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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 5 minutes ago, yelt said:


    I agree; I would hope there was a lesson learned here. Unfortunately, similar to those with addictions some lessons are hard to learn, and no single treatment may be appropriate for everyone.  

    I was hoping we would see some changes in Martina with the late night to next day partying every weekend. Although, from the forum she may not have partied much this weekend. Perhaps exchange the weekend partying for the 2- or 3-times mini daytime visits?

    Miss Martina is an independent female and as she has mentioned before “no one can tell her what to do”. In my opinion..She is already seeing Nelly or another Michael?  As I have heard not from this forum but another source, Martina is engaged in some serious texting and quiet conversations away from Alberto. 

    As a side note, I would guess Martina's priorities to be school (for now), friends, sex, family then Alberto and the dogs, in that order. 


    In my opinion (and I stress my opinion) Martina's priorities are school with some help from Alberto, Alberto and the dogs, sex with Alberto, family, friends, in that order.  Nelly is gone and Michael is a sad false story.  Serious texting and quiet conversations could be anyone.  

  2. 1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

    Maybe where you live things are different but here in Canada being dictated too by Government does not fly well with the citizens and will be met with resistance. They've had 2 years to sort all this shit out and they are no better off today than when it all began.

    Do you really think that it's the government's fault?  80% of all Canadians have received 2 doses and 85% have received 1 dose.  Of the people getting sick 75% have not been vaccinated and 25% vaccinated.  Look at the rest of the world.  Nobody is successful at stopping Covid.  Always blame it on the government.  That's the political thing to do.  Get your vaccine, that's the reponsible Canadian thing to do.  Protect yourself and protect your family and protect the people that are around you.  The vaccine saves lives.  It does not cause problems the way that the conspiracy theorists tell you.  Most of their information is false news.  Take care of yourself.  Be safe.  PS I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    sorry to say that but it is a bit srange what you said. It is still a minority of people who blocks the whole society by not being vacinated or breaking rules which should help to stop infections. Lockdown for sure has worked and has reduced the number of people in the hospital but it is not popular and costly . After two years of pandemic we have seen how people deal with self-responsibility and how stupid some are. So a push by government might be necessary.  Taking money from ones bank account by government as punishment will only be done if you break the law. How immun system is dealing with virus can be seen in the statistics..sarcastic talked, the few million dead are not noticeable in the world population.

    Sorry to say but the problem with your thinking is how many people would have died if no one had been vaccinated.  That is the question and it will now never be answered.  But it is my belief based on the facts after so many people have been vaccinated and that the rate of deaths has dropped dramically that being vaccinated has worked.  In addition the people who have contracted Covid also have many after-affects.  The results of not taking the vaccine are much more severe than taking the vaccine.  Now you may say that we will never know the absolute results but past pandemics should be able to give us some guidance.  It is difficult for me to believe the vaccer critics when they seem so politically motivated.  I have said this before, but the good of the whole is more important than the good of the one.  Each individual must be concerned about the prople around them (especialy their own family) and try to protect themselves with the vaccine.  The only other option is self-isolation and that has proven to be impossible.  People do not self-isolate.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Thanks, Deepdave, I saw the post about the Big guys visit and ask a couple of questions. When it comes to Martina, is it not allowed to ask questions? The questions were not derogatory. I don't have live view so I ask a related question based on the post. Is this no longer a forum? I am not worried about the Big Guy, don’t know why I would. Even if you were her brother or a relative, I am not sure of your immediate attack and inference made? Even so, I understand he is a longtime friend and sometimes spends time with her and it also seems she may confide in him.  

    While my person life is none of your concern, I have a short list of friends (very good friends, doctors as a matter of fact) of the opposite sex that I have never had intercourse. When in the states, I lived with my girlfriend, but I would never think of inviting a girl friend to the home which I am living with another girlfriend. If she came over to see us both that would be different.  I have too much respect for my girlfriends (any of them) to do such a thing; besides I would think most American women may not allow that to occur without some repercussion or legal cause.  

    Based on your response, I am thinking you live with the opposite sex, and bring your girlfriend(s) to spend time with you and your live-in girlfriend all the time with no issues. If that is the case, I admire you for that!   I do understand people are different!

    You have explained yourself well but my initial impression was different.  Your comment implied that there might be more between Martina and the Big Guy and what did Alberto think?  What I saw was a normal friendship with Alberto being fully aware. Nothing to worry about. Your worry is unfounded and unnecessary.

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  5. 26 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Does anyone know if Martina brought the big guy home with her or did he come over alone?  It sounds like they left together. How was Alberto's demeanor? Anyone know? Is she visiting the big guy again tonight or studying? Thanks

    The Big Guy came to visit yesterday for a short period but Martina came back early and gave Alberto a big kiss and then went to bed at about 23:00.   Today it looks like they are taking the dogs out for a walk and she was studying all afternoon.  Yelt, why are you so worried about the Big Guy?  He is a good friend of hers.  It does not mean she is fucking him.  Don't you have any "friends" of the opposite sex that you don't have sex with?  I know it's hard to believe but most of us have friends that we don't have sex with (whether male or female).

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  6. 22 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    I found it funny because of your dying love for this "CAM" pair.  It all comes down to you knowing nothing about what either one of them do when they are outside the apartment regardless of what a translator has mentioned.  I find it very odd that Martina spends overnighters with her "friends" when everyone knows how promiscuous she is.  I would probably not say a word about it but she damn near does it every weekend from what I read about it.  If her and Alberto were so much in love, don't you think she would stay home with Alberto on most weekends?  I could see her going out and having an overnighter once every other month but not the way she does them now.  You are too naive to believe she's out at a friends house having drinks and smoking like a chimney!!

    P.S.  I also find it funny that you pay so much attention to emoji's that people give you for one of your post!!

    I do have a dying love for this "CAM" pair.  They are the most realistic and fun couple on RLC and I enjoy watching them love their faqmily together and improve their lives daily.

    People who live together often have friends away from their partners. It's not unusual.  You have not been watching RLC as much lately or you would know that Martina has prioritized school and is going out far less.

    I have never liked when someone has called me "naive".  It makes me wonder if that person understands the meaning of "naive". 

    I enjoy receiving emojis .  When I get a reaction from a CC reader it makes me feel that my post has affected their life enough to get an emoji reaction.(whether a like or a dislike, it's always appreciated).  

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  7. 8 hours ago, Deepdave said:

    God, Martina and Alberto know what she is doing.  Martina and Alberto trust each other and tell each other what is going on.  You are insinuating that Martina is promiscuous when she goes out.  Eliminate the Nelly affair which was known to the world and all you have is off cam speculation and babble.  I know you are having fun, but is it fun? 

    I find it strange that HarleyFatboy finds my comment funny and Jman finds my comment sad.  If you would be so kind to explain your repsonses.

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  8. 1 minute ago, girlsfun said:

    it reminds me of the 60s when the man of the house 'went out' and the housewife was waiting for him ...God know what the man were doing....so in 2021.....Now it Martina time 'went out', God know what Martina is doing.... 

    God, Martina and Alberto know what she is doing.  Martina and Alberto trust each other and tell each other what is going on.  You are insinuating that Martina is promiscuous when she goes out.  Eliminate the Nelly affair which was known to the world and all you have is off cam speculation and babble.  I know you are having fun, but is it fun? 

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  9. 30 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Yes, the post is old news, but it happened. But let’s just comfortably dismiss it because it should be forgotten and holds no weight in the purpose of me being accused of shaming Martina.  

    And yes, there are no guarantees for most circumstances, situations.  As I mentioned, it is by our own actions, we experience many difficulties and problems. When others are experiencing levels of difficulty, no problem.

    While I have not heard it in a while, and is also old news as well, and you would most likely contest, someone mentioned Martina is bi-sexual. She has desires as do we all but no matter how much effort is made, she may not feel as though those desires have been satisfied.  What happens then?  

    Bisexuality is not a bad thing if handled with dignity and you are not disrespectful to those who have great concern for your well-being. I am speaking of the one person who she was miserable too. Sorry, guess I mentioned again old news.  Until that time comes when she reverts back and steps on anyone in her way, she remains in your mind and others, perfect.  

    And perhaps even if or when the time comes, she founds another girl mate that suits her I hope the personality traits and actions of the past do not reoccur, but even so, she will remain perfect for you not accountable and can do no wrong. Right!

    I do agree that continued conversation and honesty will make for a solid relationship. I also believe that engaging in the correct actions with each other is necessary to maintain their future and depends on the correct understanding of those actions and their effects. 

    All in All, I wish for them the best, that she cares for him as he does for her and grow together!!!  Our conversations seem to be one of mutual respect and hope you don't take me to seriously. Do you think Martina is aware of Alberto's migraines? 

    Martina is aware of Alberto's migraines. They normally do not last long so this is good.  (I just saw Emnv’s post which confirms my comment).

    Martina is definitely bi-sexual.  But this does not mean that she is promiscuous.  Her affair with Nelly was with the knowledge of Alberto.  I do not believe that Alberto was happy with her affair but the affair served many purposes.  Martina's popularity on RLV skyrocketed.  Her affair was hot and well watched.  But it was not done in secret.  It was done in front of the world.  That is a special point.  There was more to this than love.  But strangely, Bogdan could not accept the affair.  Perhaps he saw that Nelly could not handle it either.  Nelly's drug and alcohol abuse made it imperative that Nelly and Martina discontinue their affair.  And more importantly Martina saw the harm for both Nelly and Bogdan.  End of relationship.  And Alberto was there throughout.  He was always there when she came home.  It always took him a couple of days to get use to Martina's bi-sexuality but he knew that he was the only guy for her.  That was enough to keep their relationship strong.  He helps her in every way that he can.  He makes sure that she eats well, sleeps well, studies hard, does not get concerned when she goes out with friends, ensures that the household duties are taken care of, walks the dogs, walks the dogs with her when she wants and makes love to her.   I hope they continue to stay strong with their relationship.


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  10. 1 hour ago, yelt said:

    Yes. Yes, I suppose you might be right. Not to demean, you said that not me.  Forgive me you are her knight.  I don't currently have a subscription but can only read into what is being written here. Thanks for the information on the sister.  

    I do know when Martina and Nelly were an item, Martina's personality was different than it is today because she does not have the time. You fail to look back or think beyond how badly Alberto was being treated by Martina although she was still fucking him on camera for the money. 

    Also, how demeaning she was towards him because he did not have a job, calling him a Ne Ne as it were and talking about her Michael and their relationship. How Nelly was the best and made her cum over and over.  Could the treatment Alberto received from Martina during this time be the reason he would dump in her and leave or was that the actor in him?

    How would you feel if your girlfriend or wife had many more boyfriends, and barely a girlfriend, spent the weekend nights partying with them and talking to them during the week?  You think Alberto doesn’t think about that? 

    It is by our own actions we experience many difficulties and problems. “Some people are very beautiful, while others are very ugly. Some people have a happy disposition that is easily pleased, while others have a sour disposition and are rarely delighted by anything”. 

    Alberto is a good man who knows himself. I cannot and still do not understand the whole job thing with Alberto. However, in the states and here in Japan, there are many men, whom I know are stay at home husbands. But I didn’t think Catalan culture advocated this type of behavior from men. 

    It is difficult for me to understand how one could have been so cold to someone you say are supposedly in love.   

    I hope school, and the past experiences are helping her to mature emotionally and personally, but time will tell if they are on camera for us to see. 

    The major context of your post is old news.  Couples go through periods in their lives when events force them to do things that they try and then improve their relationship because of these events.  Martina had an affair with Nelly.  This is indisputable.  The affair ran its course and has ended.  Martina had enjoyed it and then did not enjoy it any further for many reasons.  She matured and her love for Alberto got stronger.  She has been with Alberto for many years.  I hope it continues to work but there are no guarantees.  I still see a mutually loving relationship.  There is a long way to go in life and every normal couple goes through it.  Certain things become more important (like education and what you are going to enjoy doing for the rest of life together) and other things become less important (like having sex that an audience can enjoy watching).  This kind of sex is very difficult to maintain.  Martina and Alberto enjoy sex with each other.  It does not have to be a contest.

    Martina and Alberto have always maintained that they are honest with each other and us.  It’s when you lie or hide things that relationships falter and die.  They talk a lot and I believe that this is the mainstay of their relationship.  They get mad at each other and then they talk and make up or they wake up the next morning and know that they still love each other.  Happy life.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Maybe at Nelly's down the street! If this is her mother, she knows Nelly well. 


    You don't ever give up.  Your only purpose in life is to demean Martina.  In your mind it is not possible for Martina to be faithful to Alberto.

    Martina does have a sister with a 5 year old daughter.  Many of the conversations that you listen but don’t understand are with her sister, her daughter and her mother.

    There is no doubt that Martina is dedicated to her education.  It is more than a year that she has studied to get into these courses and then she has shown that she works long and hard hours to do well.  She does not have time to have all of these extra-curricular sexual affairs that you claim she is involved with.  She truly enjoys these courses and whenever and whereever possible Alberto is supporting her.  She appreciates his help.  They know together that this goal is very important to her.

    Everything else that comes out of your mouth is my favourite word “speculation”.  You know what speculation is worth.  Nothing.  Good luck on your imagination.  You should work on an imaginary life for yourself and try to make it real.  

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  12. 5 hours ago, girlsfun said:

    one thing for sure: Weekend (day and NIGHT) is coming, Martina will release some tension with Alberto and other in different "form" and I'm happy with that. Let go Martina, it time to release these important tensions after so much school stuff.

    Tonight Martina's tension will be released with the enjoyment of Taco’s new daughter, Cala, coming home and the arrival of Martina's brother to take Cala home to her mother.

  13. 6 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    Oh didn't mean the two with The rest was mostly just the usual, really embarrassing. Sorry for that.  I said that most of the posts today were rather embarrassing.😉

    It seems that some people can’t understand what friendship is.  Friendship can be touching and special looks because you can admire that person and enjoy conversation with them.  But it does not mean you are having sex with them at the same time.  Sex is not a requirement of great friendship.  Those that think Martina’s has sex with everyone she meets should get their head out of the gutter.  Look at your own lives.  Do you fuck everyone you meet and touch? 

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  14. 22 minutes ago, girlsfun said:

    This is a fun forum.. right? yes no doubt . The best thing is the mix from the translator with speculations base on fun..well the ways I see it . Thank ! 

    I think we should take most of our negative speculation and use it to throw wildly outlandish scenarios about the threesome going on between yelt, girlsfun and philo.

    Any positive speculations such as how hard Martina is studying and her devotion to her schooling and Alberto's (and of course the dogs) support to Martina can be encouraged so that Martina knows that we from the forum also support her.   

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  15. 8 hours ago, yelt said:


    Thank you Yelt.  I see that either you deleted your comment or someone deleted for you.  I had a whole response ready for you but now that its gone - no need.   Martina and Alberto are good people and trying to make themselves better together.  I will always continue to encourage them.  Keep walking the dogs together!!

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  16. 58 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

    1528 Martina stands up from the couch and removes her panties and puts the shorts back on. Nice!!  Easy to lick that pussy now.

    I don't know why this discussion is under "Hooker Suit".  I think this category started when Martina went home for her brother's birthday party and there was a costume party and Martina wore Alberto's suit to look like a "mafioso".  This should end any further posting to this topic.

  17. 2 hours ago, yelt said:

    On another note and just a thought: The biggest problem for Martina might be that Alberto has chosen not to get vaccinated.  First the dogs, now the vaccination.  It will limit any to all opportunities, as he has also chosen not to get vaccinated for his girlfriend. Or is she his girlfriend? Or he her boyfriend? I never seen flowers, candy, cards or a romantic dinner. Just fucking!  I also don't believe anyone knows Martina but Martina, even Alberto does not know her as well as he may think. If one thinks about it, how long would someone like Martina continue to go out all night most weekends with her friends without her boyfriend (?) and not be tempted to try another penis. We know she will jump on pussy straight away if the moment presents itself. What would you do?  I would not even be surprised if Martina starts a sexual relationship (if not already) with the big guy (the one Jen calls Martina's Fat friend). How about an upcoming planned trip with taco and the big guy, if he can escape work.  I know some will strike back about the sexual comments but theres no proof it isn't happening and no proof that it is.  


    Why do you wish so hard that Martina is unfaithful to Alberto?  A discussion on facetime with a very good male friend in front of Alberto should raise absolutely no suspicions.  Yet there are comments that make Martina unable to be trusted and a person who cannot be faithful to her loyal partner.  Your fantasies can only be hurtful to Martina.  Why do people persist?  The only answer that I can come up with is that you are jealous of Martina and your fantasies need Martina to have the potential to have an evil side. 

    Martina is a motivated person who understands the comfort of having a family to support and encourage her.  It would be easy for Martina to give up and go back to her past life,  but she enjoys what she is doing.  In fact she understands the importance of doing well in her school and is working extra hard and leaving nothing to chance.   She will see her friends  (you describe this as partying) when she feels she is not jeopardizing her future.

    Martina seems happy with Alberto and Alberto seems happy with Martina.  Let them be happy together now, and in the future.  

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  18. 47 minutes ago, girlsfun said:

    There's something bothering Martina, she has her 'stone face' tonight.

    Any guest ? school ? Nelly, Michael (well...everything is possible and i like to write 'Nelly' or 'Michael' for fun once from time to time, you know me ) ? 


    She has exams next week and as Martina has a perfectionist personality, she is worried about them.. 

    She will worry.  She will work hard.  And she will do well on the exams. Everyone should wish her well on these exams.

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  19. 41 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

    Most of the guys on this forum don't know shit about pleasing a woman. He says a nice long session... I recorded it and it was no more than 10 minutes. It started in the LR and moved to the BR.

    DDHM says it was a great long session.  Army Sniper says it lasted 2 minutes and 17 seconds.  You say it lasted not more than 10 minutes.  I think if you add all of these together, they did it 3 times and it sounds impressive to me.

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