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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. That's as maybe my friend, but I don't imagine it will be Paul, all will be revealed in the fullness of time I expect !😉
  2. There is no way this situation is ever going to materialise. Firstly if there was the remotest chance of her getting back together with Paul then LB would be history in a flash, no tears, no emotion, just discard him and confine him to the " used and no longer required " list. There is also in my opinion no way that Paul will come to Prague in the near future, if indeed ever again. He might arrange for the transportation of Eva, if her coming to Prague is indeed factual, and not yet another storyline to keep people viewing. I will be pleased for Leora if Eva does arrive, but nothing is always as it seems in the world of Leora, so I would not be surprised if she didn't arrive. But that's only my opinion, I have been wrong many times in my life, and this could well be another occasion....!! 🤔
  3. I believe people mistakenly think that she makes the sheets wet and that her juices flow, when in reality it is little more than excess lube being deposited on the sheet and making it wet.....80% imagination and wishful thinking and 20% fact ! She never used lube in the old days, a little saliva, and sometimes a small amount of lube on the dildo was sufficient to aid penetration. 🙄
  4. When it took her anything between 45-60 minutes to get her panties wet so we could see her excitement. When she set the standard for others to try and emulate...Never resting on her laurels, she really earned her accolades in those days.🙄
  5. According to some people she laughs every time she goes to the bank to check her account ! 😉
  6. Saturday and Sunday were a reasonable start to the New Year and appreciated, nothing spectacular but better than average and not rushed as off late.😁
  7. I can't disagree with anyone's comments regarding Eva making Leora happier, who wouldn't want to see that. Will be interesting to see what happens once the novelty of having Eva back wears off, I would not like to see the mutt neglected and being left alone in the apartment for hours on end. Leora has a track record of becoming bored very quickly, hopefully that won't apply in Eva's case.
  8. My comments were not directed toward you, unless of course you are of the same opinion regarding people who are not " Leora worshippers" as the person who composed and posted the final paragraph in the previous comment I responded to. Eva!! Although a pain in the arse with its constant yapping made Leora happy, ( who wouldn't agree with that remark and wish it to be so ) and as I have stated before is not responsible for it's behaviour if it has never been taught otherwise, and yes there are times when she herself was very amusing. Had the composer of the post have left it at that, instead of as always trying to score a cheap shot with his usual snide remarks then I would have had no reason to respond, in fact I would no doubt have completely agreed with him. But the poor chap can't resist "stirring the pot ", and still hasn't learned that he is yet to better anyone in a dispute in which honest facts are relevant, as opposed to the embellished waffle that he tries to create as fact and pass of as words of wisdom and significance.
  9. You are such a laughably pathetic and pitiful old man sometimes Slug, living in your little world of make believe and delusions. " Negativity" as you refer to in your normal sly underhanded manner, is to some people no more than honest remarks about your ladies recent lack of interest and enthusiasm....You must lead a very lonely uneventful existence if you honestly believe that she has been " performing " well this past few months...But of course anyone who can't distinguish between Boots and Trainers, or Centigrade and Fahrenheit, or indeed Scutus and Scutum doesn't have much chance of being credible with any form of honest judgement does he? You allow your idolatry toward this woman cloud any reasonable honest judgement, like a lovesick teenager you have lost all sense of reality you poor lonely old soul. How about that for negativity....or honesty ! You find it difficult to accept that it is perfectly possible and acceptable for someone like myself to actually like Leora in general, but able to criticise her commitment and disinterest at times, I believe its referred to as having " an open mind " and telling it as is in my opinion. 😁 The only thing you have got right is regarding " laughter being the best medicine " I haven't stopped laughing at your remark , in fact I'm practically overdosing on your form of medication...Keep it up please !
  10. Rather a stretch of anyone's imagination to picture Paul being on "ACTIVE" duty, or active at anything apart from nasal excavation.
  11. Whatever bullshit you want to come up with mate, if you're a freeloader then good luck to you! Did I also imagine that you have been a critic yourself in the past ? 😉
  12. It's only money already spent, and if you really had your brain working properly oh deranged one, you would realise that memberships run their course, and although a member wishes to not renew thier membership that said membership does not finish with immediate effect, but when the duration of that membership ends. What puzzles me is if as you maintain you don't watch Leora, then how can you critique my comments? As without watching her you are unable to ascertain whether my comments are justified or not are you ? Or are you just trying to ingratiate yourself with certain groups of people.😇including Leora perhaps. Remember! You were also a critic of hers at one time if my memory serves me correctly....and it does! If you need some clarity or you are finding it hard to comprehend membership terminations, send a PM to Patou or Newark52 and they may be able to enlighten you. I am quite willing to accommodate you and your rantings, but we are encroaching on a forum topic which is not particularly relevant to our dispute, and people will start complaining. Feel free to take it to Rants and Flames if you wish, and I might join you when the pain in my side from laughing eventually subsides. Keep taking the medication mate! 🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣
  13. Here's hoping you get what you wish for in the New Year....Surgery to remedy your personality and humour bypass disorder. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Keep it coming Nich, I can always take it from anyone, I enjoy it immensely and you amuse me. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. You really do seem to get confused Nich......Read what you originally posted and then tell me honestly that you have not only changed and elaborated your original comment, but that you are also in denial... Make no bones about it she would also no doubt be laughing as most people do at your comments. But hey! I'm not going to get into one of your childish bouts of verbal meanderings you employ with the likes of ddhm, I will leave you to satisfy yourself by dwelling in your own little world. I proved my point! By the way !! Happy New Year !
  15. Nice one Ash ! How you doing girl? Happy New Year to you and keep on squirming 😊
  16. And most of yours and MasterChef's too I would imagine ! 😉
  17. That my friend is the most heinous of crimes in their book. They are the topics Taliban !
  18. Don't doubt it Max, but she was never really comfortable with it IMHO.
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