia in a war but really, Europeans would lose a war between the US and Russia if it was fought on our soil anyway - Battle Ground Europe would be torn to pieces just as much with or without the US - even if we won it would be a pyrrhic victory. The UK and France have enough nukes to flatten Russia in retaliation so we don't even need those as a shield. I totally agree that the US needs to start looking inwards and extract itself from situations in which it is having no positive effect on the world. Successive administrations have turned a large part of the planet against the US on principle whilst also selling out jobs overseas to the lowest bidder, all the while doing shady deals with banks, finance guys and the arms and oil industry to keep select groups of people richer and everyone else poorer. Trump says he can make America great again, with his big plan of building a wall? What utter nonsense. Rubio will make America great again by enacting policy that returns the status of women to little more than medieval chattels? Nonsense! Cruz is completely and utterly insane and should not be let anywhere near the halls of power. Only one thing can make your country great again, and it's probably what made it great in the first place - people standing together to reject the flock of shitehawks and the policies they've imposed over the past 30 years. For the record - I don't hate America in the slightest. I've worked with many Americans and have had quite a few US drinking buddies and friends. I think 20th century American literature represents the finest example of the art. It would be churlish to reject a nation that stood with us in two world wars or to forget that your nation sent people to the actual moon and gave us blues and jazz music. It is your politicians that have let you down, the whole political industry is really, but really shit and does not do you justice.
  5. A very good point. Personally I think America doesn't understand how much it needs Bernie Sander's policies, however, he needs to run against credible opposition, not one of the plethora of nasty clowns that make up the Republican list. How a country can let itself get to such a position where people are seriously considering any of them is beyond me.
  6. I'm English, have lived for many years in Spain and now have spent quite a few years living in Sweden. Also I have spent a lot of time in all the countries he's listed. I am pleased to report that none of these countries are failed states. Whilst all of them operate socialist policies by differing degrees, including the current USA, I would much rather have any one of those country's methods of governance than what currently passes for the circus show of US politics. It is a complete joke - I guess the only positive thing coming from the presidential race is that the Republican Party has utterly fucked itself beyond repair.
  7. Pretty spot on analysis there. The smart money has to be on Spurs. If Vardy or Mahrez get injured the the Foxes' campaign is over. Spurs have a deep enough squad to win the title this year - after decades of supporting them I never thought I'd ever seriously get to write that sentence, happy days!!
  8. I reckon she queuing up another xhamster session after her violin break. Looks that way in the thumbnails.
  9. And if you get Bandicam from a torrent site then it'll be cracked so you won't get the watermark. Just remember to read the comments from people who have downloaded it so you can be sure that you're getting a good copy. The pirate bay and Kickass have downloader comments.
  10. Orbit Downloader is the one i-ve used in the past. Easy to use and free. http://www.orbitdownloader.com/
  11. By Christ I hate Man City! I'm a Bristol City and Spurs fan so I mean that dispassionatley. They have no class at all, from the car park to the centre circle that team is rotten. Guardiola will get found out in the Prem, he's won titles at the best team in the world, won titles at the best team in Germany and now going to a team where money can get him almost any player he wants - however the level of weekly competition in the Prem is something I don't think he'll have had any experience of to prepare for.
  12. Cary Grant hailed from my hometown. Here's a monument to him in Bristol's Millenium Square. The script he's holding is from Hitchcock's To Catch A Thief
  13. Well that went weird quickly. I enjoy most of Paul Newman's pre 70s films. They have great scripts acting and camera work. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Bullitt, The HUstler, Homber. All of em are excellent.
  14. M&S Living Room, Every Last Drop (The Video Content is no Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  15. True but imagine they got two or three really boring European girls who could stay there indefintely. At least with the Russian rotation there's a chance of getting some firecrackers in, instead of the house always being as boring as it is now.
  16. "Because God said so." Which one? "The God." By 'The' I presume you mean the god of the particular religion you were randomly born into? "Yes of course. My God says so." How do you know? "Because he told his emmissary." And how do you know that the emmissary didn't just make it up? "Because he said God told him." Which one?
  17. Atheists don't seek to trample on anyone's rights but just like in religions there's atheists who are also dicks and their actions shouldn't be taken as an example of all atheists. For example I don't think that just because a huge number of Catholic priests are fucked in the head and like to abuse kids that all Catholics are that way. If you want to pray, you go ahead and pray but surely you see there is a difference between tolerating your right to do whateverthehell you want, praying or otherwise, and allowing government employees to dictate the law based on their own personal beliefs or taking a stand against those schools that want to teach that creationism shite instead of the actual scientific theory of evolution. To take it to lesser extremes, "In God We Trust" on your money goes against the First Ammendment, unless by God it means every god of all the faiths practiced in the US, which of course it doesn't, it means one sepcific God. The US was not founded on Christian principles, where did you get that from? It was founded by men of principle who although baptised Christian were anything but religious. The US consitution was the product of the thoughts of some of the best men of the age of enlightenment. The knew their history very well and saw the divisive role that religion had had in Europe and wanted to set up a republic free from those shackles. Indeed the Treaty of Tripoli explicitly states that the United States was "not in any sense founded on the Christian religion." Maybe one of the founding fathers was a practicing Christian, John Jay - nope, me neither. Maybe you mean the Pilgrim fathers gave America its Christian roots - but you do understand how fucked and horrible those guys were right? I'll leave you with a quote from John Adams: "The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."
  18. Bowie, Glastonbury 2000. I've been to a ton of gigs since but that still ranks as my favourite. RIP a magnificent genius,
  19. Typical Ozi response when the penny that he's been given by the people who control his thoughts finally drops. Tune in next week folks when the discussion will be, "And Another Thing About How The Refugees Are Ruining Australia, Chapter 89"
  20. That's a lot of words describing how shit your successive governments have been with their history of poor decision making yet making hay whilst the sun shines with a bit about refugees tacked on to the end. I suggest we leave the negligable effect of refugees out of any future discussion as I'm sure that, as the above indicates, you understand that refugees aren't the problem - it has always been the people you choose to govern yourselves.
  21. Another quick google about it on your behalf shows that the Aussie gov is running a deficit of 37 billion but a government minister blamed it on the increased refugee commitments. Yet, as stated by yourself and confirmed in this article, the refugee commitments come to 900 million, so what are they doing with the other 36.1 billion? The truth of the matter is that all governments nowadays run a deficit because the money they invest generally goes out of the public purse into shareholders bank accounts - instead of being reinvested into the economy. 900 million from 37 billion in no way justifies the cuts you have described yet as the MP in the articles states, it's the refugees fault?!! There's no hard maths in the above is there, it's a simple case of you looking at what you have said, which is confirmed by the article and deciding for yourself whether: 1) The figures stated don't logically mean that anything should be cut. Why should the addition of 900 million to a deficit of 36 billion mean cuts to so many neccessary things? 2) Oh, hang on, the MP says it's the refugees. I believe him. or 3) Tell me I don't know what I'm talking about when all I've done here is corroborate what you've stated, then asked you a question about it, and even given you two possible answers! Three possible answers now, obviously, I wonder which door you'll take. edit, forgot the link http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-15/steph/7030866
  22. You still haven't explained why a bill that is a tiny percentage of Australia's GDP means that cuts to other services need to be made. It's quite easy to tell people that they haven't got a clue what they are talking about in an effort to avoid repeated questioning. Where does the money come from and why is Australia in such dire straights that a 1 billion spend means cuts to education, infrastucture and all the rest across the whole country? Show us that you actually know what you are talking about by answering that, instead of just parroting the government line.
  23. Allow me to ignorantly highlight the fact that countries such as Turkey have 4 million refugees. Turkey's GDP is 822 billion (USD) or 10,000 per person. Australia's GDP is 1.5 trillion, or 67,000 per person. Your government has told you that taking in 12,000 refugees - along with the abhorent process of selecting "good" refugees with its implication that "undesirable applicants" will most likely live out the rest of their days in those disgusting offshore detention centres that are at best little more than concentration camps and are an affront to civilised society - will mean cuts to service, utilities and infrastructure and you lap it up and recycle the party line. It doesn't suprise me in the least that you make no mention of my point about who runs these detention centres - a quick check shows that they are run by Serco, a private company and were formerly run by G4S, another private company. This article states that this contract is worth 950 - 1.4 billion ASD - that's the total budget you are moaning about being paid to one private company. Now, I can't be fucked to do your research for you but I'll leave you with this; The former company that had this contract, G4S, is notorious in the UK for scandals, over-charging and unprofessional work. For years there has been a running battle with our Home Seceratary who has been outsourcing roles and jobs to this company that normally fell under the control of the state funded police or prison services. E.g prisoner detention, transportation, public events security, the list goes on. It turns out that her husband is a major shareholder on the board of G4S and she has been selling bits of the police off to her husband's company - which means that she is basically diverting our tax money into paying her husband's firm to do a job to a lesser standard than the regular national police. It doesn't surprise me in the least that this is what appears to be happening in Australia and if I were you I would check the link between Serco and your politicians. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/dec/10/serco-australian-immigration-detention-centres-contract-christmas-island You question about where we think the money comes from is such an elementary point that maybe we missed it, where do you think the money comes from and why do you accept the bullshit that your government tells you about not having enough of it?
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