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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. I know that nappy rash can be uncomfortable sometimes little fellow, but be a brave little soldier, and don't forget that when you grow up a little more you can be just like other window lickers ..Someone somewhere loves you, we just have to find out who and why..
  2. Don't worry little fellow, you can always open your own " Kiddies Corner" on the forum if you wish. Meanwhile I am going out to choose the new car that RLC have kindly bought for me😹 with subscibers donations....Toodles!! Play nice with the other kids now...and don't forget to put your hand up if you need to pee.
  3. Precisely my point....Calling Leora a whore or prostitute is not respectful..... In reality Leora is more than capable of " holding her own " in any argument with anyone, and in days gone by when she used to visit the forum she did just that, but is now not allowed to by RLC, therefore it's not surprising that some people will "defend" her position. Similarly the rules clearly stated that comments,supposition,innuendo and conspiracies should be confined to what occurs within the apartment...not outside the apartment. As far as I'm concerned what happens outside the apartment is the tenants business...We don't pay for the privilege of knowing or commenting on it. I will not comment anymore on this subject.
  4. Residents also!!.....Of course the situation is fluid so could alter at any time...The problem with entering countries now as I have recently experienced is that many of them demand a negative PCR Covid 19 tests provided within seven day ( sometimes less ) and want to know what countries you have travelled to within the past 14 days...So trying to enter via another country could prove difficult...especially for someone like Malia who took months to have the confidence to venture out alone in Prague, and still needs Leora to understand the language most of the time. Russia bans the entry of foreign nationals, except diplomats, aeroplane crew members, residents or transit passengers. As stated, the situation is fluid so might be different now..
  5. I believe Russia still has a ban on Foreign nationals, airplane crews, residents or transit passengers....all apart from diplomats...
  6. Not to me, and not recently on this particular forum to my knowledge, but I could of course be wrong.
  7. Oh! I am well aware of Harleys past form, having had a couple of confrontations with him myself a few years back, but I am a great believer in letting the past stay in the past. I never stated that you said you were perfect, what I said was that "Leora was far from perfect and then again neither are you, moose, myself and Pepe.." Not an accusation of you being perfect at all....As you say." just a general statement " Personally, as mentioned a few posts earlier, I think this topic is now exhausted.
  8. Whilst you are doing your fair bit of finger pointing and carrying out personal attacks on Harley, you might spare a few minutes to go back on the forum, and perhaps you will discover that not everyone you accuse of worshipping Leora is a factual statement.... I have been more than outspoken in my criticism of both Leora and the dynamics of the apartment in the past, and I certainly have never condemned the Barca apartments, mainly because I have never watched them..But my opinion as is my entitlement altered perhaps three months ago, and I freely admit to liking her and appreciating what she is capable of doing...Mainly because in my opinion because of the virus situation and the fact Malia is possibly in Prague longer than was planned it has been difficult for Leora to have the total freedom she once enjoyed to fully express herself. No she is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but then again neither are you, moose54, or myself and Pepe...Different strokes for different folks!!
  9. That is precisely what I have just mentioned about people must be allowed to express an opinion, as long as they are not against people answering it. Your opinion if honest is as valid as anyone’s, as long as your opinion and your dissatisfaction at the way Leora is currently “performing” doesn’t influence how you carry out your moderator duties.
  10. I agree with your sentiments regarding personal information of tenants, and also regarding speculation WITHIN the apartment, but in my opinion, restrictions should be placed on what can be said regarding outside the apartment activities of tenants, unless it can be substantiated, with common sense taking the lead, meaning that Pulos contributions are acceptable as are any other similar harmless remarks. Peoples opinions are what makes a forum thrive but thought should be given to the project participants feelings also, they are not objects to be abused in any way. There’s no problem with someone forming the opinion that Leora is a “ Cam Girl “ or a “ Sex Worker “ if this is the only way he/she can express his/her opinion and it is open to interpretation and argument from anyone who wants to take up the challenge....But calling Leora or any of the girls “Whores” or “Prostitutes” should be forcibly discouraged . People’s opinions regarding the activity or lack of within the apartment are just personal opinions and are open to argument from other members,always bearing in mind that it’s no use complaining if Leora or anyone else takes umbrage at the remark and ceases activities completely for a few days in protest.🙀 We on the forum are fortunate to have the means to answer back if we find a comment is not to our liking...The tenants don’t have this privilege. Finally, If I use Leora as an example....I am puzzled as to how a woman who has in the past and presently given so much pleasure to so many people be the subject of so much abuse and lack of understanding and compassion?
  11. I have also been reading over the years speculation, and generally take most of it with “ a pinch of salt “ But where we disagree is that I feel it unbecoming unless substantiated that members can have carte blanch on what is speculated about outside the apartment. Yes! Is fine when Pulo says they have gone shopping, or gone to have eyebrows plucked or even that she might have a boyfriend ...but for someone through sexual frustration at no being able to see Leora in the apartment states that she is whoring herself in Prague goes beyond reasonable...Why? You may ask.....Because Leora or any other tenant cannot defend herself against these allegations..and perhaps they read what is written, or don’t their feelings matter? You are factual when you say you that people should not take speculation as fact..But the fact is some people do. You and I are not I’m sure going to agree on this matter, and it will become repetitive and boring..so unless you have anything new to add then our exchange is done perhaps? ..
  12. Then perhaps you can answer the question that @moos54 find so difficult.....I have no problem with certain speculation, but where if at all is the “ cut off point “ ? Does it allow a free for all of speculation, with no restrictions on what the girls can be accused of, or are they just “ fair game “ for any remark that a twisted mentality can conjure up.?
  13. Firstly, I don’t personally take anything you say badly, I treat most of your remarks with the disdain they deserve....You point you’re finger at myself and Pepe and make light of our complaints, probably for no other reason than we actually give you something to do to earn the respect a moderator should command. You then try and use a comparison between what Pulo writes and what some others say, when in reality there is no comparison, whilst at the same time avoiding answering the pertinent question posed to you by myself...Don’t presume to lecture us on being selective when you yourself are the master of the art. Pulo is harmless and has never to my knowledge written anything that can be remotely considered vindictive about any of the tenants or other members and much of what he writes could be considered harmless conjecture. I am amazed that you sit on your high horse and can’t differentiate between what he writes and someone stating that a tenant is a prostitute earning spare cash when she leaves the apartment, or is whoring herself in the city as an escort... So I will ask you again....When is your invisible line crossed and some of the comments become libellous and possibly cause concerns to the tenants ? Or could it be that because the tenants earn their money by creating sexual fantasies for us bunch of perverts they are lesser human beings, not deserving of any protection ....That being the case then I am right to treat all your remarks made in your official capacity as nothing more than hot air...And in your official capacity please feel free to treat my remarks as you see fit...They are meant to demonstrate how impotent your are at carrying out your duty... Please take my words as badly as you wish...It matters not one iota to me. Have a nice day.
  14. I think it fair to say that two people don't spend several years together without having deep rooted feelings for one and other, along with possible regrets and emotional upsets. Along with the fact she is now in a vibrant city, totally different in culture and social life than her former home must be likened to a kid being let loose in a toy factory. She is on a voyage of discovery, with no reponsibilities as such, so she is free to go where she wishes and make friends with whoever she likes.....But I would imagine that sometimes she would give up this new found freedom, if she had Paul and Eva back in her life again and in Prague not Krasnoyarsk.......Just my speculation which could be totally wrong. As for Malia, it's my belief that had it not been for the virus she would have been back in Russia long ago. She is an old and trusted friend of many years, people have their own opinions as to whether she has been an asset in the apartment or not. As for individual speculation and peoples interpretations, its worth remembering that unless individuals are fluent in the Russian language there can be huge differences in what each person translates. One missed word or the meaning of one word can alter a complete conversation....And therefor speculations and opinions.
  15. Paul with help from Leora has expanded his business and seems fully committed to making it work, whilst at the same time caring for Eva... Had it not been for the virus and Eva had been fit to travel, then without doubt she would be in the Prague apartment already..
  16. I have already asked the question of Foamy... When does " supposition and speculation " become infringement? "Are you advocating that it's OK to " speculate " that one of the tenants is earning money on the outside by prostituting herself, or it's OK to state that one of the tenants has COVID 19 and is therefore self isolating...When does " speculation and supposition " become libelous in the liberal moderators eyes?" Perhaps you have a yardstick and opinion in YOUR unbiased repertoire that you can enlighten me with?
  17. And naturally the difference between your interpretation and Pepe's or anyone elses come to that matter. You are as guilty as any of us...You put your twopence worth in when it suits, so don't be too judgemental and morally superior.
  18. As a matter of interest Foamy, I also dislike rules and in a civilised society we shouldn't need them, but this forum in the past has shown that we certainly do.. When does " supposition and speculation " become infringement? Are you advocating that it's OK to " speculate " that one of the tenants is earning money on the outside by prostituting herself, or it's OK to state that one of the tenants has COVID 19 and is therefore self isolating...When does " speculation and supposition " become libelous in the liberal moderators eyes?
  19. If you are going to criticise my motives in what I do I would be obliged if you got your facts right...not too difficult as I normally speak openly about my feeling for both tenants and other forum members. You keeping on with your reasoning as to why the girls should leave the project have without doubt become boring and repetitive, rather like Pulo but at least his are light hearted and never spiteful. You seem to think you know me well enough to presume to know why I find your posts monotonous is because I am a “ fan of the girls “ If you bother to go back on some of my posts you will see that statement is untrue...I have made it very clear numerous times that I am not a fan in any way shape or form of Malia..She has done me no wrong she is just not to my taste...but could be no doubt a very nice person and good friend to Leora...But she certainly doesn’t float my boat. Leora on the other hand I have watched for numerous years, and she is as far as I’m concerned far and away the best girl on the project and has given a great deal of pleasure to many people during that time. Because of outside interests it may be perceived that she is not as prolific as she once was, but that is open to interpretation..Yes I do like her and appreciate what she has given over the years...but again if you researched me a little deeper you will also learn that I have been in the past one of her fiercest critics....Something I do to an extent regret because I was too harsh at times when she didn’t deserve it. But all in all, I still maintain that Leora at her worst is still far superior to any other girl at their best in all the other apartments..She is far from perfect, but then who is in life, but her best far outweighs her worst...so that will do me. Likes and dislikes are a subjective matter....I like her, but don’t say it a dozen times a day to try to influence other people...and I will defend her if I think it appropriate, because she’s unable to defend herself against some remarks and lies that are sometimes posted in this forum.. I hope that gives you a better idea about my motives.....What about yours?
  20. Personally I think different peoples opinions on a forum are healthy for the forum, but the same thing time after time gets monotonous and counter productive in some cases. I'm sure Leora by now has got the message and so have RLC, and what precisely have either of them done about it?......That's right!...Absolutely Diddly Squat....And why should they?
  21. Nich! Perhaps the best course of action is yourself and all the others should ignore this topic completely, then he doesn’t have the audience he so badly craves... If as he says he started the topic then leave him to wallow in his own self pity and anger at something he cannot influence... Leave the topic to him, he will soon become bored with reading and answering his own thoughts.. Just a thought !
  22. One day when you have a more lucid moment perhaps you could tell us exactly why you bother to frequent this forum?...You must have been a good boy today, as the nurses have allowed you to stay up later before they administer your medication......Hang on in there little fellow, science can do wonderful things, and one day perhaps they will find a cure for what ails your troubled mind...
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