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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 7 minutes ago, emnv said:

    The friendship between Nelly and Martina is over, at least for the moment. After the great fight dowstairs her apartment on September 24th, Martina's concept of Nelly is really bad, and it seems that they haven't had contact again. The only reference to Nelly that I've heard from Martina is that she doesn't miss her. Nelly has gone downhill even faster since then.

    That same day, but for another reason, she also cut off her relationship with her young classmate, the one who visited her frequently.

    Congratulations Martina.  Your school and your support team, Alberto, Taco and Black are much more important than Nelly and the school friend.  Martina tried to help them both but they both self-destructed.  Life goes on. 

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  2. My opinion of Martina and Alberto's relationship is that it is a normal loving one.  They have different interests which for every married/common law couple is healthy and not unusual.  The most important parts to a loving relationship is, of course, sex which they seem to enjoy and the ability to communicate with each other and trust each other.  Without a doubt this is the case.  The problem is that some forum contributors assume is that Martina is having sex with everyone she meets off-cam.  I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT.  She is having fun singing and dancing and talking and drinking with male and female friends that she probably has met through school and her previous employment. 

    Regarding her trip to her brother's birthday party I believe that the reasons are twofold.  One is the dogs and the other is (I think) that  Alberto is still not vaccinated.  That may prohibit him from travelling by bus, train or plane.  When they went on holiday together previously for a week, they rented or borrowed a car and took the dogs.  So it can be done but needs a longer period of holiday to work well. 

    Finally I have heard and I quote "Martina considers her friendship with Nelly broken".  They may be communicating but you can see by Nelly's continuing to drink that Martina is not changing her mind.  She is also too busy with school to give her any time.  As I have said before, Martina's most important priority is school and then Alberto, Taco, Black and her family. 


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  3. 8 minutes ago, girlsfun said:

    Wow ! I like your scenario. I think exactly like you. Love you ! I think there are not so wild and crazy speculation. Let see witch one will happen.

    And me, I had this crazy one: Martina returns and tell Alberto that she need a few hours with Michael in the bedroom and she will try not to make too much noise.  

    Sorry there is the most likely scenario and none of the above happens.  She returns and is incredibly happy to see her family, Alberto, Taco, Black and the fish.  She hugs each of them and then she spends all the time before bed telling Alberto about everything that happened and how she enjoyed seeing her family and attending her brother's birthday party.  This is the boring option but is the most realistic.

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  4. 1 hour ago, yelt said:

    To Deepdave and Emnv
    Thank you for responding.  I just asked "Does anyone know if Martina left to go to her brothers b-day party? Did Nelly meet her to go as well?"
    I did not intend to be insulted. I understand your desire to protect Martina but please be careful..not to bully. You do not know me and nor I you. I have merely asked a couple of questions. I also understood in the context of the statement regarding Martina and Alberto, Omedo said, “Only Martina travels”. The question to Omedo was “Does it mean that Martina will travel alone, and Alberto will not join?” The response did not address Nelly nor was their reference to Martina traveling alone. It was “Only Martina travel”. And unless that what code for Nelly will not be joining or Martina will be traveling alone without anyone else. I guess I miss interpret the response.  

    Sorry Yelt.  It is your past post history concerning Alberto and Martina that puts US on the defensive.  Don't be insulted or bullied!!

  5. 59 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Does anyone know if Martina left to go to her brothers b-day party? Did Nelly meet her to go as well? 

    You would think that if Nelly was going with Martina she would not have gotten so completely drunk last night.  She made a fool of herself at Gina's. Martina does not need her as excess baggage.  Also Omeda confirmed that she was travelling alone.   Martina, have a great time and enjoy seeing your family.  Come back safe. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, girlsfun said:

    yes amazing....but if they follow the scenario, they will fuck and Alberto will be happy and Martina will have the green light to go out and comeback after 7:00 am. Like I write earlier, she will go to the special yoga class with the famous yoga teacher Michael ! (the one and only one) 


    No yoga class with Michael tonight, Martina is fast asleep in bed and Alberto is guarding her in the living room. Nelly cannot be on her mind.  Nelly is getting in trouble tonight at Gina's. Martina's best decision was to stay away from Nelly so that Nelly does not distract Martina from her studies.  Martina has been studying very hard and it seems that nothing will stop Martina from achieving her professional goals.  RLC must come second for Martina.  School, Alberto, Taco and Black are first. 

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  7. 44 minutes ago, girlsfun said:

    on the funny side about the virus : If Alberto has only 'physical' contact with Martina but Martina has a lot of 'physical' contact with others, Alberto must follow the 'money'...eu...'the fuck' to know if he is at risk ? So Martina should write a report of all of her physical contact (the detail type of contact and time with the contact) to Alberto and to us also, so we can help too ? So Alberto will know with whom he also has contact with ? 

    So many questions....

    Alberto, we love you too much !

    p.s. With the information of the first report (of many pages ?), let hope that Alberto don't have to call Bogdan and ask about some information of the report ? I bet there will a lot of pages about Michael (to easy not to mention that name here) ? 

    Sorry girlsfun, as long as we are not able to see anything offcam we have to assume that Martina plays safe for Alberto.  Also it is my understanding that Martina tells Alberto about all of her activities and thus her report has been made.  Alberto does not seem too worried and Martina is doing what she thinks is for the betterment of Alberto by getting the vaccine.  At least it protects her and to some degree may protect him although obviously it would be better if he got the vaccine as well.    By the way my contention (in my past posts) has been that Michael is the guy who delivers the Chinese food.  I hope he never has Covid.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

    Think the side effects are usually gone the next day or only very slightly then. The reactions are a sign that the vaccination is working. Everything perfect 👍

    Maybe Alberto will reconsider getting the vaccine.  The side effects are far less a concern than getting Covid.  There are many instances where the good of the whole is more important than the good of the one.  This is one of those cases. 

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  9. 18 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Can Martina answer this question 🤔 


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  10. To all

    I am surprised that there are no comments on Martina and Alberto's torrid lovemaking this evening.  In fact Alberto successfully made her very happy in two sessions.  Too bad for those who prefer to demean this couple.  They truly proved their love tonight.  And then he gave her a good night kiss along with Taco so that she would be ready to get up early for school tomorrow morning.  Sweet dreams Martina and thank you Alberto for comforting her.

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  11. Wow, you people are brutal and with absolutely no evidence. You would accuse your own mother of being a whore if it suited you.  You have no idea what kind of effect these baseless comments have on these good people.

    Alberto and Martina - you must ignore these ignorant comments.  You must get on with your lives and achieve your goals.  These people see only the worst in you.  I see who you are and what goals you are trying to achieve.  You are good people with simple needs. Studying and getting accepted into your preferred courses for school, exercising by biking and weight training, looking after your dogs including breeding one of your dogs, and looking after a very old and precious dog, taking care of a complicated fish tank, talking to your mother and brother almost daily, helping your friends through some very difficult times, not living extravagantly with fancy residences and fancy clothing.  Continual self-improvement by learning languages, reading in your spare time, watching the news and documentaries on television, continually showing your love by small kisses and hugs throughout each day that you are together, enjoying music by singing and dancing together, being tolerant of the others interests and hobbies, understanding that each of you needs your privacy from time to time, trusting each other without fear of cheating, able to talk to each other limitlessly and enjoying talking to each other, ability to have very good friends who you trust and who trust you, ability to get through financial hardships together, share in daily chores of living (cleaning the apartment (especially extra dog hair and dog mistakes), making the bed, washing the laundry, dog walking, cooking).  Martina and Alberto are very active.  They do not sit around all day on the couch as do many of the other participants of RLC. 

    Do not be mean and nasty to Martina and Alberto.  You are jealous of these people.  You have to see the good in them, please.

    Your imaginations have run wild.  Make your stories believable, not unbelievable.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Agreed!!! Gina and Nelly were last seen together. Alberto just took the dogs out. Considering RLC, Friends and Colleagues should always spend time together.  I thought school begins 0921? Guess I was mistaken. Thanks 

    Just to make sure the facts are right, Alberto and Martina just returned from walking the dogs.  Please be sure of your facts before you post.

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  13. 7 minutes ago, girlsfun said:

    What happen when you feel really, really, really good with someone and on top of that, you have great, great, great sex ? You make sure that you will be with that person all the time. We are human and every human will do anything to feel that way and will search for that the strong love feeling between human. The need to be desirable for a woman is very strong since we are young. So put yourself in Martina or Nelly shoes and someone is telling you to stop seeing each other, what will be your thinking (I won't write the answer here...) ? For Martina, Alberto accept that she "need to have multiple strong love feeling with anyone at the same time (sex included)" and  Nelly doesn't have too much friends. So to think that Bogdan can "impose restriction" on them, well, well, well...Bogdan is good to manage the garage or the tent. I'm a woman and when I saw Martina eyes in Nelly eyes in those 'special' videos, I knew there was so much tenderness and care and extraordinary feeling attraction. Base on my experience, almost the same situation happen to me at one time in my life, nobody couldn't stop me to LOVE that other woman, I even lost my boyfriend at that time. Like Alberto, he knew about my other partner love feeling but, like I write before, one day, he ask me "do you want to settle with one lover or manage multiple one , I not here to be the one that serve as anchor to live your wide life"   We all learn.        

    I firmly believe that Martina respects her word that she has promised to Bogdan and despite Nelly held firm to her promise .  I believe that she thinks she can continue to be Nelly's friend without sex.  Martina is a very good person and has many friends that she does not have sex with.  Some people think that sex is the strongest urge.  But I believe that friendship is the urge that lasts the longest and is not in contradiction with the other persons love interests.  

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  14. 1 hour ago, yelt said:

    I apologize but what do you mean by " Always the same arguments..boring"?  I am not sure anyone here can prove that Martina is, had or is not having sex currently with someone outside other than what we see with Alberto and N. 

    Although, we know from what we have seen, Martina has a pretty good appetite for many of those items HFB declares as problems. 

    HFB mentioned how Martina deals with her problems but can anyone prove him wrong? Is what we see habit or practice that degrades her or just plain problems?  There is so much we don't see.  We all have some stresses and debatable life concerns to tackle and she is no different.  Unfortunately, Martina and her private life may be in view of us all through RLC. Therefore, one can only imagine if not speculate with no proof but what is seen on RLC. 

    I am still waiting for school to start; 09-21, right emnv.

    Why would you think that your fantasies are proof of truth unless proven wrong.  That's insane.  That's the same as saying you're guilty unless you can prove you're innocent.  I could say that you are an overweight sexual deviant drug fiend and unless I follow you around all day that's the only way you could prove me wrong. By the way I don't think any of these things but for goodness sake leave Martina alone.  She is acting like a relatively normal young bi-sexual female trying to make a living and at the same time trying to progress in the best way possible by getting a great education.  Watch out world, Martina's going to do just fine and I hope she continues to do so with Alberto.       

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