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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 1 minute ago, Kenpaul said:

    I agree, but she keeps going back to the stick.😁

    Love is not all about sex.  When you make love to someone many times a week not every fuck is an award winner.  Martina is the one who determines whether she is happy with Alberto.  Alberto has his faults but he also has his benefits and Martina must see these good traits or she would not have stayed with him for so long.  We are all jealous of Alberto!!  He is very lucky to be with Martina!! 

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  2. 32 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:


    Emnv is a mate and he's probably laughing his cock off at you now. It was a joke, ffs, hence my sarcastic emoji. The very fact that emnv suggested the other options made that obvious. I know for a fact she was getting a jab...

    Some guys here need to acquire a sense of humour...🙄

    Tbh, Martina would probably find it funny if she read it...So get off your high horse and don't tell me what to do...

    Btw, @omedo made the same joke...

    Sorry, I don't get your sense of humour, mate.  Emnv was upset when this was said due to all of the false rumours being spread about Martina.  Look back at the previous conversation and Emnv was being asked why Martina was up so early.  Others have assumed that she is doing something sneaky and off cam (like A and C).  It turns out she was doing something that was very socially responsible - the vaccine (B).  Well done Martina.

    What does Emnv say about the meaning of the question that was posed?  Was there humour intended? 

  3. 2 minutes ago, ddhothot said:

    Mine was a purely hypothetical set of numbers take from twitter to show you can't use Bob Larmey's figures without more information on percentages of people vaccinated in the hospitalised ages groups, without that you're comparing apples with oranges. 3 weeks ago France was around 75% for 60+ yrs https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-fully-vaccinated-by-age?time=2021-08-13&country=~FRA 

    Currently in UK the vaccines are reducing number of people dying from Covid.


    The UK has a very similar infection rate right now to the one they had at the end of January.
    However, the death rate was more than 10 times higher back then.
    14 day Infection rate (per 100,000)
    Jan 24: 739
    Sep 6: 731
    14 day death rate (per 100,000)
    Jan 24: 25.1
    Sep 6: 2.3




    Now you have put things into perspective and I agree.  Thank you

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  4. 2 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

    It was meant to be funny...That's why I'm here, to have a bit of fun. Try it Dave 😏...

    Also I was taking the piss out of the guys posting all this conspiracy theory bullshit. And If you hadn't realised. @emnv was also taking the piss when he posted the original question...So take a chill pill my friend 😉

    We all understood Emnv sarcasm, but when you answer the quiz with the 2 of the most hated answers then it's not fun, it's hurtful to Martina. Now apologize to Martina & Emnv.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

    the question  is not about the percentage of the population  being in intensive care but the percentage of people in intensive care compared to  the numbers of your beds in hospitals.

    Just watch what's going on in Polynesia and in french caribbeans.  People are treated under tents in the hospital parking lot . If you are fat and over 60 they don't event take   you intensive care anymore because they have to make choice. The hospital is close to crash.

    After 18 months of pandemics and lockdown you still not get it ?

    You are right. The number of intensive care beds is extremely important.  My point was how statistics distorts the facts.  It is important to relate the facts to reality.   

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  6. 6 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Agree with you Dave.  What has been so maddening about the pandemic is the lack of perspective when presenting data and the use of data to scare people.   I am not a denier or someone who believes this is all a hoax.  The virus is real and the pandemic is serious and it is really sad that so many people have died.  But it is very difficult to get realistic reporting on any of this.  For example, a five year old comes down with COVID and is hospitalized and the next thing you see is "COVID cases among those under 8 are up 100%".   A small child dying or being hospitalized for this is tragic.  I get accused of not being compassionate ... but I believe the people who write these headlines are the real evil people (IMHO).

    Not sure the detail's behind Bob Larmey's statistics and would agree that almost half of the hospitalizations being vaccinated is troubling ... but it is quite possible that for a (small) segment of population ... the virus is serious and perhaps deadly NO MATTER what the vaccination status of the patient is.

    Despite all the data and "facts" we have been given ... it's amazing to me how little we truly know about this thing.

    The fact is we need to do everything that is reasonable to stop the virus.  Vaccines and masks are easy fixes.  When you do not take the vaccine and use a mask the more important fact is that you are not only affecting yourself, you are affecting everyone around you.  It does not make sense to not take these easy precautions.  We will beat covid!!

    Well done Martina!!  Now Alberto, go and be a hero, get a vaccine too!!

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  7. 16 minutes ago, bob larmey said:

    en france sur 780 personnes en soin intensif 45.9% sont vaccinés

    This statistic is misleading.  France has a population of 67,000,000.  Therefore the number of people that got vaccinated and are in intensive care is  .000534% of the population.  Not bad.  And further .000628% are not vaccinated.  The percentages are so low mostly because people are mostly vaccinated. 

    Statistics can be misleading unless they are put into perspective.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, emnv said:

    Alberto is anti-vaccine, and since he is not looking for work and does not travel, he won't have the obligation to get it

    Alberto should get the vaccine so he can get work and travel.  And the best reason so he won't get Covid.  In Canada 80% of the people getting covid now are non-vaccinated.  It does not make sense not to get the vaccine. The vaccine is the only way this pandemic will end.  I want life to go back to normal.

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  9. 20 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    I think RLC is so interesting currently that one of the biggest debates seems to be what Martina’s hairstyle represents 😱😱 Pfff , whatever 🤩🥳

    I also think that Alberto should be complimented not only for his cooking skills but also his haircutting skills.  Obviously Martina's haircut is the topic of the day. Alberto should be getting a lot of job offers with the help of RLC.

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  10. 2 hours ago, girlsfun said:

    And don't forget the gentle and super soft touch of Nelly hand and fingers and tongue around the neck of Martina make Martina: " Do what ever you want with me Nelly. I'am yours !"  For me (I'm a women), this erogenous zone make me all "open" to anything and when I look at the way Nelly "touch", I would not resist...Nelly, despite everything, has that feeling touch and smile and soft voice (when making love to Martina) that I must say, it hard to resist. Martina love that touch so much...touch that Alberto do not provide...   

    Your conversation sounds like Nelly and she is trying to upset Martina.  Why would Nelly be doing this to Martina?

  11. 2 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

    05:00    Martina and Marta still out.   Ah- the memories, when I was in my twenties, where I was at 5am in the morning after a night out with friends.  At a coin car wash, spraying the puke off the side of my car! Never fails, either my girlfriend, or my buddy, or his girlfriend would get sick from drinking too much and heave. Bright side....they always managed to get the car window rolled down. 

    One such night, I'm driving everyone home, my buddy's girlfriend hung her head out the window and let go...... along the side of my car. As I pulled up in front of her house, my buddy grabs his girlfriend and gives her a big sloppy / tongue swapping kiss! 

    That was useful

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  12. 2 hours ago, amandafan said:

    Last post about MICHAEL. And do with it what you want.

    I'm not that crazy about keeping track of timelines myself. About 4 to 6 weeks ago it was already dark in the kitchen of B4 Martina and Nelly were talking, Martina talking excitedly about Michael in partly English/Russian. So it can't be hard for the timeline fuckers to look it up. I've also heard her talk to Alberto about Michael before, and also to her friend who sometimes spends the night with them (this one with torn jeans). By the way, who ever started Michael? Then ask this person where he/she got the name Michael from and the mystery is solved. By the way if Martina made fun of the forum members as some claim on cam, then why didn't she do it in English, knowing that most forum members don't understand Spanish. I myself came into contact with the name that apparently had been circulating for a long time, which stimulated my curiosity to follow her conversations. I have nothing against Matina let that be clear, but I am not going to present things any other way than to see and hear them. If someone feels hurt by a report about Martina that he/she heard or saw, then that person should especially consult themselves. Whether there's a Michael or not I don't give a damn Martine is just nice to watch and is currently one of the few that gets my attention. I do not belong to a so-called group, I am independent and a libertine in heart and soul. 

    Next time you hear from Michael, the Chinese food guy,  order me some egg rolls and won ton soup.  I think Martina and Alberto like Chinese food too.

  13. 6 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Not picking on Moos here but I think we have to be skeptical of everything in RLC Nation and I would suggest we never have proof of anything based on this forum.  We are all anonymous here and we could be anyone really.  Also, the cast members know exactly how things work with the cams and the forum and it wouldn't surprise me that they have multiple ways to disguise or avoid disclosing anything they don't want to share with the "customers".   For example, if there truly is a Michael, what better way for Martina to muddy the waters than to joke about the assholes on the forum who believe this nonsense.  The only thing we can trust is what we see and hear with our own eyes and ears.  

    I will stipulate that I have been skeptical of JMAN's claims myself.  I have tried over and over to hear what he hears and I am unable to see and hear the things he sees and hears.  But he brings up a good point here.  Most of us are busy and  we tune in and out and we miss 98% of these people's lives.  I admit that like many of you, I laser focus in on the sex scenes.  But I believe JMAN spends considably more time watching and understanding the nuances of their lives.  I know when I spend the time on a particular scene, I see a lot more than I ever do when flying in and out during the day.  There are others here like John that are able to deep dive into their lives and see things that cause questions, etc.  For example, there is someone here who has focused on Martina's rings.  She rarely wears them but sometimes she does.  Does it mean anything?  So who knows but he has sent me hard visual evidence that Martina has some rings and wears them from time to time.   It takes incredible time to do this level of detective work.  Again, not sure what it means.  And maybe JMAN is just a crank making things up for the hell of it.  We will never know.  But please allow for the fact that some people spend a lot of time here and really dissect everything in search of greater understanding of what we see.  Of course someone will comment about how pathetic this sounds but in reality we all have hobbies and vices and all have reasons for spending the time we do here.  To summarize, it is ok to be skeptical of JMAN and others; however, I am not convinced they should be dismissed.  And I could be wrong too.

    Lastly, I am skeptical of the existance of Michael and some off other JMAN's claims myself; however, there is a lot of behaviors that to me, remain unexplained.  The most common one is Martina's dissapearance at virtually any time of the day or night.  Where does she go and why?  We all see Alberto home alone a lot.  It is easy to assume she is walking the dogs or maybe headed to B4 or to the beach or on the balcony with a cigarette.  If you are like me, and check in and out of RLC all day long, you quickly assume it's one of these benign explanations.  But if you are watching continuously, you start to see things like when she leaves with the dog leashes and when she does not.  And you can start to piece together a more full story.  

    Anyway sorry (again) for a long post.  But I wanted to weigh in on this topic which has been bubbling for quite some time now.



    Hi JenniferMom

    I am sorry for stating the oblivious but Martina has a life beyond her apartment.  She could be doing many activities that you or I do on a daily basis that we take for granted because we do not have to account to anybody for our time when we are not home.  It's the same with this Michael dude.  Why are we so concerned about whether he exists or not.  He could be any person on the street that Martina has met and happens to mention his name.  But the problem is that we are trying to imagine a story that involvers sex for her and really that's not fair to her.  She is already providing a significant amount of intrigue for us and it involves only Alberto and Nelly.  If the forum conversation is there just to aggravate her them it should not happen.  She is a good person and deserves out respect.  We should not be harassing her with all this speculation especially if it seems to hurt her which I feel it does (sometimes).  


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  14. 5 minutes ago, amandafan said:

    You're a denier, even if it was her mailman, he still exists. I never made any further claims, but he exists and is clearly part of her life? 

    I am not a denier.  I have never said he does not exist but not to the importance that you and Jman have made him.  There are many Michael's in Barcelona and the world.

  15. 9 minutes ago, amandafan said:

    I join jman. He certainly exists! I've heard Martina talk about Michael several times. And whoever continues to deny is not serious or honest. 

    Why do you care about Michael.  Michael could be her teacher or he could be a guy at the Chinese take out place or even better he could be the guy that sells them Taco's dog food.  Martina and Alberto would often talk about him.  Are you happy?  I am.  

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